Как установить браузер на apple watch
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Как установить браузер на apple watch

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uBrowser: Web Browser On Watch 17+

Introducing Browser, the ultimate web browsing experience on your Apple Watch! Explore the vastness of the internet without needing to reach for your phone. With Browser, you have a fully functional web browser right on your wrist.

Seamlessly navigate websites: Whether it's accessing a specific website or searching for information, simply type or speak the URL or search term, and Browser will fetch the results for you.

Powered by Google: Utilize the power of Google as your default search engine. Find what you're looking for effortlessly and stay up-to-date with the latest information.

Secure browsing: Enjoy peace of mind with Browser's emphasis on privacy and security. Your browsing sessions are encrypted and protected from potential threats.

Bookmark your favorites: Save your most visited websites as bookmarks for instant access. Quickly jump back to your go-to sites with just a tap on your Apple Watch.

Intuitive navigation: Swipe left to effortlessly go back to the previous page. Experience smooth and seamless browsing with intuitive gestures designed specifically for the Apple Watch.

Browser offers an exceptional browsing experience that is fast, secure, and user-friendly. Discover a new way of exploring the web with the convenience of your Apple Watch. Don't miss out — download Browser today and elevate your browsing to new heights, right from your wrist!

5 Web Browser Apps for Apple Watch (Free and Paid)

Web Browser Apps for Apple Watch

Many of the Apple Watch users in the world, including myself, know that Apple forgot a key piece to their operating system when they developed the Apple Watch. That key piece is a web browser. Apple has created the ability to brow a website that is sent to you in an email. You can click on a link in an email to view the website, but that is about it. In an effort to fill that void, a number of developers have created web browser apps for the Apple Watch. If you have ever searched for an app in the App Store, you know there are all kinds of options available to you. In an effort to make your selection process easier for you, I have provided some information about the available options.

Table of Contents

Free Web Browser Apps for Apple Watch


Screenshot of the Parrity Web Browser App Homepage.

This highly rated and free web browser for Apple Watch uses your iPhone that is paired with your watch to render the content from the web and then stream it directly to your watch. Once it goes to your watch, you can visit the website then or cache it to view later. When the pages are cached, you can toggle between any pages you have not closed, even if your phone is not in range.

It is a mini version of a web browser that is familiar to you. You do not have to get used to using a completely different browser. You can search the web and this browser supports common search engines like google , amazon, wikipedia , and many more. You can go directly to sites using Siri or share sites from Safari. You can tap the face of your watch to click on links. It has its own watch face complication.

This app does not have nested or horizontal scrolling. It does not allow you to enter text as there is not text input field. Sometimes when you tap on your watch face, the app does not respond that way you expect it to. You may have to tap more than once for it to respond.

Click here to download Parrity from the App Store. You must download the app from your watch or iPhone. You will not be able to download it from your computer.


Screenshot of the Webabit Web Browser App Homepage.

Webabit is another free web browser for Apple Watch. This app offers limited access to websites on your watch. The name of the app tells it all, it is only a bit of the web. It is easy to access from your watch. You can also access it from your iPhone notification center. Once you bookmark the site in Safari, you can then access it from your watch. All you have to do is pull down the website and you are able to browse. This app does allow unrestricted access to web browsing, even if there are any parental controls in place.

Click here to download Webabit from the App Store. You must download the app from your watch or iPhone. You will not be able to download it from your computer.

Squint Browser

Screenshot of the Squint Web Browser App Homepage.

Squint Browser is a free app that allows you to view any webpage in any language on your Apple Watch. Squint browser has its own complication. This app can be used on your watch, iPhone and iPad. You can create favorites on your phone and hand it off to your watch. You can also create and edit keywords. You can easily access websites through this browser by tapping a link or a favorite on your watch screen. This app allows you easy access to websites by swiping left or right. Anything you do on your iPhone through this browser is mirrored on your watch.

You can use the microphone on your watch to use your voice to browse websites. This app is compatible with AirPods and other data-scayt-word=”bluetooth” data-wsc-lang=”en_US” data-wsc-id=”k5rnci0ait31ms809″>bluetooth enabled speakers. This app uses voice commands to read to you. All you have to do is say ‘Read Everything’ and it does. You can also use a command such as ‘Read Article’. You have the ability to pause and play the reading of the website. You can also say a keyword, such as ‘coffee’ and it reads everything pertaining to coffee.

You can easily expand and collapse all the results for the quick summary for every webpage. It has its own navigation bar to move through your history and favorites. You do not need to create an account to use this browser. It also works with all common search engines, such as google and yahoo. You will find a menu with extra features so you can share screenshots, links, or other items with contacts. They provide technical support for any problems you may find.

Click here to download Squint Browser from the App Store. You must download the app from your watch or iPhone. You will not be able to download it from your computer.

Paid Web Browser Apps for Apple Watch


Screenshot of the iBrowseWeb Web Browser App Homepage.

This app is on the pricey side coming in at $19.99. Even though this app packs a hefty price tag, it may not meet all of your needs. iBrowseWeb is the way to browse and search the internet on your Apple Watch. With this app, you are able to have a fully working keyboard to browse the internet. This is a feature that you are not likely to find with a free web browser for your Apple Watch. You can also create tabs, save any website you wish, and view all of the latest updates, directly from your watch.

You are able to follow any links on various webpages from your watch. It does not matter if the links are internal to the website, or take you to a different one, your watch allows you to view them all. You are able to view the entire website, with all of its images. This web browser does not cut out any content. You can also zoom in and out on at any point while you are browsing.

iBrowseWeb has a full support staff for any problems you encounter. They completely stand behind their software and allow you to submit tickets to resolve any issues you have. They are also open to suggestions about how to improve their app and functionality that they can update in future releases.

Click here to download iBrowseWeb from the App Store. You must download the app from your watch or iPhone. You will not be able to download it from your computer.


Screenshot of the WristWeb Web Browser App Homepage.

WristWeb is a simple to use app that allows you to browse the web from your Apple Watch. It has a middle of the road cost of $9.99. This app was specifically designed to allow you to browse the web on your watch. You are able to search for a website by voice. What is unique about this app is that it uses artificial intelligence to simplify the view of the website. It then provides a summary of the website on the screen of your Apple Watch.

This app has a built in search history so that you can easily and quickly search for the same websites at a later time. You can also maintain bookmarks through your watch. You can also use force touch for additional access commands. There are three modes in which you can view a webpage. The simplified version gives you a clean version of the website that has a large font version of webpages that are easy for you to read on your Apple Watch. The summarized version uses an algorithm to condense the information on the webpage to just a few sentences. It determines what is most important about the article and gives you just that information. This is a great way to peruse a long article on your watch.

The third mode that you can also a webpage is the full page version. This shows you the entire website with all the graphics. You can see all of the links on the webpage and click on them to go to other places inside and out of the website. You can easily switch between any of the viewing modes while browsing a website. You can force touch your watch screen while browsing a website and you can select the viewing mode from there. You can easily pass along a webpage you are viewing on your watch to your iPhone. If you decide that you want to look at it on a bigger screen, simply unlock your phone and the webpage is automatically handed off to your iPhone browser.

Every site you browse is private. There are no third parties involved to process the websites. Navigation through the browser is easy, as you can swipe right to go back a page and force touch for a menu of available options.

Click here to download WristWeb from the App Store. You must download the app from your watch or iPhone. You will not be able to download it from your computer.


Of all the web browsers that are available for my Apple Watch, I prefer the WristWeb app. While it does come at a cost, I believe that it is worth it. The fact that the app uses artificial intelligence to determine the key pieces of a website is priceless. From there, I can determine if I need to see the entire site and if I need a bigger screen, I can hand it off to my phone. It does not give me a keyboard to type, but I can use voice commands to look for a website. I have found that using voice commands works better than typing on my watch. For all of those reasons, I don not mind paying $9.99 for a browser that works on my watch.

Как использовать секретный браузер Safari в Apple Watch

Операционная система watchOS довольно-таки многофункциональна, но ей не хватает одного – полноценного браузера. Не смотря на крошечный экран Apple Watch, который не идеален для просмотра сайтов, многие хотят установить Safari на Apple Watch для быстрого веб-серфинга или, например, просмотра шпаргалок, когда iPhone далеко и его не хочется доставать.

Секретный барузер safari apple watch

Благодаря этой фишке, вы сможете использовать скрытый браузер Safari на своих Apple Watch. Этот способ совместим со всеми Apple Watch, в том числе со старыми.

Шаг 1. Отправьте себе сообщение с адресом сайта, который вы хотите открыть, через приложение «Сообщения» или «Почта», сделать это можно как с компьютера, так и с iPhone.

Шаг 2. Откройте приложение «Сообщения» или «Почта» на Apple Watch.

Шаг 3. Затем откройте свое сообщение или электронное письмо и перейдите на отправленный сайт.

браузер сафари

Таким образом вы открыли секретный Safari на Apple Watch. К сожалению открывать новые адреса таким способом нельзя, но вы можете продолжить отправлять себе нужные ссылки на почту или по СМС и открывать их в браузере.

Стоит отметить, что вы также можете воспользоваться полноценной клавиатурой QWERTY для ввода URL в сообщение самому себе, если у вас Apple Watch Series 7.

На других моделях Apple Watch для ввода URL-адреса можно попробовать воспользоваться диктовкой. Для отправки URL на часы лучше использовать диктовку, клавиатуру часов или iPhone.

Что может браузер на Apple Watch

Есть несколько удобных жестов, которые вы можете использовать для просмотра веб-страниц на Apple Watch.

1. Легко перезагружайте и листайте страницы сайта

Чтобы перезагрузить веб-страницу на Apple Watch, коснитесь адресной строки вверху и нажмите «Перезагрузить страницу». Листать страницу сайта также просто, проведите пальцем вверх-вниз или воспользуйтесь колесиком часов для прокрутки веб-страницы вверх или вниз. Вы также можете коснуться верхней части экрана, чтобы перейти к началу текущей страницы — точно так же, как на iPhone.

перезагрузка страницы в браузере сафари apple watch

Если на сайте есть поле ввода текста, например строка поиска по сайту, то вы также можете ввести текст, либо диктовкой, либо с QWERTY-клавиатуры (на Apple Watch 7). К сожалению, ввести адрес нового сайта нельзя, нужно также отправлять ссылки самому себе по почте или по смс.

2. Увеличение веб-страницы

Вы можете дважды тапнуть, чтобы увеличить или уменьшить масштаб веб-страницы. После увеличения масштаба веб-страницы перемещаться по сайту можно при помощи касания пальцем. К сожалению, Apple Watch не позволяют масштабировать веб-страницу двумя пальцами. Но вы можете вернуться назад или вперед, проведя вправо или влево от края экрана.

3. Включить режим для чтения

Коснитесь адресной строки вверху и выберите необходимый режим: Вид “Для чтения” или Веб-просмотр. Обратите внимание, что не все веб-сайты поддерживают эти режимы. Рекомендуем пользоваться режимом для чтения, на сайтах плохо адаптированных под мобильные устройства или с большим количеством рекламы.

режим чтения apple watch safari

Чтобы выйти из браузера на Apple Watch нажмите «Закрыть» в левом верхнем углу экрана.

Учтите, что это не полноценный браузер для Apple Watch, поэтом на некоторых сайтах могут некорректно загружаться шрифты, изображения или загрузка может происходить дольше чем обычно.

Как очистить историю просмотров на Apple Watch

Интересно, что история просмотра Apple Watch не синхронизируется с сопряженным iPhone. Историю просмотра страниц вы можете очистить только через Apple Watch.

Шаг 1. Откройте приложение «Настройки» на Apple Watch и выберите «Основные».

Шаг 2. Теперь нажмите «Данные сайтов» и нажмите «Очистить данные веб-сайта». Подтвердите удаление нажав «Удалить данные».

Таким образом можно открыть браузер в Apple Watch. Несмотря на крошечный экран часов, браузер Safari можно использовать, например для шпаргалок или экстренного просмотра какой-то важной информации. Возможно полноценный браузер для Apple Watch появится с выходом watchOS 9, анонс которой запланирован на WWDC 2022 вместе с iOS 16.

How To Use Apple Watch’s Hidden Web Browser: Surf The Web From Your Wrist

Apple Watch has access to a web browser, but the company doesn’t tell you how to find it or the three ways to start surfing from your wrist.

A lesser-known Apple Watch feature allows surfing the web and even using search engines. Despite being so small, Apple's wearable is powerful enough to include a web browser — though with no dedicated app, it’s only accessible indirectly. While reading on such a tiny screen isn't really ideal, it can be quite handy when wearing an Apple Watch with cellular capability and if your iPhone isn't as easily accessible.

There are at least three easy ways to open the hidden Apple Watch browser: using Siri, from Messages, and from Mail. The trick is to get a link to appear on the screen. After a Siri search, a list of web results will be shown, and tapping any of the links from the list will open the browser. In some cases, the browser defaults to Reader mode. If this happens, touching the website address at the top and then 'Web View' will show the page more like it appears on the iPhone. Back, Forward, and Reload buttons are also revealed by tapping the address bar.

More Ways To Open Apple Watch's Browser

In addition to using Siri, Apple Watch's hidden web browser can also be opened through Messages and Mail. Tapping a link from an email or from a message opens the page in the Apple Watch browser. From there, users can read the contents of the link as they would normally (albeit on a very small screen).

As a workaround for deeper searches, a batch of links can also be sent to serve as starting pages, such as Bing, DuckDuckGo, or other search engines. Google's search engine doesn't work, though, as the button that launches the search is replaced with an 'X' to clear the text if desired. And, unfortunately, there is no way to proceed after entering keywords. It's also possible to directly type a link on the watch using Messages and, after sending, users can tap on that link to open it on the Apple Watch.

Is There A Safari-Like App For Apple Watch?

To date, Apple has not released an official Safari app for the Apple Watch, nor are there dedicated apps for other major browsers such as Chrome. It’s easy to understand why — browsing on the tiny device, while it might be convenient in a pinch, would come with serious limitations to the experience. It's also worth noting the Apple Watch did not have a built-in full QWERTY keyboard until the Series 7 release, which would make typing a search query difficult. A Safari app would likely fall far short of Apple’s high standards, and the company isn’t one for releasing half-baked products.

There are a few third-party browser apps, but the selection is limited and some are not that well rated. Parrity appears to be the most popular third-party browser for the Apple Watch, but even it has a fair share of issues. At the time of publication, Parrity has a 3.8-star rating and hasn't been updated in a long time. While the built-in browser can be tricky to access, it will likely be the most reliable solution and can take advantage of features that third-party developers might not be able to.

You Can Also Watch YouTube On An Apple Watch

While the web browser on the Apple Watch is limited in its functionality, the good news is that Apple Watch users can now watch YouTube right on their wrist. There's still no official YouTube app available, but a third-party app called WatchTube enables users to watch YouTube videos. The handy little app is actually quite feature-packed. It not only lets users search for YouTube videos, but also enables liking and subscribing. In addition, it displays recommendations and includes a library, complete with watch history, likes, and channel subscriptions.

The app even supports closed captions, although they're likely to be too small to be readable on the Apple Watch's tiny display. On the App Store listing page, the developer notes that it's also added support for opening WatchTube from other applications. This means that if an Apple Watch user were to tap on a YouTube link in an app like Messages, the video might open and play in the WatchTube app.

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