Как сделать календарь в индизайне пошагово
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Как сделать календарь в индизайне пошагово

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Top 5 Popular InDesign Calendar Templates in 2023


Find a cool InDesign calendar template online? Using templates is key to realizing cool designs that can be used throughout the year and for more years to come. If you have a concept in mind, all you need are a few stock photos, say, of a cat or dog, and a cool program to edit and manipulate basic diagrams. If your InDesign calendar template requires tech-savviness, Mockitt has you covered. This online prototyping tool is intuitive, with easy to understand features making for aesthetically pleasing final products.

5 of the Best InDesign Calendar Templates

1. A very simple InDesign calendar, which is why it tops our list. This is as basic as they come, beginning with the plain look with limited colors (flower or portrait only), and large spaces for day-to-day details. This makes for a very cool and free InDesign calendar template 2023 idea.

indesign calendar template

2. A calendar idea with holidays in mind. If you happen to be creating one for European, or universal holidays, customize it with Wondershare Mockitt to your liking. There are multiple paragraphs, and color choices, and options for creativity on each page, for every subsequent month.

indesign calendar

3. The perfect design for the business-minded, or specifically for the office. This concept should be fun for an InDesign calendar template 2023 idea. The borders can incorporate any color scheme you wish, but the main part of this design boasts enough room for planning purposes. It is easy to design using templates available on Mockitt, Wondershare.

indesign calendar template 2021

4. For that simple yet effective approach, this design is more suited for the home, rather than the office. The background color can be off-white, with a very subtle approach to decorating, using a flower for example. Even the font type screams casual or informal, thus the theme is clear – relax and feel at home.

free indesign calendar template 2021

5. The theme for this InDesign calendar template can be, represent your city. Place this calendar anywhere in your office (s) with a different city highlighted on every page, for every month. Change the color scheme to fit the season, with a space allocated for your company logo, and a few lines to jot down reminders/notes.

create calendar in indesign

How to Create Calendar in InDesign

Check out the easy-to-follow guide below on how to create a calendar in InDesign.

Step 1. Open up File, click next, and document. Choose the size of your template, e.g. 20 x 10 inches.

indesign calendar template

Step 2. Choose margin sizes and bleed options. A full-bleed option means the image will extend to the fullness of the page. An example could be a 0.125 setting for bleeding.

Step 3. Navigate to the window and select pages. Here, you will find master pages which you can use to create several pages for different months of the year.

Step 4. Click on A master to enter the master’s page. The bottom of the page should pinpoint your location, Vis-a-Vis the application. E.g. «Maser».

indesign calendar

Step 5. Create guidelines using your ruler. This is found at the top of the page. Select, then drag the ruler to develop your guide.

Step 6. Proceed to Tables, then create a table. Here, you can pick the rows and columns you need for your InDesign calendar, related to your weeks and months. Done? Click OK.

Step 7. Edit your tables by navigating to Window, type, and tables/ styles. Use the font options to input your desire font, and to format the data, check your paragraph settings.

Step 8. Under cells styles, pick a new design for fills and other cell options. Drag your new styles to specific cells you need customizing. You can now add dates manually after clicking OK to save your styling options.

indesign calendar template 2021

How to Create a Calendar in Mockitt

Mockitt, a Wondershare product, is fun to use for any amateur or professional designer. A prototyping program is an effective approach to editing and sharing projects. Using Mockitt, you can add widgets (build-in) from a library, or your device. Also, prototyping is enabled using icons and imported sketch designs that you can then share using the handoff feature. It also features nifty collaboration options for you to embed links within your project, then shares your work with colleagues for immediate, real-time feedback.

Step 1: Create a project for Calendar

Navigate to the main screen and under personal space, select «Create» > «Project» on the drop-down menu. Create an empty, or blank project, which will be used for subsequent prototypes. Select a new project, or archived to work on a recently saved project.

free indesign calendar template 2021

Step 2: Add a cover to the calendar

Drag the image widget from the built-in components, and upload that image to use on your calendar. On the appearance settings panel located to our right, there is an option to insert images onto your design. This option is directly underneath the widgets menu, which you can use to compliment your InDesign calendar image.

create calendar in indesign

Step 3: Add a calendar widget

Navigate to «My Widgets», or check out build-in widgets in the library. These options are found on the right of your screen, while quick widgets can be located toward the left side of the screen.

indesign calendar template

Step 4: Design and edit calendar widget

On top of the page, under styles, you can add or remove certain aspects of your calendar that you don’t like. Add dates, change colors, and fonts easily under the appearance panel. You can also edit based on opacity or the size of the Y and X-axis.

indesign calendar

Step 5: Make your calendar move

If you want link such as 1st to such as December screen, you can drag the lighting bulb to the target screen.

 indesign calendar template 2021

Step 6. Preview your calendar

Once you are happy with the calendar design, and your final product, locate the preview tab on top of your work screen, next to handoff, and comment. The program gives you a live preview of your InDesign calendar, giving your insight into what your clients should expect.

free indesign calendar template 2021

Conclusion: A nifty program to use for anyone with an InDesign calendar template idea. Sing up for free to use this online prototyping program today. From widgets to collaboration and handover features, it offers an efficient way to bring life to your concepts.

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Пора делать календари (обновление скрипта)

Обновление скрипта

Автор значительно обновил и расширил функциональность скрипта, о чем можно судить по диалоговому окну.


Появились новые функции по выделению праздничных дней, по добавлению изображений, теперь скрипт даже фазы луны может рисовать в генерируемых календарях. Подробное описание по работе со скриптом на английском языке приведено в файле README.

Я на себя взял смелость добавить возможность создания календарей на русском языке. Это оказалось нетрудно. В архиве после скачивания найдете оригинальную авторскую версию и версию с моей небольшой доработкой. Перед запуском скрипта ничего выделять не нужно. Скрипт сделает всё сам.

Домашняя страница скрипта http://calendarwizard.sourceforge.net/, новые версии ищите там.

Скрипт Cаlendar Wizardпоможет вам сделать календари на любое число месяцев в промежутке годов от 2005 до 2019, любого размера исходя из размеров страницы (1, 2, 4, 6, 8 и т.д. на страницу), на семи европейских языках, в том числе и на русском. Неделя может начинаться как с воскресенья, так и с понедельника. В процессе работы скрипта создаются заготовки стилей для названий месяцев, дней недели, чисел, а также стили таблиц и ячеек, отредактировав которые, получим «товарного» вида календарь.

Более подробно о входных параметрах и о работе скрипта вы можете прочитать в авторском описании.

Диалоговое окно

Простейший календарь, сгенерированный скриптом

Простейший календарь, сгенерированный скриптом

На рисунке выше приведен результат работы скрипта (без редактирования стилей) для простейшего без наворотов календаря. Но в то же время скрипт может генерировать и более сложные по конструкции календари — со вставками уменьшенной календарной сетки для предыдущего и следующего за текущим месяцев.

К скрипту Calendar Wizard автор прилагает два дополнительных скрипта, которые упростят вашу работу по окончательной доводке календаря.

К сожалению, скрипт не знает Российских праздников, которыми уже традиционно считаются 1-5 января (Новый год), 7 января (Рождество), 23 февраля (День защитника Отечества), 8 марта (Международный женский день), 1 мая (Праздник Весны и Труда), 9 мая (День Победы), 12 июня (День России), 4 ноября (День народного единства).

20+ Best InDesign Calendar Templates 2023

A great way to promote your business and thank your customers at the same time is to send them a custom calendar in the mail.

While most promo mail usually ends up in the trash, a desk calendar is something that your customers will use throughout the year. And every time they look at the calendar, they will be reminded of your brand and how much you care for your customers.

That’s why calendars are a very effective way of promoting a business. The best part is you don’t even have to spend a fortune to print a custom calendar. In fact, you can make one yourself using a pre-made template.

If you’re thinking about printing a calendar to promote your business or even printing one for home use, we have the solution. With the help of these InDesign calendar templates, you can easily print desk and wall calendars for all purposes. Grab a template and get started.

20,000+ InDesign Templates & More With Unlimited Downloads

Discover thousands of Adobe InDesign templates for your next project with an Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 graphic templates, design assets, themes, photos, and more.

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