Как уменьшить изображение в индизайне
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Как уменьшить изображение в индизайне

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InDesign resize image

InDesign resize image

In this article, we shall study the various techniques to modify or edit the size of an image in Adobe InDesign. The process of resizing the image size also involves the course of action to resize the frame, image, or both at the same time. Adobe InDesign is widely used by publishers and Graphic designers to create Books, Magazines, Posters, Flyers, and similar artworks. Learning the process of resizing Images in InDesign is an important part of understanding the fundamentals of InDesign program.

How to Resize Images in Indesign?

Adobe InDesign is an eccentric program that specializes in multiple-page document creation. The user can create vector designs, images, and text simultaneously on the program by having proper knowledge of the software. At times when images or photos are imported or created on InDesign, they don’t match the frame size or they need modifications in their image size or resolution.

3D animation, modelling, simulation, game development & others

The mechanism of Resizing images on InDesign is contrasting in comparison with other vector graphics programs of the Adobe family. To learn the procedure of image resizing, the user should also comprehend the knowledge of resizing the Frame, artworks, or both.

How to Resize the Frame in InDesign?

Adobe InDesign works on frames and canvas principle for proper management and adjustment of texts, images and vector artworks in a single page or document. 1 st the user should learn the method of resizing or editing the frame size before learning to edit the image size.

Following are the steps to edit the frame size in InDesign:-

  1. Launch InDesign.

InDesign resize image output 1

  1. Create a new document as shown in the figure below.

InDesign resize image output 2

  1. Import or Place a raster image as shown below.

InDesign resize image output 3.1

InDesign resize image output 3.2

  1. Now, to resize the frame, use Selection Tool (Black Arrow) and move the corners of the frame to change the size of the frame.

InDesign resize image output 4.1

InDesign resize image output 4.2

  1. Select the shift key while dragging the corners of the frame to keep the size of the frame proportional.

How to Resize the Image in InDesign?

To resize an image in InDesign, the users have multiple options to select from. Adobe InDesign is an expansive program that deals with multiple ways of modifying images and photos. The user can use Direct Selection Tool or transform tool to change the size of the image.

Using the Direct Selection tool will help the user to modify the image only without harming the size of the frame. While the Free Transform tool will edit the image size along with the canvas size.

Here, we should always use the Direct Selection tool instead of the Selection tool to avoid cropping the image rather than resizing it.

Otherwise, the user can also use the Selection tool and select the Content grabber tool (white ring appears) that has brown borders to resize the image only.

InDesign resize image output 5.1

InDesign resize image output 5.2

InDesign resize image output 5.3

Following are the steps to edit the size of the image:

  1. Launch Adobe InDesign.

InDesign resize image output 6

  1. Create a new document as shown in the image below.

InDesign resize image output 7

  1. Place a raster image on the document.

InDesign resize image output 8

  1. Now, select the Direct Selection tool (white arrow).

InDesign resize image output 9

  1. Click on the image, you will see a brown transformation box around the image.

InDesign resize image output 10

  1. Drag the brown transformation box to change the size of the image.

InDesign resize image output 11

  1. To move the image, we can select the image and drag it accordingly.

InDesign resize image output 12

  1. Hold the shift key to resize the image in a relative mode.
  2. By doing so, the frame size remains intact and untouched.

How to change the size of the Image and Frame at the same time?

  1. Launch Adobe InDesign.

InDesign resize image output 13

  1. Create a new document as shown below.

InDesign resize image output 14

  1. Place a raster image as shown below.

InDesign resize image output 15

  1. Now, if the user wants to resize the frame and image at the same time, use the transform tool as shown below.

InDesign resize image output 16

  1. Drag the corners of the image by pressing the Shift key for relative results.

InDesign resize image output 17

  1. Another way of resizing the image and frame simultaneously is by using the AutoFit Option in the control panel.

InDesign resize image output 18

  1. Click on the option of Auto-fit as shown below and select the frame to change the size of the frame as well as the image concurrently.

InDesign resize image output 19

  1. Use the Shift key to modify the same with proportional measurements.

The shift key provides the benefit of keeping the artwork in proportion while the Ctrl key helps in keeping the frame and image together.

How to adjust the image size according to the frame size or vice versa?

Adobe InDesign has an inbuilt function called Fitting to swiftly complement the image to the frame size or vice-versa without using composite tools and functions.

Steps to apply Fitting properties on images and frames:-

  1. Place a raster image in the document.

output 20

  1. Now, select the image.

output 21

  1. Go to objects and click on Fitting as shown below.

 output 22

  1. Apply Fit Frame to Content to resize the frame according to the image or the artwork.

output 23.1

output 23.2

output 23.3

  1. Apply Fit Content to Frame to resize the artwork or image according to the frame.

output 24.1

output 24.2

output 24.3

  1. While this option has many other functions as well such as Center Content, Fill Frame Proportionally, Fill Content Proportionally and Clear Frame fitting settings.

output 25


Summarizing the above article, it is proved that Adobe InDesign is a tremendous program with limitless functions and features. Resizing Images and Frames is a simple and basic function to create creative artworks and designs on InDesign.

Mostly used for printing and publishing purposes, learning the fundamentals of InDesign will help the users in the long run in operating the software.

Recommended Articles

This is a guide to InDesign resize image. Here we discuss that Adobe InDesign is a tremendous program with limitless functions and features. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

Adobe InDesign CC – Подгонка изображений

Зачастую изображения, которые мы хотим разместить в документе, имеют больший размер и не полностью помещаются в нужный нам кадр. InDesign предлагает инструменты, которые гарантируют, что вы сможете разместить изображения именно в тех рамках, которые вам нужны.

Для этого перейдите в меню « Объекты», а затем в подменю «Подгонка». Вы увидите, что для вас есть несколько подходящих вариантов.

Вариант подгонки

Команда « Заполнить кадр пропорционально» корректирует изображение в кадре таким образом, чтобы оно полностью заполняло кадр. Однако это может привести к обрезке части изображения, как показано в следующем примере.

Заполнить кадр

Команда « Подгонять содержимое пропорционально» заполняет весь контент в кадре, не обрезая изображение.

Fit Frame to Content меняет размер кадра в зависимости от размера изображения.

Fit Content to Frame масштабирует изображение, чтобы поместиться в кадр. Однако используйте это только при необходимости, так как масштабирование может быть непропорциональным.

[ID CC2022] Пропорциональное масштабирование


Не по теме:
Это-то я знал. А к CC2019 сформировалась когорта, которая воскликнула: "До какой поры мы будет нажимать эту кнопочку??" И сказал кто-то в Adobe: пусть да не будут больше страдать пользователи, утруждая себя лишними движениями. И стало так. И увидел Adobe, что это ну как-то так. И был вечер, и было утро: день i++.

Вернуть к исходному поведению в Фотошопе можно таким образом:
Use Notepad (Windows) or a text editor on Mac OS to create a plain text file (.txt). Type the text below in the text file:

Making Adjustments to Images in InDesign

This tutorial walks though how to make different adjustments to images in your InDesign poster.

Moving an Image

After placing your images in their frames, you may want to reposition it within the frame, such as the image in the lower right corner of our poster.

Poster with several images

  1. Choose the Selection tool (black arrow located in the top left corner of the tools).

Selection tool

  1. Hover over the image you want to move and hold your cursor over the double circle Content Grabber.

Your cursor will change to a white “hand.”

Content grabber

  1. Click-and-drag the image within the frame to the position you want.

Drag image to desired position

The frame can be resized so that your layout looks cleaner as you’re working on your poster, but you will not see the frame when you export your final poster.

  1. Hover over one of the white handles of the frame.

Frame handle

  1. Resize the frame by clicking and dragging the handle.

Frame height adjusted

If you decide you want the image to be in a different location in your poster you would, again, use the Selection Tool to click-and-drag the image – this time clicking outside of the double-circle Content Grabber so that you’re seeing the black arrow.

Move image

  1. Click and drag the image where you want it in the poster.

Tip: To reorder objects in your poster, right click on an object, hover over Arrange in the menu, and select from the options.

Arrange objects in indesign

Save your work by selecting Save in the file menu (ctrl/cmd + s on the keyboard).

Resizing an Image

After adding additional elements to your poster you may want to resize one or more of your images such as the graph that is on the white bar.

Select the Free Transform tool from the tools. The Free Transform tool’s icon is a white arrow on a white rectangle with handles, located about halfway down the tools on the right.

free transform tool selection image

Hold down Shift on the keyboard and click-and-drag the corners of the image to resize it.

Do not use the Selection tool to resize the image. It will resize just the image’s frame and cut off the image instead of resizing it.

Save your work by selecting Save in the file menu (ctrl/cmd + s on the keyboard).

save indesign file image

Rounding Edges

As a style choice, you may want to round the edges of and image or object. This can be done to images and text boxes.

Switch back to the Selection tool.

Selection tool image

Select the object for which you want round edges. You will see a yellow square towards the top of the right edge of the object. Click the yellow square.

The objects frame with change to have yellow diamonds on the corners.

Click-and-drag one of the diamonds right or left towards the center of the object.

Save your work by selecting Save in the file menu (ctrl/cmd + s on the keyboard).

save indesign file image

Adding an Outline to an Object

You can add an outline called a Stroke to an image, shape, or text box.

Pick the selection tool from the tools.

Selection tool image

Click on the object you want to outline.

object to be outlined image

Click on the Stroke selector in the toolbar to bring it in front of the Fill selector.

Both have a red line through them to represent that the we are working on has no fill or stroke color.

Click on Swatches on the bottom of the right hand toolbar.

Select the swatch color for your stroke. The stroke will be applied at 1pt thickness.

Adjust the color you selected by double clicking on the Stroke selector which opens the Color Picker window.

Select Stroke in the right hand toolbar, two tools above the Swatches button.

Use the Weight selection to make your Stroke thicker.

You will likely want a thickness of between 10-20pt.

You will see the stroke on your object in your poster.

You will still see the object’s frame, which will not be seen when you export your final poster.

Save your work by selecting Save in the file menu (ctrl/cmd + s on the keyboard).

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