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Вышел джейлбрейк unc0ver для iOS 12.4. Как установить

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Вышел джейлбрейк unc0ver для iOS 12.4. Как установить

Хакерская группировка pwn20wnd выпустила обновлённую утилиту unc0ver 3.5.0 для взлома устройств на iOS 12.4.

UPD 13.03: 5 минут назад вышла версия 3.5.1 с важными багфиксами.

Она позволяет установить джейлбрейк на девайсы под управлением iOS 11-iOS 12.4 (кроме iOS 12.3) и процессоров A7, A8, A9, A10 и A11. Программа также ставит магазины Cydia и Substrate.

Какие устройства поддерживаются


• iPhone 5s
• iPhone 6
• iPhone 6 Plus
• iPhone 6s
• iPhone 6s Plus
• iPhone 7
• iPhone 7 Plus
• iPhone SE
• iPhone 8
• iPhone 8 Plus
• iPhone X

• iPad Air
• iPad 6-го поколения

Как установить

Важно: все, что вы делаете — на свой страх и риск. Apple против джейлбрейка, банковские приложения могут перестать работать, а система станет незащищенной.

1. Создайте резервную копию iPhone на случай, если что-то пойдёт не так. Как это сделать, можно прочитать в нашей инструкции.

2. Если у вас есть активные доступные обновления, удалите их в меню Настройки —> Основные —> Хранилище iPhone —> Система.

3. Перезагрузите iPhone или iPad.

Вариант #1. С использованием Apple ID

4. Загрузите Cydia Impactor на свой компьютер и приложение по этой ссылке (Undecimus-v3.5.0.ipa). Оно нужно для взлома гаджета.

5. Подключите девайс к компьютеру, откройте Cydia Impactor, перетащите приложение в появившееся окошко и введите данные Apple ID.

6. Откройте на устройстве Настройки —> Основные —> Профиль и подтвердите профиль unc0ver.

7. Откройте появившееся приложение unc0ver на рабочем столе и нажмите Jailbreak.

Вариант #2. Без использования Apple ID

1. Откройте на устройстве с iOS 12.4 в Safari эту ссылку и выберите Install app.

У вас поставится приложение Ignition.

2. Откройте на устройстве Настройки —> Основные —> Профиль и подтвердите профиль Zhunai.

3. Откройте приложение и найдите в поиске unc0ver.

4. Нажмите кнопку Get, а затем Install.

5. Откройте ещё раз пункт Профиль и подтвердите unc0ver.

6. Откройте появившееся приложение unc0ver на рабочем столе и нажмите Jailbreak.

Если приложение зависнет, подождите 2-5 минут. Не помогло? Перезагрузите устройство и попробуйте снова.

Вот и всё, джейлбрейк успешно установлен. Помните, что это полупривязанный джейл, так что подписывать Профиль для iOS вам придётся повторно раз в 7 дней.

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Джейлбрейк Uncover

Unc0ver – это новое приложение джейлбрейка для iPhone и iPad, которое можно установить более безопасным и простым способом.unc0ver-jailbreak

Джелбрейк от Unc0ver более стабильный и надежный, поддерживающий гораздо больше устройств. Ссылки на скачивание и инструкции по установке приведены ниже.

Как сделать джейлбрейк через Unc0ver:

    , следуя инструкциям в руководстве по ссылке
  1. Откройте TopStore и найдите приложение Unc0ver, используя значок поиска в нижней части экрана
  2. Нажмите на найденное приложение, а затем на кнопку Загрузить
  3. Следуйте инструкциям, описанным в приложении, для установки джейлбрейка на ваше устройство.uncover jailbreak unc0veruncover jailbreak ios 13

Как установить Unc0ver, используя AltStore:

  1. Сначала, установите приложение AltStore на свой телефон, используя руководство, размещенное по ссылке.
  2. Теперь скачайте файл Unc0ver IPA с помощью кнопки вверху на свой телефон.
  3. Нажмите на этот значок up arrow ios
  1. Теперь выберите AltStore и установите Unc0ver .ipa file. Если что-то не понятно, посмотрите видео на Youtube.unc0ver jailbreak altstore app

Функции джейлбрейка Unc0ver:

  • Стабильный и надежный
  • Более быстрые патчи
  • Отсутствие быстрого разряда батареи
  • Без случайных зависаний
  • Встроенная опция для блокировки отзыва сертификата приложения
  • Удобный
  • Возможность отключить автоматическое обновление
  • Без вредоносных программ
  • Полная поддержка новейших iPhone
  • Позволяет перемонтировать корневую файловую систему
  • Больше приложений…

Часто задаваемые вопросы:

  • Как включить опцию Доверять для Unc0ver?
  1. Перейдите в настройки iOS и в раздел Основные
  2. Перейдите в Профили > Управление устройствами, и найдите в списке имя разработчика Unc0ver
  3. Выберите его и нажмите Доверять

Попробуйте теперь запустить Unc0ver, он должен работать без проблем.

  • Безопасно ли скачивать Unc0ver?

Приложение Unc0ver без сомнений безопасно. Это самый безопасный установщик джейлбрейка из всех. Разработчики приложения потратили много времени и усилий, создавая приложения для джейлбрейка, которое не вызовет у вас никаких проблем и не будет содержать никаких вредоносных программ или вирусов. Он полностью совместим со всеми устройствами на iOS 11, iOS 12, iOS 13 и выше. Он также отлично работает с Cydia Impactor и оказался очень надежной утилитой для джейлбрейка.

  • Джейлбрейк от Unc0ver непривязанный?

Uncover – это полупривязанный джейлбрейк, который нужно запускать каждый раз, когда вы перезагрузите свой iPhone или iPad.

  • Безопасен ли джейлбрейк?

Джейлбрейк – это безопасный и легальный способ изменить ваше устройство iOS. Однако обратите внимание, что если вы сделаете джейлбрейк своего устройства Apple, вы потеряете гарантию. В этом случае вам придется удалить джейлбрейк Unc0ver и переустановить iOS, чтобы снова получить гарантию на телефон.

  • Можно ли удалить джейлбрейк Unc0ver?

Да, джелбрейк Unc0ver можно удалить простым обновлением прошивки iOS или восстановлением вашего устройства с помощью iTunes.

  • Могу я обновить iOS после джейлбрейка?

Да, вы можете обновить iOS после джейлбрейка, но при этом джейлбрейк будет удален, а с ним и все приложения и настройки, загруженные с его помощью. Также обратите внимание, что после обновления iOS вы не можете понизить версию прошивки и вернуться к предыдущей версии iOS, чтобы снова сделать джейлбрейк вашего устройства.

  • Как сделать джелбрейк Unc0ver без компьютера?

Можно скачать и установить джейлбрейк Unc0ver с помощью приложения TopStore. Для этого не требуется компьютер и джейлбрейк можно сделать прямо на iPhone без ПК.

Дайте знать в разделе комментариев расположенном ниже, если у вас возникнут какие-либо проблемы. Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы помочь вам. Также вы можете связаться с разработчиком в Twitter.

Jailbreak iOS 12.4.8

Unc0ver / Checkra1n and Rootless Jailbreak support iOS 12.4.8 Jailbreak. All Download links and Guides available.

Unc0ver Jailbreak iOS 12.4.8

Unc0ver semi-untethered Jailbreak latest version released for iOS 12.4.8 Jailbreak. You can install Unc0ver without PC / Online from Silzee and Jailbreak iOS 12.4.8.

Step 02. Please install it

Step 03. After Install Unc0ver Online IPA > Go to Settings > General > Profile and Device management and Trust the Unc0ver app.

Step 04. Open Unc0ver app from Home screen

Step 05. Tap the Jailbreak button

Step 06. Wait for Device reboot

Step 07. Once reboot done > Go to Home and find Cydia

Please Note > Unc0ver is semi-untethered Jailbreak tool. So you have to

RootlessJB for 12.4.8

Rootless is the best solution for iOS 12.4.8 version because of Rootless Jailbreak support without PC. So you can download Rootless Online IPA from Silzee.

RootlessJB 12.4.8 Device compatibility

RootlessJB supports iOS 12.4.8 running A7 to A11 Devices. Here is the full list.

  • iPhone X, iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, iPhone 7, 7 Plus, iPad (2018, 6th generation) , iPod touch (2019, 7th generation)
  • iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
  • iPhone 5S
  • iPhone 6S and 6S Plus , iPhone SE (1st generation)
  • iPad (2019, 7th generation)
  • iPad (5th generation), iPod touch (6th generation), iPad mini 4,iPad Air, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3

RootlessJB Guide

Step 01. Open Silzee Rootless Jailbreak page from Mobile Safari

Step 02. Download it

Step 03. Now got Home Screen of the Device. Tap Settings > General > Profile and Device management > Trust the Rootless App

Step 04. Open Rootless App

Step 05. Tap the Jailbreak button

Please Note — Rootless Jailbreak does not install Cydia after complete the jailbreak process. So you have to install Jailbreak applications through the Filza File manager app.

You can download the Filza app online from the Silzee Home page.

Checkra1n for iOS 12.4.8

Checkra1n Jailbreak also supports iOS 12.4.8 version. But you must have a Mac computer to Install Checkra1n IPA.

Checkra1n 12.4.8 Device compatibility

iPhone 5C , iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 , iPhone 6+ , iPhone 6S , iPhone 6S+ iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7+ , iPhone 8 / iPhone 8+, iPhone X

iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 4, iPad Air, iPad Pro (12.9 in), iPad Pro (9.7 in) , iPad Pro (10.5 in), iPad 6G, iPad 7G

Checkra1n Jailbreak Guide

Checkra1n is a semi-untethered Jailbreak. So you have to re-jailbreak after every reboot.

Step 01. Download Checkra1n Jailbreak IPA from official website

Step 02. Drag and Drop Checkra1n IPA to Mac Application folder

Step 03. Connect your Device to Mac

Step 04. Open Checkra1n app from Mac

Step 05. Tap Start Button

Step 06. Enter Your Device to DFU mode. You can follow onscreen instructions for it.

Step 07. Go to Device Home screen and open the Chekra1n app from the home screen once the process is done.

Step 08. Tap Cydia Icon to install

Tweaked App stores for iOS 12.4.8

Hexxa Plus / zJailbreak / TweakBox /Appvalley / CokerNutx are real third party app stores for iOS 12.4.8 versions. These App stores do not support Install Cydia directly.

But still, you can install some popular Jailbreak applications / Tweaks / Themes / Games from tweaked app stores.

Jailbreak iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7

Jailbreak iOS 12 - iOS 12.5.1

If you have an older version of an iPhone or iPad that is unable to run on iOS 15, then the latest iOS 12.5.7 update is worth trying as the update has fixed a major vulnerability issue.

Now that iOS 12.5.7 is out, you can jailbreak iOS 12 running device range including iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak with the tools we have discussed here. Not only you can find top solutions for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak, you can also find compatible jailbreak tools for your iPhones based on the iOS system. TaigOne and TweakMo can be recommended as the best all round Jailbreak alternatives without limitations for iOS 12 jailbreak to iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak.

Not just the TaigOne and TweakMo but also Checkra1n, Chimera and Unc0ver jailbreak tools also compatible based on the iOS version and device type. here you have a complete guide including all these information.

1. Checkra1n for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak

Checkra1n is the the powerful jailbreak tool released for iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.5 versions.

Jailbreak iOS 12 checkra1n

Checkra1n Install with more details

2. TaigOne for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak tools

Jailbreak iOS 12 taigone

TaigOne Jailbreak solution is the latest method to install other jailbreak tools, jailbreak apps, tweaks, hacked games, and many more apps directly to your iOS 12 to iOS 12.5.7 running iPhone or iPad.

3. TweakMo as an alternative for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak

TweakMo is also another best alternative jailbreak solution for iOS 12 jailbreak to iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak.

4.Breakjail to find iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak tools

Breakjail is a jailbreak tools finder and downloader. You can download iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7 compatible jailbreak tools from Breakjail.

Jailbreak Solutions for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7

To find the other Jailbreak tools and possibilities for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7 select your iOS version from below.

Find all jailbreak tools are supported for your iOS version and all other details.

Top 3 available jailbreak tools for iOS 12.5 — iOS 12.5.7

    — iOS 12.5 — iOS 12.5.7 — iOS 12.5 (A5 — A11 devices) — iOS 12.5 — iOS 12.5.7 (A7 — A11 devices)

iOS 12.5 / iOS 12.5.7 Compatible Devices

  • iPhone 5s
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPad Air
  • iPad mini 2
  • iPad mini 3
  • iPod touch (6th generation)

iOS 12.4.9 Jailbreak

You can jailbreak your iOS 12.4.9 running device using both the Online method and PC method. TaigOne and Chimera are the available online jailbreak method for iOS 12.4.9 jailbreak and Checkra1n is the PC method for iOS 12.4.9 jailbreak.

Apple released iOS 12.4.9 for old device users. Parallel to releasing iOS 12.4.9 Apple release iPadOS 12.4.9 for old iPad users. Here is the list of iOS 12.4.9 and iPadOS 12.4.9 supported devices.

iOS 12.4.9 Supported Devices

  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus

iPadOS 12.4.9 Supported Devices

  • iPad 5, iPad 6
  • iPad mini 4
  • iPad Air 2

All these devices supported iOS 14.2 and iPadOS 14.2. So this is an unexpected release.

However, you can have Sileo and Cydia for iOS 12.4.9 by jailbreak using Chimera and Checkra1n jailbreak tools.

You can also install jailbreak alternatives for iOS 12.4.9 using TaigOne.

Top 3 available jailbreak tools for iOS 12.4.9

    (A5 — A14 devices) (A5 — A11 devices) (A7 — A11 devices)

iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8 Jailbreak

iOS 12.4.8 update for old iPhone devices such as iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, and other lower devices. Anyway, all the iOS versions between iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8 can be jailbroken using Chimera, Unc0ver, Checkra1n, and RootlessJB4 tools.

Note: Chimera for iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8 supports only A7 — A11 devices.

Cydia and Sileo are also available to download for iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8.
There are jailbreak alternatives for iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8 available to download. TaigOne is the best jailbreak solution for iOS 12 — iOS 12.4.8.

Top 5 available jailbreak tools for iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8

    — iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8 (A5 — A14 devices) — iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8 (A5 — A11 devices) — iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8 (All supported devices) — iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8 (A7 — A11 devices) — iOS 12.4 — iOS 12.4.8 (A7 — A11 devices)

iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.3.2 Jailbreak

Apple released iOS 12.3 and hackers couldn’t break the security features and release a jailbreak tool for iOS 12.3. After a few months, the Electra developer Coolstar has extended Chimera jailbreak support for some iOS 12.3 betas. But iOS 12.3 beta 6 is not compatible with Chimera.

Finally, checkra1n jailbreak has released with iOS 12.3 support. So checkra1n is the first jailbreak tool released for iOS 12.3.

Now all versions between iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.3.2 supports Chimera jailbreak but only for A7 — A11 devices.

Now all the iOS versions between iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.3.2 can jailbreak using Chimera, Checkra1n, Unc0ver, and RootlessJB4 jailbreak tools.

Top 5 available jailbreak tools for iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.3.2

    — iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.3.2 (A5 — A14 devices) — iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.3.2 (A5 — A11 devices) — iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.3.2 (All supported devices) — iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.3.2 (A7 — A11 devices) — iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.3.2 (A7 — A11 devices)

iOS 12.2 Jailbreak

The fastest semi-untethered Unc0ver Jailbreak and Chimera Jailbreak have been released for iOS 12.2.

The famous unc0ver jailbreak developer Pwn20wnd has got full advantage of Ned Williamson’s kernal exploit and has managed to slip through the tough barriers of iOS 12.2. So now this is public and available via TaigOne.

RootlessJB4 is the latest jailbreak tool released for iOS 12.2. A7 — A11 devices supporting iOS 12.2 can be jailbroken using RootlessJB4.

Top 4 available jailbreak tools for iOS 12.2

    — iOS 12.2 (A5 — A14 devices) — iOS 12.2 (All supported devices) — iOS 12.2 (A7 — A11 devices) — iOS 12.2 (A7 — A11 devices)

iOS 12 — iOS 12.1.4 Jailbreak

iOS 12 jailbreak has been done by Luca and now by Pwn20wnd and Apple released iOS 12.0.1 by patching all the vulnerabilities they had in iOS 12. But Pwn20wnd and Coolstar have successfully achieved jailbreak on iOS 12.0.1 with Unc0ver and Chimera Jailbreak. Rootless Jailbreak and OsirisJailbreak12 also achieved developer-only jailbreak for iOS 12.0.1.

With the release of iOS 12.1.1, software improvements took place for FaceTime, Haptic Touch on iPhone XR, and more. iOS 12.1.1 jailbreak is possible with stable jailbreak tools of Unc0ver, Chimera, and also with Rootless Jailbreak and OsirisJailbreak12.

Then Apple released iOS 12.1.2, iOS 12.1.3, and iOS 12.1.4, and these versions compatible with Unc0ver, Chimera, and RootlessJB4 tools.

Fully functional Cydia and Sileo package managers are available for iOS 12 — iOS 12.1.4.

Top 4 available jailbreak tools for iOS 12 — iOS 12.1.4

    — iOS 12 — iOS 12.1.4 (A5 — A14 devices) — iOS 12 — iOS 12.1.4 (All supported devices) — iOS 12 — iOS 12.1.2 (All supported devices) / iOS 12.1.3 — iOS 12.1.4 (A7 — A11 devices) — iOS 12.2 (A7 — A11 devices)

Top 7 Jailbreak Tools for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7

1. TaigOne

Jailbreak iOS 12 Taigone

You can install jailbreak tools, apps, themes and extract Jailbreak repos to your iOS 12 and higher . TaigOne is compatible with all the iPhone models and iPad Models running on iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7. You can enjoy the jailbreak experience, jailbreak tweaks, cracked apps, games and many more on iOS 12.5.5 using the TaigOne jailbreak alternative.

Download the full version of the TaigOne Jailbreak App Installer from the following link.

2. Unc0ver Jailbreak

Jailbreak iOS 12

Unc0ver is one of the most stable jailbreak tools for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.5 versions. You can install unc0ver from TaigOne or using Cydia impactor. Even though for the time being there is no news from Unc0ver to jailbreak iOS 12.5.7, we can have a fair share of hope for it in the near future.

Visit the unc0ver jailbreak page to know more about how to install unc0ver jailbreak.

3. Chimera Jailbreak

Chimera released for iOS 12.5.5 as the online jailbreak tool. Also we can have hope on Checkra1n for iOS 12.5.5 as computer jailbreak method.

iOS 12.5 jailbreak is also possible with Chimera and Checkra1n jailbreak tools. Chimera added support to iOS 12.5 as an online jailbreak method to iOS 12.5. Checkra1n supported iOS 12.5 as a PC jailbreak method for iOS 12.5.

iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.5 Jailbreak has been achieved by Chimera Jailbreak with its latest release v1.6.1. Now that iOS 12.5.7 is out, Chimera will be upgraded to support iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak soon which we’ll share here asap.

Chimera supports iOS 12 — iOS 12.1.2 with all devices(including A12) and iOS 12.1.3 — iOS 12.5.5 with A7 — A11 devices.

Download TaigOne and Install Chimera for iOS 12 — 12.5.5 Jailbreak.

Chimera Jailbreak can be downloaded in two different ways.

  1. Online method
  2. Computer method

Visit the Chimera Jailbreak page for more information.

4. Checkra1n Jailbreak

Jailbreak iOS 12

Your iOS 12.3 — iOS 12.5 running device now can be jailbroken by checkra1n jailbreak. This jailbreak tool is a bit different than unc0ver and chimera. You have to consider the iOS version and even the device type to jailbreak using checkra1n. For now, checkra1n is supported by A5 — A11 devices.

Visit the Checkra1n Jailbreak page for more details.

5. RootlessJB4

RootlessJB4 tool developed by a hacker and a developer named Brandon Plank. RootlessJB4 supported all the iOS versions between iOS 12 — iOS 12.4.8 on A7 — A11 devices.

Visit RootlessJB page for more details.

6. OsirisJailbreak12

Hacker and software tinkerer @Geosn0w made a very important announcement saying of a release of a public version of an Osiris jailbreak after an incomplete ‘developer-only jailbreak’ for iOS 12.0-12.1.2 dubbed OsirisJailbreak12. Still, he has not published the public .ipa yet.

Stay with Taig9 and we will update once he decided to publish the Osiris .ipa as soon as possible.

7. RootlessJB

Similar to OsirisJailbreak12, RootlessJB 3.0 is also an incomplete developer-only jailbreak. And it also supports iOS 12, iOS 12.1, iOS 12.1.1, and iOS 12.1.2 and it does not support iOS 12.1.3 and iOS 12.1.4. This jailbreak is published by a well-known jailbreak developer and hacker Jake James in his GitHub repository.
If you are a developer you can get the source at

Visit the RootlessJB page for more information.

If you still have complications about finding the best possible jailbreak tool for your iOS version and device, you can use this table.

Jailbreak Tool Supported Versions
RootlessJB4 iOS 12.0, iOS 12.0.1, iOS 12.1, iOS 12.1.1, iOS 12.1.2, iOS 12.1.3, iOS 12.1.4, iOS 12.2, iOS 12.3, iOS 12.3.1, iOS 12.3.2, iOS 12.4, iOS 12.4.1, iOS 12.4.2, iOS 12.4.3, iOS 12.4.4, iOS 12.4.5, iOS 12.4.6, iOS 12.4.7, iOS 12.4.8
(A7 — A11 devices)
Unc0ver Jailbreak iOS 12.5.5 — iOS 15, iOS 12.4.8, iOS 12.4.7, iOS 12.4.6, iOS 12.4.5, iOS 12.4.4, iOS 12.4.3, iOS 12.4.2, iOS 12.4.1, iOS 12.4, iOS 12.3.1, iOS 12.3, iOS 12.2, iOS 12.1.4, iOS 12.1.3, iOS 12.1.2, iOS 12.1.1, iOS 12.1, iOS 12.0.1, iOS 12
Chimera Jailbreak iOS 12, iOS 12.0.1, iOS 12.1, iOS 12.1.1, iOS 12.1.2 (for all devices), iOS 12.1.3, iOS 12.1.4, iOS 12.2, 12.3 beta, iOS 12.4, iOS 12.4.1, iOS 12.4.2, iOS 12.4.3, iOS 12.4.4, iOS 12.4.5, iOS 12.4.6, iOS 12.4.7, iOS 12.4.8, iOS 12.4.9, iOS 12.5 — iOS 12.5.5 (A7 — A11 devices)
Checkra1n Jailbreak iOS 12.5 — 12.5.6, iOS 12.4.9, iOS 12.4.8, iOS 12.4.7, iOS 12.4.6, iOS 12.4.5, iOS 12.4.4, iOS 12.4.3, iOS 12.4.2, iOS 12.4.1, iOS 12.4, iOS 12.3.2, iOS 12.3.1, iOS 12.3
Rootless Jailbreak iOS 12, iOS 12.0.1, iOS 12.1 iOS 12.1.1, iOS 12.1.2
OsirisJailbreak12 iOS 12, iOS 12.0.1, iOS 12.1 iOS 12.1.1, iOS 12.1.2

Cydia for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak

Cydia is the most popular and most familiar package manager for jailbreak users.
You can have fully functional Cydia by jailbreaking your iOS 12 — iOS 12.4.8 running device using unc0ver jailbreak and checkra1n jailbreak. Also, you can install Cydia for iOS 12.4.9 and iOS 12.5 with Checkra1n. However, still there is no update from Cydia on iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak which we will share soon once it’s released.

And also Cydia alternatives are available to download for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5 running devices without jailbreaking it.

TaigOne offers the Cydia Demo app to experience Cydia without jailbreaking.

Sileo for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak

If you jailbreak your iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.5 running device using Chimera you can have Sileo package manager.

When you jailbreak using Chimera it will automatically install Sileo.

Sileo Demo version is available to download iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.5 running devices.

Similar to Cydia, still there is no update from Sileo on iOS 12.5.7 jailbreak which we will share soon once it’s released.

You can install Sileo Demo from TaigOne without jailbreak.

iOS 11 or below users can find all about iOS 11 jailbreak and non-jailbreak iPhone customization details on our iOS 11 official page.

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