Как играть в ios игры на андроид
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Как играть в ios игры на андроид

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На смартфоне с Android научились запускать приложения, созданные для iPhone. Но есть подвох

Один из энтузиастов-разработчиков сумел портировать эмулятор iOS на операционную систему Android. В основу проекта лёг инструмент touchHLE, созданный ранее в этом году разработчиком Hikari no Yume и способный эмулировать старые приложения iOS на компьютерах Mac и Windows.

На смартфоне с Android научились запускать приложения, созданные для iPhone. Но есть подвох

Эмуляция iOS на непредназначенном для этого оборудовании довольно сложна. Однако некоторые разработчики успешно запускают старые версии iOS или iPhone OS. Более старые версии операционной системы имеют гораздо меньше функций безопасности и предназначены для более простого оборудования, что упрощает их запуск на других платформах.

С помощью touchHLE нельзя запустить полную версию iOS, но можно эмулировать некоторые очень старые приложения и игры для iPhone, такие как Super Monkey Ball и Crash Bandicoot: Nitro Kart 3D.

Теперь разработчик ciciplusplus портировал touchHLE для работы на Android, чтобы пользователи могли играть в старые игры для iPhone на устройствах Android. Как свидетельствует ролик в Twitter, проект работает хорошо, но есть одна загвоздка.

У эмулятора touchHLE есть множество ограничений при работе на компьютере, и все они по-прежнему присутствуют в версии для Android. Например, приложения работают только на SoC с архитектурой AArch64. Кроме того, этот эмулятор iOS не тестировался с другими приложениями и играми, кроме Super Monkey Ball. И, конечно же, для запуска должны иметься оригинальные установщики приложений, которые вы хотите запустить. Желающие могут ознакомиться с проектом на GitHub.

Эмулятор старых iOS-игр touchHLE теперь работает и на Android

Разработчик под никнеймом ciciplusplus опубликовал на GitHub версию эмулятора touchHLE для Android. С помощью приложения на смартфонах можно запускать старые игры для iOS.

В марте девушка под никнеймом Hikari no Yume опубликовала код эмулятора touchHLE, позволяющего запускать на компьютере игры, разработанные для iPhone OS — первой версии iOS. Эмулятора написан на Rust и доступен для Windows и macOS.

В социальных сетях девушка рассказала, что соблюдала максимальную осторожность, чтобы не нарушить авторские права Apple. В итоге эмулятор не использует оригинальный код компании, а во время работы не применялись методы для обратной разработки iPhone OS. Поэтому приложением могут пользоваться все желающие, а у Apple не будет оснований для судебных исков.

Сейчас другой разработчик под никнеймом ciciplusplus опубликовал код версии touchHLE для Android. Пользователи теперь могут запускать игры для iPhone OS на современных смартфонах. Важно отметить, что у портированной версии есть ограничения, к примеру, touchHLE для Android запускается только на процессорах с архитектурой AArch64. Также его пока протестировали только с игрой Super Monkey Ball.

iOS Emulator for Android : Run Apple iOS Apps on Android

iOS emulator for Android facilitates your Android smartphone to run iOS apps on Android. You can experience the Apple apps on Android without having root access or making any customization. These iOS emulators can be installed as an individual app on Android. Learn all about running an iOS app on Android and what is the best iOS emulator for Android.

In This Article

iOS emulators are stand-alone apps for Android where you can run all the Apple apps on Android. These Apple emulators are free to use and can be easily downloaded from Play Store itself.

But, before we hit the list of top iOS emulators for Android, here are some common queries around on the internet about the Emulators.

5 Best iOS Emulator For Android

Here are the top iOS Emulators for Android you can use to run iOS apps on Android and experience running Apple iPhones apps and games on Android.

1. Appetize iOS Emulator

Appetize iOS Emulator is one of the best methods to run iOS apps on Android. This is an iOS emulator which are capable of running almost all the apps built for Apple iPhones.

appetize-ios emulator for android

This unique iOS Emulator doesn’t require any apk download on Android or special root permissions.

All you need is to go to the official website of Appetize iOS Emulator and start using the Apple apps on Android.


  • Safe to use and free of Viruses.
  • Compatible with all Android Devices
  • Great GUI
  • No installation is required.
  • Free to use
  • Supports all iOS Apps and Games
  • Easy to switch Android-iOS and vice versa
  • Need High-Speed internet connection to avoid lags

How to Run ios App on Android using Appetize Emulator

  1. Open Chrome browser on Android mobile or tablet
  2. Go to appetize.io
  3. Sign in or create a new account
  4. Browse the apps and enjoy a huge collection of iOS apps on Android

2. Cider iOS Emulator

Cider iOS Emulator is a quite popular emulator among game lovers who want to enjoy iOS games on Android.


The emulator gives you a great user interface and a lag-free experience while running iPhone apps on Android. You can enjoy playing Apple ios games on Android without any lags or errors with Cider.

However, there is a bit of flaw with this ios emulator as it supports the selective version and makes Android mobiles. So, before you hit install the emulator, You need to check if your Android is supported by the Cider iOS Emulator.

  • Easy to Install via apk
  • Lag-free experience
  • Supports All major ios Apps
  • Exact iPhone like interface
  • Supports almost all Android version
  • Play iOS games for Free
  • Easily clone iOS app into Android
  • Exact iOS User Interface
  • Simple and easy navigation
  • Compatible with Android 2.3 and later
  • Requires minimum 1 GB RAM for the smooth operating apps
  • Full of pop-up Ads
  • Supports Fewer iOS apps

3. iEMU

iEMU is one of the most popular emulators for Android with virtual ios environment on Android mobile and tablet. This emulator allows you to install the iPhone apps on Android.


Tiny in size emulator is an open-source apk that is easy to install and play ios apps and games on Android. Nice GUI and dedicated ios environments give you a real feeling of an iPhone.

As the emulator is developed as open-source, you can find some issues while running the app which is worth as the program is still in the development process.

In a nutshell, iEMU is one of the best ios emulators for Android you can use to install ios apps on Android mobile and tablet.

The installation is quite easy and supports almost all Android versions.

  • Free to use all features
  • Easy to install via apk
  • Supports all major Andriod versions
  • allows installing ios apps on Android
  • Real iPhone environments
  • Easy to switch between iPhone and Apple interface
  • Free to use
  • Supports all Android devices and version
  • Very tine on size
  • Doesn’t require any special configuration
  • Real Apple iPhone interface
  • No security measure as it’s open-source
  • lot’s of ads
  • Not available on Google Play Store

How to Run ios App on Android using iEMU Emulator

  1. Download the iEMU emulator apk and install it on Android
  2. Wait for the installation to complete
  3. Go to app drawer and find “Padiod
  4. Launch the app and start using ios apps on Android.



IOS EMUS is another one of the best ios emulators for Android. This free to use emulator has everything a decent iPhone have. If you want to experience the Apple iPhone on Android, then this emulator is most suitable for you.

The emulator not only supports all iPhone apps on Android but also is integrated with Siri- voice assistance for iPhone.

And other lots of features make IOS EMUS the most wanted and popular ios Emulator for Android.

  • No in-app purchase required
  • All free ios apps available
  • No need to Root Android
  • Runs all iOS apps on Android smoothly
  • Fully customizable
  • All free features[No paid apps or services]
  • Supports almost all ios Apps
  • Runs smoothly even on small RAM size
  • Supports Android version 4.0 and later
  • Frequent ads
  • Not available on Google Play store

5. All in one emulator

As the name suggests itself All in one emulator is probably the best ios emulator to run iPhone app on Android mobile and tablet in the list. The emulator supports almost all the ios apps to run on Android.

In addition, All in one emulator allows using other features like camera, safari, iTunes, iOS and other iPhone features to use on Android.

If you want to experience the real Siri voice assistance on Android, then this emulator gives you the real environment to use Siri on Android as well.

Frequent updates give you additional features and supports.

  • Frequent updates
  • Siri Support
  • Free ios Emulator for Android
  • No Malware and Spyware found
  • Lightweight
  • Runs with minimum RAM
  • Real iPhone environment
  • Quick and easy switch between Android and iOS
  • Get regular and frequent updates
  • Built-in Siri support
  • Uses minimum RAM to ensure the lag-free operation
  • Use paid ios apps for free on Android
  • Supports all Android version
  • Huge apps library
  • Average UI and Dashboard
  • Full of Ads

This was the list of best ios Emulators for Android to run ios apps on Android. If you want to run iOS apps on PC here is the list of top iOS emulators for PC .

Can I run iOS apps on Android?

There are several methods to enjoy iOS apps without an iPhone. You can either use an iOS emulator for PC to install Apple apps on your PC or you can use a decent iOS emulator for Android to run iOS apps on Android smartphones and tablets.

What is an iOS Emulator?

IOS emulator is replicating software that emulates IOS software. When you make use of this software on your laptop or windows PC, it makes the emulator work like the IOS platform.

With this simulator or emulator, it’s possible to test-run the apps in your device when developing them or when debugging them. There are so many benefits of an emulator.

Prominent among these benefits is the developmental process of an app you are testing. It also enables you to run different devices with one IOS platform.

Again, iOS emulator helps you to learn more about IOS development and Xcode. Overall, an android emulator for IOS will come in handy for an App developer in a lot of ways.

Is there an iOS emulator for Android?

There are several iOS emulators you can install on Android to experience the iOS apps on Android.

Here we have listed the best free iOS emulator for Android. All the emulators featured here are free to use and can run almost all iOS apps on Android including iOS games.

What are the features of iOS Emulators?

The IOS simulator is designed with a wide range of predefined paths and locations that can be used to test applications.

Secondly, the simulator has the capacity to use slow motions when placing animations with debug. This approach will be vital when creating a unique UIKit animation while ensuring that each frame is perfect.

Dynamically color views

This is another important feature of the IOs simulator. It is a great way of exploring the original simulator applications and or when you want to debug your application. Using the debug menu option, you can accurately color views in real time.

It stimulates software/hardware events

Although real hardware application testing is irreplaceable, the android IOS emulator has really gone far in its bid to emulate real-world events. Actually, some events such as creating memory warnings, status bar, or toggling in-call may be less difficult to debug using the IOS stimulator than possible with actual events.

The emulator has several event options in the hardware menu. They include;

  • TV Out
  • In-call status bar
  • Simulate memory warning
  • Lock screen press
  • Home button press
  • Shake gesture
  • Rotate right
  • Rotate left

How to Run iOS Apps on Android?

Running iOS app on android is not as difficult as people may believe. In fact, it’s more difficult to run IOS app on windows than it is on android.

We are going to show you step by step guide on how to do it the right way using appetize ios emulator for android

  1. Go to your phone’s browser and paste or type appetize.io at the address bar.
  2. As the site becomes completely loaded, there is a button that will display, asking you to tap to play.
  3. Tap the button to reveal the iOS platform in your android device.
  4. Afterwards, you will be able to access and test any iOS application of your choice. As stated earlier, this is a web-based application so you don’t need to download or install anything.

But if you are running an iOS app on android using iEMU emulator, this is where you have to download the platform.


iOS Emulator For Android: Final Words

Running iOS on Windows is more challenging than running on android devices. While the emulators can match perfectly on android, this is not the case with windows. That’s why it’s more common to see users running IOS on android using the different emulators mentioned above.

These emulators are free and do not require any expertise to download and use. Overall, you can always select the most ideal emulator option when running IOS for android. And if you want to run it for windows, caution should be applied.

As most of the iOS Emulator For Android featured here are available to download from Play store for free. Still, you can use some alternative marketplace to download iOS Emulator For your Android. Which is your favorite emulator? Do let us know in the comment section below.

How to Run iOS Apps on an Android Device

How To Run Ios Apps On An Android Device Featured

Most of us are either an Android or iOS user. However, you may find yourself in a situation where you would like to run a particular iOS application but only have an Android device. While not as easy as it may sound, you can run iOS apps on an Android device. However, many apps won’t run properly and most emulators aren’t actively supported.

Appetize.io (Browser-Based)

One of the easiest ways to run an iOS app on your Android device without installing any application is using Appetize.io on your phone’s browser. This online emulator launches an iOS-like device, complete with the look and feel of iOS. To use it, follow the instructions below.

1. Open your phone’s browser and visit Appetize.io.

2. When it loads, the screen below will be shown; click on the “Click to Play” button.


3. This opens iOS, allowing you to run any iOS application here. To run your iOS app, you can upload it to the website, and it will be available for you to run.


One thing that sets this apart is that you don’t have to worry whether it’s compatible with your Android device version. However, the emulator won’t always have immediate support for newer iOS apps.

Appetize.io is also meant more for developers to test new apps on various systems. You also can’t simply download apps from the App Store.

iOS Emulator Apps for Android

There are several iOS emulators available for Android that make it possible to run iOS applications on Android. The most common applications are the Cider and iEMU applications for Android. Sadly, neither are currently supported, which means newer versions of iOS apps likely won’t work.

To run these emulators, you will need the following on your device:

  • At least 512MB of RAM available
  • Android version 2.3 or later
  • Available space, as iEMU takes up to 60MB of space, while the Cider application takes up to 12MB. (Remember, you’ll also need space for the iOS apps.)

iEMU Emulator

The iEMU emulator is one of the best emulators to run iOS applications on Android. It can be easily downloaded, installed and used. Download it here and follow the steps below.

1. If you downloaded the apk file using your computer, you will need to transfer the file to your Android device. It will take roughly 60MB of space. Tap to open the file on your device. You should get a message stating you need to allow installation of apps from unknown sources.

This should take you directly to the Settings. If not, use the next few steps to do this manually. These steps apply to Android 11. If you need to enable installation from unknown sources in earlier versions, use these steps instead.

2. Go to your Android device’s Settings, tap Application Manage, and select Special Access.

How To Run Ios Apps On An Android Device Special

3. Tap Install Unknown Apps.

How To Run Ios Apps On An Android Device Install Unknown

4. Select iEMU to allow access.

5. Navigate to where you have the iEMU apk file stored and tap on it to install.

After successfully installing the emulator, check the installed applications; you will see an application called AIO Downloader. (The second app in the screenshot below.) Tap on it to run it.

This app will allow you to download iOS applications and run them using the emulator. In my case, I downloaded the iMusic application. Download the iOS application of your choice and enjoy running and using it on your Android device.


The only disadvantage associated with this emulator is that it only supports .zip and .ipas files.

Cider App

Cider is another application that runs iOS applications on an Android device. This application was developed by a group of students who claim that both Android and iOS are running on ARM-run hardware. The application is still at the advanced research stage but works well. It, however, has one disadvantage compared to the iEMU emulator: it has no support for GPS, Bluetooth, or any other location services.

The first thing to do is download the Cider apk file. When the download completes, transfer the file to your Android device and install it.

On successful installation, go to your device’s app drawer and locate the Cider application. Tap on it to launch it. This opens the emulator where you are now able to download and run iOS applications. I downloaded the iOS messaging application which worked the same way it works on iOS.





iOSEmus is a little more recent than the previous two emulators. The last version came out in 2017. Just like the others, it’s installed via an apk file. It’s designed to be compatible with most popular iOS apps, though possibly not more recent ones.

How To Run Ios Apps On An Android Device Iosemus

One thing users love is that everything’s free within the emulator, even paid iOS apps. However, you will have to deal with a large amount of ads. It’s not without its faults, but it makes the process fairly easy to run iOS apps on Android.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will I get a full iOS experience on Android?

No. Emulators won’t make your Android device function just like an iOS device. The only way to get a full iOS experience is with an iOS device.

2. Why don’t iOS apps function the same; why aren’t they compatible?

Android and iOS are extremely different. This is why developers have to create apps separately for each platform. Hardware and software differences make it impossible for every iOS app to function the same on Android devices and vice versa.

3. Are there any other options?

If you have certain iOS apps you love but only have an Android device, you may want to consider purchasing an older iOS device. Purchasing a refurbished device made in the last five years is often hundreds of dollars cheaper. For instance, an iPhone 6S on Amazon starts at just over $100. And, it’ll still run iOS 14. If you buy an unlocked device, you won’t need a mobile carrier but can only use it on Wi-Fi.

Wrapping Up

Thanks to the above-mentioned applications, it is now easier to run iOS apps on an Android device. (You can also make your Android device look like an iPhone and view iPhone emojis on Android.) One thing to note is that not all iOS apps are supported, and you will have to use trial and error to see if the apps you want work on the phone.

Want to keep exploring interesting apps on Android? See our list of the best free music download apps for Android and have a look at the best games hidden in various Google services.

Crystal Crowder has spent over 15 years working in the tech industry, first as an IT technician and then as a writer. She works to help teach others how to get the most from their devices, systems, and apps. She stays on top of the latest trends and is always finding solutions to common tech problems.

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