Как открыть презентацию keynote на windows
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Как открыть презентацию keynote на windows

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Как открыть файл keynote на windows

Как открывать, редактировать и сохранять файлы .key Keynote в PowerPoint в Windows

Есть ли простой способ открыть файлы Keynote на ПК с Windows? Все мои коллеги используют Mac.

Keynote может быть лучшим пакетом для презентаций, который вы можете купить — или получить бесплатно на любом новом Mac — но, если честно, он не самый распространенный. Эта честь по-прежнему принадлежит PowerPoint, и хотя можно открыть файлы этой программы в Keynote, обратное немного сложнее. Не беспокойтесь, потому что в этом уроке мы покажем вам, как редактировать файлы .key в Windows.

Связанные с: Обзор Apple Keynote | 10 Apple Keynote Советы | Альтернатива Apple Keynote или PowerPoint для Mac

Что такое файл .key?

При создании новой презентации в Keynote файл автоматически сохраняется в формате .key. Это отличается от, скажем, PowerPoint, который использует формат .pptx, или Microsoft Word, который использует разновидность .docx. По сути, все они делают одно и то же, но не все приложения могут открывать файлы каждого типа.

Основная проблема для пользователей Keynote заключается в том, что PowerPoint не может читать форматы .key и, следовательно, затрудняет перемещение презентаций между платформами. Это может быть сделано, как мы объясним ниже.

Экспорт презентации Keynote в формате PowerPoint

Если вы являетесь создателем презентации Keynote, то на самом деле очень легко преобразовать ее в формат PowerPoint, который могут открыть ваши друзья в Windows.

Первое, что вам нужно сделать, это найти нужный файл, открыть его, затем перейти в строку меню вверху и нажать «Файл»> «Экспорт в»> «PowerPoint».

Откроется новое окно, в котором вас попросят подтвердить, что вы хотите экспортировать в PowerPoint. При экспорте создается дублирующая версия презентации Keynote, поэтому будьте уверены, что ваш оригинал останется без изменений. Новый просто в формате, который можно открыть на ПК с Windows.

Перед созданием нового файла попробуйте нажать на серую стрелку рядом с Расширенные параметры.

Это показывает выпадающее меню, где вы можете выбрать точный формат, который вы хотите. Обычно вы выбираете .pptx, но если человек, которому вы отправляете файл, использует более старую версию PowerPoint (около 1997-2003), тогда вы можете выбрать .ppt.

Нажмите «Далее», назовите файл и укажите, где вы хотите его сохранить, затем нажмите «Экспорт». Теперь копия презентации должна быть найдена в выбранной вами папке, дополненной расширением .pptx в конце. Это означает, что теперь вы можете отправить его своим друзьям по Windows, и они смогут открыть его, как любой другой файл PowerPoint.

Использование iCloud для редактирования Keynote на ПК с Windows

Если файл Keynote не был создан вами или у вас нет доступа к Mac, то для открытия презентации .key требуется немного больше усилий.

Самый простой способ — использовать iCloud, онлайн-портал Apple, который включает в себя веб-версии Pages, Numbers и Keynote. Если вы не являетесь пользователем iCloud, вы можете быстро создать бесплатную учетную запись. Просто зайдите на сайт iCloud и нажмите «Не иметь Apple ID»? вариант внизу экрана. Следуйте инструкциям, и через пару минут вам будет хорошо.

Связанные с: Как использовать iCloud Drive

После настройки учетной записи у вас теперь есть доступ к онлайн-версии Keynote. Просто войдите в iCloud, указав свой Apple ID, и вы получите набор значков для всех различных служб Apple. Нажмите на синий значок Keynote, чтобы запустить приложение.

В приложении Keynote вы увидите значок настроек (зубчатое колесо) в верхней части страницы. Нажмите на это, и появится выпадающее меню с опцией Загрузить презентацию вверху.

Выберите это, перейдите к файлу .key, нажмите «Открыть», и ваша презентация появится в приложении Keynote.

Отсюда вы можете либо отредактировать презентацию, а затем снова сохранить ее как обычный файл .key, либо, если вы хотите использовать PowerPoint, вы можете загрузить копию в формате .pptx. Для этого нажмите значок гаечного ключа / гаечного ключа в правой верхней части экрана и выберите «Загрузить копию» в появившемся меню.

Теперь все, что осталось сделать, это выбрать формат PowerPoint из появившихся окон, и у вас будет файл .pptx, который можно открыть на вашем ПК с Windows.

Хотя многие функции, шрифты и форматы будут совместно использоваться в разных приложениях, вы можете столкнуться с некоторыми вещами, которые не совсем совпадают. В этих случаях лучше позволить программному обеспечению заменить их теми, которые оно рекомендует. Надеемся, что большинство вещей пойдет гладко, и вскоре вы и ваши коллеги по Windows будете создавать красивые и информативные презентации в гармоничной манере.

Обязательно ознакомьтесь с нашими статьями «Как редактировать файлы .pages в Windows» и «Как установить Windows на Mac», чтобы узнать больше о сотрудничестве Microsoft и Apple.

How to Open Keynote .key Files on Windows

Creating presentations on our Macs or iPads with Keynote is really convenient while at home or on the go. But later, we have hard times when we want to open them on our Windows PCs at work using Powerpoint.

Sometimes the other way around happens. We desperately need to open Powerpoint presentations that our colleague or visiting lecture sent us, on our iPads or Macs using Keynote. Additionally, sometimes we need to edit Powerpoint presentations on Keynote.

Whatever you need to do, I have good news for you. In this article, I will show you easy ways how to open Keynote (.key) files on Windows PC using Powerpoint. Furthermore, here you can also learn how to open Powerpoint presentations on macOS and iOS using Keynote.

Apple’s software for presentations, Keynote is capable of creating astonishing presentations on your Macs and iOS Devices. People like to use Keynote because its presentations really stand out when compared with the ones created on its Microsoft’s counterpart, Powerpoint. All the keynote presentations are saved in Keynote format with .key extensions. Keynote is an Apple software, and it is available for Macs and iDevices exclusively. So, there is no Windows version of it. Since Keynote is a must-have for playing Keynote files, Windows users can not playback any Keynote presentation. However, if you created a Keynote presentation and you need to migrate it to Powerpoint, you can do that. The converting process is simple, and it allows you to view, play, and edit Keynote presentations on Windows using Powerpoint.

How to Convert a Keynote File to a PowerPoint Presentation

Convert Keynote to PowerPoint presentations on Mac

  1. Click on File.
  2. SelectExportTo.
  3. ChoosePowerPoint.

Convert Keynote to PowerPoint presentations on iOS Devices

  1. While in Keynote, longpress on the Keynotepresentation, and click on Share.
  2. SelectExport from the menu.
  3. Tap on PowerPoint.

Convert Keynote to PowerPoint presentations on iCloud

  1. Go to
  2. Select Download a Copy.
  3. Choose PowerPoint.

How to Open a Keynote (.key) file in PowerPoint

If you received or created a Keynote presentation, these are the methods you can do to view and edit the .key file on Windows using PowerPoint.

  • While using Keynote, you can export the presentation into a PowerPoint document with a .ppt or .pptx extension. To do that, SelectFile >Export to PowerPoint, and that’s it. You’ve got the Keynote into a PowerPoint format.
  • If you are using Keynote on your iDevice, use the export to PowerPoint option. Create the presentation on your iPad and then email it to your work account converted to a PowerPoint file, directly from your iPad.
  • If you do not have an iPad or Mac with Keynote installed, and you received a Keynote presentation, ask the person to export the file into a PowerPoint presentation. After that, tell them to send you the .ppt or .pptx file on email so that you can edit it on your Windows PC.

How to Export a Keynote File to a PowerPoint Presentation Using Your iPad

If you are creating Keynote presentations on your iPad, you can send the file directly to your email in a PowerPoint format.

  1. OpenKeynote on your iDevice.
  2. Select the presentation you want to export.
  3. Tap on the 3-dot menu in the toprightcorner and select Export.
  4. ChoosePowerPoint.
  5. Now, choose how you want to send the file. (via Mail, Drive, DropBox, etc.)
  6. Finish the sendingprocess.

Note: When exporting to PowerPoint, the process replaces any unrecognized fonts with its system recognized fonts. Additionally, Powerpoint replaces your Keynote transitions and animations with comparable ones from Microsoft’s palette.

How to Open a Keynote file in PowerPoint Using iCloud

iCloud is a highly useful service for its users. It allows your Windows PC to use iWork. When you use iWork on iCloud, you can access all your Keynote presentations through any Mac or PC web browser. Keynote for iCloud allows you to open, edit, and share your keynote files from any Windows computer connected to the internet. You can also use devices with other operating systems. The only thing you need is internet access and a web browser.

To use Keynote for iCloud, sign in to iCloud.com and make sure your iCloud account uses iCloud Drive. That way, Keynote for iCloud will be able to download .ppt and .pptx files.

How to Convert Keynote to PowerPoint Presentations using iWork for iCloud

  1. Go to com.
  2. Sign in using your AppleID and password. Create an AppleID if you don’t have one.
  3. In iCloud, openKeynote.
  4. Click on the Upload button and select your Keynotepresentation.
  5. Double-click on your presentation.
  6. Click on the icon and selectDownload aCopy…

  7. Select PowerPoint.

After you download the file, open it like any other PowerPoint presentation on your Windows PC. And, what is even more convenient is that after you finish editing the file, you can use this same iCloud tool to convert your presentation back to a Keynote file.

How To Present Keynotes Using iCloud

iCloud offers you an option to present any Keynote presentation without downloading or converting any files. It is simple. You just need internet access and a web browser.

  1. Open your browser of choice.
  2. Navigate to com.
  3. Open Keynote.
  4. Open your presentation and click on the Playbutton. That’s it.

Additionally, iCloud allows online editing your presentations, with no downloads required.

Pay Attention to Your Fonts

While using Keynote on iCloud, keep in mind that your local Mac fonts will not be available. So when creating your presentation on Keynoter for Mac or iCloud, make sure you choose system fonts that both your iCloud and computer share. If you include local fonts, iCloud will replace those with system fonts. Also, depending on your internet connection, while using Keynote on iCloud some of the animations may not playback smoothly.

However, if you are concerned about the animations and fonts, you can save the file as a QuickTime movie. That’s how you will keep all the same effects and fonts. If you are using this method, keep in mind that your presentation is only viewable, without options to change or edit something. Also, make sure you have Quicktime installed on the Windows PC you use.

Showing Keynote Presentations Using an iPad

If you have an iPad, you can use it to play your Keynote files at business meetings, in the classroom, or even at larger presentations. If you are using a large display or projector, you need to use the proper projector input for an iPad. You also need a Lightning-to-VGA converter for the iPad to connect to the display or projector. iPads have additional advantages when it comes to presentations. They have easy on-screen annotations right on top of the Keynote slides.

Want to Convert PowerPoint to Keynote Presentations? Here is How

Importing your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation into Keynote never been so easier. Keynote now supports many PowerPoint features. You can use it to comment, perform conditional formatting, and even create bubble charts on PowerPoint presentations.

Keynote makes viewing and editing PowerPoint presentations super simple. Just open the Keynote software on your Mac, choose import an existing file, and navigate to your PowerPoint presentation. You can open .ppt as well as .pptx file extensions.

How to Open a PowerPoint File Using Keynote for iCloud

  1. Open your webbrowser, typecom, and login with your AppleID.
  2. Open Keynote.
  3. Drag your PowerPoint presentation into the Keynote You can also click the uploadbutton and choose the file you want to upload.
  4. Wait while your PowerPoint presentation is uploading on iCloud.

How to Open a PowerPoint Presentation on Your iPad

  1. Send your PowerPointpresentation to your iPad. (Upload it to iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, or send it to your email)
  2. Locate the attachment you’ve just sent on your iPad, and openit.
  3. Tap on the Share button and selectCopytoKeynote.
  4. Your iPad will automatically convert and import the file to Keynote.

After the presentation opens, you may get a message telling you that the file was last edited in a different app than the most recent Keynote version. Also, it may tell you that Keynote does not support some aspects of the presentations. And lastly, Keynote will let you know for any substitutions that it may do for things like animations or fonts.

Final Words

Having an option to open and edit Keynote and PowerPoint presentations on both Mac and PC is convenient and needed in many situations. Use these methods to get out the best from both worlds, Apple’s Keynote and Microsoft’s PowerPoint.

Как открыть и просмотреть презентации Keynote на ПК (узнаете за минуту)

Andrew Childress

Andrew Childress Last updated Mar 6, 2018

Если вы используете популярное приложение для презентаций Keynote от Apple, иногда вам может понадобиться поделиться файлами с теми, у кого нет Mac. Посмотрите, как сохранить презентацию Keynote в PowerPoint. Затем я покажу вам, как открыть экспортированный файл Keynote на ПК.

К этому уроку имеется полезное дополнение. Загрузите нашу БЕСПЛАТНУЮ электронную книгу: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations. Заберите её и читайте дальше.

Complete Guide to Making Great PresentationsComplete Guide to Making Great PresentationsComplete Guide to Making Great Presentations

Примечание. В уроке мы используем тему Keynote Pitch, вы можете найти более интересные шаблоны презентации Keynote на GraphicRiver или на Envato Elements. Для ещё большего вдохновения взгляните на 15+ лучших шаблонов презентаций.

Как открыть и просмотреть презентацию Keynote

Примечание. Просмотрите скриншот или следуйте по шагам, которые дополняют это видео.

1. Экспорт презентации Keynote

Приложение Keynote от Apple является простым инструментом для презентации и дизайна. Но, поскольку это Mac и iOS, иногда нам нужно найти способ поделиться презентациями с нашими друзьями в Windows. Мой любимый способ — перейти в меню File > Export > PowerPoint

Convert keynote to PowerPointConvert keynote to PowerPoint Convert keynote to PowerPointВыпадающее меню для преобразования Keynote в PowerPoint.

2. Сохранение презентации

Нажмите Next, а затем выберите место и имя файла, чтобы сохранить экспортированную версию набора слайдов PowerPoint.

Choose a location and file nameChoose a location and file name Choose a location and file nameВыбор имени и места экспортированного файла презентации Keynote.

3. Открываем презентацию Keynote в Windows

Просто отправляем это на Windows. Перейдя на Windows, вы увидите, что экспортированные слайды из Keynote открываются. Презентация Keynote выглядит хорошо и в PowerPoint.

How to open a Keynote file in WindowsHow to open a Keynote file in Windows How to open a Keynote file in WindowsВы узнали, как файлы Keynote открываются в Windows.


Большинство функций презентации Keynote поддерживаются в PowerPoint, но не забудьте просмотреть всё после преобразования. Убедитесь, что элементы анимации, диаграммы и графики выглядят так, как надо в PowerPoint на Windows.

Ещё один вариант — экспортировать файл Keynote в формате PDF, но при этом теряется возможность редактирования файла.

Не забывайте своих коллег на Windows, если пользуетесь Keynote. Используйте это руководство для преобразования Keynote в PowerPoint, чтобы пользователи ПК могли открывать ваши файлы Keynote.

Ещё уроки презентаций Keynote на Envato Tuts +

Дополнительные пособия по Keynote:

Для ваших презентаций (Free PDF eBook Download)

Этот учебник проведёт вас через весь процесс создания презентации. Вы узнаете, как её написать, сделать профессиональный дизайн и громко представить.

 Free eBook PDF Download Make a Great Presentation Free eBook PDF Download Make a Great Presentation Free eBook PDF Download Make a Great Presentation

Загрузите новую книгу: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations. Она свободна по подписке на Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

How to Open Keynote .key Files on Windows

Creating presentations on our Macs or iPads with Keynote is really convenient while at home or on the go. But later, we have hard times when we want to open them on our Windows PCs at work using Powerpoint.

Sometimes the other way around happens. We desperately need to open Powerpoint presentations that our colleague or visiting lecture sent us, on our iPads or Macs using Keynote. Additionally, sometimes we need to edit Powerpoint presentations on Keynote.

Whatever you need to do, I have good news for you. In this article, I will show you easy ways how to open Keynote (.key) files on Windows PC using Powerpoint. Furthermore, here you can also learn how to open Powerpoint presentations on macOS and iOS using Keynote.

Apple’s software for presentations, Keynote is capable of creating astonishing presentations on your Macs and iOS Devices. People like to use Keynote because its presentations really stand out when compared with the ones created on its Microsoft’s counterpart, Powerpoint. All the keynote presentations are saved in Keynote format with .key extensions. Keynote is an Apple software, and it is available for Macs and iDevices exclusively. So, there is no Windows version of it. Since Keynote is a must-have for playing Keynote files, Windows users can not playback any Keynote presentation. However, if you created a Keynote presentation and you need to migrate it to Powerpoint, you can do that. The converting process is simple, and it allows you to view, play, and edit Keynote presentations on Windows using Powerpoint.

How to Convert a Keynote File to a PowerPoint Presentation

Convert Keynote to PowerPoint presentations on Mac

  1. Click on File.
  2. SelectExportTo.
  3. ChoosePowerPoint.

Convert Keynote to PowerPoint presentations on iOS Devices

  1. While in Keynote, longpress on the Keynotepresentation, and click on Share.
  2. SelectExport from the menu.
  3. Tap on PowerPoint.

Convert Keynote to PowerPoint presentations on iCloud

  1. Go to
  2. Select Download a Copy.
  3. Choose PowerPoint.

How to Open a Keynote (.key) file in PowerPoint

If you received or created a Keynote presentation, these are the methods you can do to view and edit the .key file on Windows using PowerPoint.

  • While using Keynote, you can export the presentation into a PowerPoint document with a .ppt or .pptx extension. To do that, SelectFile > Export to PowerPoint, and that’s it. You’ve got the Keynote into a PowerPoint format.
  • If you are using Keynote on your iDevice, use the export to PowerPoint option. Create the presentation on your iPad and then email it to your work account converted to a PowerPoint file, directly from your iPad.
  • If you do not have an iPad or Mac with Keynote installed, and you received a Keynote presentation, ask the person to export the file into a PowerPoint presentation. After that, tell them to send you the .ppt or .pptx file on email so that you can edit it on your Windows PC.

How to Export a Keynote File to a PowerPoint Presentation Using Your iPad

If you are creating Keynote presentations on your iPad, you can send the file directly to your email in a PowerPoint format.

  1. OpenKeynote on your iDevice.
  2. Select the presentation you want to export.
  3. Tap on the 3-dot menu in the toprightcorner and select Export.
  4. ChoosePowerPoint.
  5. Now, choose how you want to send the file. (via Mail, Drive, DropBox, etc.)
  6. Finish the sendingprocess.

Note: When exporting to PowerPoint, the process replaces any unrecognized fonts with its system recognized fonts. Additionally, Powerpoint replaces your Keynote transitions and animations with comparable ones from Microsoft’s palette.

How to Open a Keynote file in PowerPoint Using iCloud

iCloud is a highly useful service for its users. It allows your Windows PC to use iWork. When you use iWork on iCloud, you can access all your Keynote presentations through any Mac or PC web browser. Keynote for iCloud allows you to open, edit, and share your keynote files from any Windows computer connected to the internet. You can also use devices with other operating systems. The only thing you need is internet access and a web browser.

To use Keynote for iCloud, sign in to iCloud.com and make sure your iCloud account uses iCloud Drive. That way, Keynote for iCloud will be able to download .ppt and .pptx files.

How to Convert Keynote to PowerPoint Presentations using iWork for iCloud

  1. Go to com.
  2. Sign in using your AppleID and password. Create an AppleID if you don’t have one.
  3. In iCloud, openKeynote.
  4. Click on the Upload button and select your Keynotepresentation.
  5. Double-click on your presentation.
  6. Click on the icon and selectDownload aCopy…

  7. Select PowerPoint.

After you download the file, open it like any other PowerPoint presentation on your Windows PC. And, what is even more convenient is that after you finish editing the file, you can use this same iCloud tool to convert your presentation back to a Keynote file.

How To Present Keynotes Using iCloud

iCloud offers you an option to present any Keynote presentation without downloading or converting any files. It is simple. You just need internet access and a web browser.

  1. Open your browser of choice.
  2. Navigate to com.
  3. Open Keynote.
  4. Open your presentation and click on the Playbutton. That’s it.

Additionally, iCloud allows online editing your presentations, with no downloads required.

Pay Attention to Your Fonts

While using Keynote on iCloud, keep in mind that your local Mac fonts will not be available. So when creating your presentation on Keynoter for Mac or iCloud, make sure you choose system fonts that both your iCloud and computer share. If you include local fonts, iCloud will replace those with system fonts. Also, depending on your internet connection, while using Keynote on iCloud some of the animations may not playback smoothly.

However, if you are concerned about the animations and fonts, you can save the file as a QuickTime movie. That’s how you will keep all the same effects and fonts. If you are using this method, keep in mind that your presentation is only viewable, without options to change or edit something. Also, make sure you have Quicktime installed on the Windows PC you use.

Showing Keynote Presentations Using an iPad

If you have an iPad, you can use it to play your Keynote files at business meetings, in the classroom, or even at larger presentations. If you are using a large display or projector, you need to use the proper projector input for an iPad. You also need a Lightning-to-VGA converter for the iPad to connect to the display or projector. iPads have additional advantages when it comes to presentations. They have easy on-screen annotations right on top of the Keynote slides.

Want to Convert PowerPoint to Keynote Presentations? Here is How

Importing your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation into Keynote never been so easier. Keynote now supports many PowerPoint features. You can use it to comment, perform conditional formatting, and even create bubble charts on PowerPoint presentations.

Keynote makes viewing and editing PowerPoint presentations super simple. Just open the Keynote software on your Mac, choose import an existing file, and navigate to your PowerPoint presentation. You can open .ppt as well as .pptx file extensions.

How to Open a PowerPoint File Using Keynote for iCloud

  1. Open your webbrowser, typecom, and login with your AppleID.
  2. Open Keynote.
  3. Drag your PowerPoint presentation into the Keynote You can also click the uploadbutton and choose the file you want to upload.
  4. Wait while your PowerPoint presentation is uploading on iCloud.

How to Open a PowerPoint Presentation on Your iPad

  1. Send your PowerPointpresentation to your iPad. (Upload it to iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, or send it to your email)
  2. Locate the attachment you’ve just sent on your iPad, and openit.
  3. Tap on the Share button and selectCopytoKeynote.
  4. Your iPad will automatically convert and import the file to Keynote.

After the presentation opens, you may get a message telling you that the file was last edited in a different app than the most recent Keynote version. Also, it may tell you that Keynote does not support some aspects of the presentations. And lastly, Keynote will let you know for any substitutions that it may do for things like animations or fonts.

Final Words

Having an option to open and edit Keynote and PowerPoint presentations on both Mac and PC is convenient and needed in many situations. Use these methods to get out the best from both worlds, Apple’s Keynote and Microsoft’s PowerPoint.

Open, Edit & Create a Keynote File (.Key) in PowerPoint on Windows PC

Last week, I sent a Keynote presentation to a friend of mine. He told me that he could not view the presentation because PowerPoint could not open it. So I decided to write this article.

Keynote is an Apple software. The Keynote app is the Mac presentation software similar to Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows computers. Keynote lets you create and deliver beautiful presentations.

By default, any Keynote file is saved as a Keynote format file with a “.key” file extension (e.g. macreports.key).

Many people do now own a Mac computer or an iOS device. This means that they can not download and install the Keynote app, as this app is exclusively developed for Apple devices. And some people may require to open Keynotes in Microsoft PowerPoint.

So, if you own a PC, here is how you can open a Keynote document. This article details three easy ways to open Keynote files on a Windows PC?

How to access (open, view, edit and even create) a Keynote presentation on Windows PC

There are three ways you can do this:

1.iCloud: The Easier Way

You can use Keynote on a PC using iWork for iCloud by signing into iCloud. See how:

  1. You can create an Apple ID on the web. Visit the Apple ID account page in any web browser (Safari, Firefox, Explorer, Chrome, etc) on any device and sign up for a free Apple ID account. The following browsers can be used:
    1. Safari
    2. Firefox 9 or newer
    3. Google Chrome 7 or newer
    4. Microsoft Edge
    5. Microsoft Explorer 11 or newer

    2. Ask the person who sent/created the file to send as a PPT (or PPTX) file

    This is another way. If you receive a Keynote file and do not want to use iCloud for whatever reasons (e.g., you do not want to have an Apple ID), then you may do this. The Keynote app lets users save files in any format. Here is how:

    1. Open the Keynote app on a Mac
    2. Then go to File > Export to… > PowerPointkeynote mac
    3. You can choose: .ppt or pptx format. You may want to use .ppt if you know your friend is using an old version of PowerPoint. To do this, click Advanced Options.export your keynote file as powerpoint
    4. Click Next and Export. This will save this. You can send it.

    3. Change the name

    This method involves changing the file’s name. If you use this method, you can preview the content of the presentation but you cannot edit, unlike the other two options above. To use this method, we will need to change the .key file’ extension. Here is how:

    1. Save the keynote file on your computer (e.g. macreports.key)macreports key file on windows
    2. Then right-click the file and select Rename
    3. Change the file’s extension to .zip (e.g. macreports.zip)macreports change to zip
    4. Now open this new zip file. You will see a few files and folders. Double click the Preview file and now you can preview the presentation.zip key file on windows

    Dr. Serhat Kurt worked as a Senior Technology Director. He holds a doctoral degree (or doctorate) from the University of Illinois at Urbana / Champaign and a master’s degree from Purdue University. Here is his LinkedIn profile. Email Serhat Kurt.

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