Work with source code
When you work with code, PyCharm ensures that your work is stress-free. It offers various shortcuts and features to help you add, select, copy, move, edit, fold, find occurrences, and save code.
For navigation inside the editor, refer to Editor basics.
Find action
If you do not remember a shortcut for the action you want to use, press Ctrl+Shift+A to find any action by name.
You can use the same dialog to find classes, files, or symbols. For more information, refer to Searching Everywhere.
Add a new class, file, package, or scratch file
In the editor, press Ctrl+Alt+Insert to add a class, file, or package.
If the focus is inside the Project tool window and you want to add a new element, press Alt+Insert .
To create a new Scratch file, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Insert .
PyCharm creates a temporary file that you can run and debug. For more information, refer to Scratch files.
Toggle read-only attribute of a file
If a file is read-only, it is marked with the closed lock icon in the status bar, in its editor tab, or in the Project tool window. If a file is writable, it is marked with the open lock icon in the Status bar.
Open file in the editor or select it in the Project tool window.
Do one of the following:
From the main menu, select File | File Properties | Make File Read-only or File | File Properties | Make File Writable .
Click the lock icon in the status bar.
If a read-only status is set by a version control system, it’s suggested that you use PyCharm version control integration features. For more information, see Version control.
Select code constructs
In the editor, place the caret at the item you want to select and press Ctrl+W / Ctrl+Shift+W to extend or shrink your selection.
For example, in a plain text file, the selection starts within the whole word then extends to the sentence, paragraph, and so on.
If you need just to highlight your braces, place the caret immediately after the block closing brace/bracket or before the block opening brace/bracket.
Select code according to capitalization
In the Settings dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), go to Editor | General | Smart Keys .
Select the Use "CamelHumps" words checkbox.
If you want to use double-click when selecting according to capitalization, make sure that the Honor CamelHumps words. checkbox is selected on the Editor | General page of the Settings dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ).
Configure tabs and indents
In the Settings dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), go to Editor | Code Style .
Select a language for which you want to configure the indentation.
From the options on the right, on the Tabs and Indents , select the Use tab character for the editor to use tabs when you press Tab , indent, or reformat code. You can also configure the tab size if you need. If you don’t select this option, PyCharm will use spaces.
Copy and paste code
You can use the standard shortcuts to copy Ctrl+C and paste Ctrl+V any selected code fragment. If nothing is selected, PyCharm automatically copies as is the whole line where the caret is located.
By default, when you paste anything in the editor, PyCharm performs "smart" paste, for example, pasting multiple lines in comments will automatically add the appropriate markers to the lines you are pasting. If you need to paste just plain text, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V .
When you copy ( Ctrl+C ) or cut ( Ctrl+X ) a line without any code selected, the paste action will add the contents of the clipboard to above the current line, not at your caret.
If you want to paste your copied code at the caret, select the Paste at the caret position option in the advanced settings.
Place the caret at a line or a symbol, right-click to open the context menu, select Copy/Paste Special | Copy Reference . When you select the Copy Reference ( Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C ) option, PyCharm creates a reference string that includes the line number of the selected line or symbol. You can press Ctrl+V to paste the copied reference anywhere.
PyCharm keeps track of everything you copy to the clipboard. To paste from history, in the editor, from the context menu, select Copy/Paste Special | Paste from History ( Ctrl+Shift+V ). In the dialog that opens, select your entry and click Paste .
The default number of items stored in the clipboard history is 100.
When you copy and paste code to the editor, PyCharm displays the hidden (special) characters represented by their Unicode name abbreviation.
You can copy the reference to a line or a symbol.
Place the caret at a certain line of code and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C (or select Copy Reference from the context menu or from the Edit menu). PyCharm creates a string in the format that depends on a symbol at caret. For example:
Solver.Solver.discr for a Python method
Solver\ for a Python file
Transpose characters
In the editor, place the caret at the characters you want to swap.
From the main menu, select Edit | Transpose .
There is no default shortcut for this action. You can assign a custom shortcut.
Lines of code
PyCharm offers several useful shortcuts for manipulating code lines.
If you need to undo or redo your changes, press Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Shift+Z respectively.
To add a line after the current one, press Shift+Enter . PyCharm moves the caret to the next line.
To add a line before the current one, press Ctrl+Alt+Enter . PyCharm moves the caret to the previous line.
To duplicate a line, press Ctrl+D .
To sort lines alphabetically in the whole file or in a code selection, from the main menu, select Edit | Sort Lines or Edit | Reverse Lines . These actions might be helpful when you work with property files, data sets, text files, log files, and so on. If you need to assign shortcuts to those actions, refer to Configure keyboard shortcuts for more information.
To delete a line, place the caret at the line you need and press Ctrl+Y .
To join lines, place the caret at the line to which you want to join the other lines and press Ctrl+Shift+J . Keep pressing the keys until all the needed elements are joined.
You can also join string literals, a field or variable declaration, and a statement. Note that PyCharm checks the code style settings and eliminates unwanted spaces and redundant characters.
To split string literals into two parts, press Enter .
PyCharm splits the string and provides the correct syntax. You can also use the Break string on ‘\n’ intention to split string literals. Press Alt+Enter or click to select this intention.
To comment a line of code, place the caret at the appropriate line and press Ctrl+/ . Press Ctrl+/ again on the same line to uncomment it.
To move a line up or down, press Alt+Shift+Up or Alt+Shift+Down respectively.
To move (swap) a code element to the left or to the right, place the caret at it, or select it and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left for left or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right for right.
Code statements
Move statements
In the editor, place the caret at the needed statement and press Ctrl+Shift+Up to move a statement up or Ctrl+Shift+Down to move a statement down. PyCharm moves the selected statement performing a syntax check.
If moving of the statement is not allowed in the current context, the actions will be disabled.
Complete current statement
In the editor, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter or from the main menu select Code | Complete Current Statement . PyCharm inserts the required trailing comma automatically in structs, slices, and other composite literals. The caret is moved to the position where you can start typing the next statement.
Unwrap or remove statement
Place the caret at the expression you want to remove or unwrap.
PyCharm shows a popup with all actions available in the current context. To make it easier to distinguish between statements to be extracted and statements to be removed, PyCharm uses different background colors.
Select an action and press Enter .
Code fragments
Move and copy code fragments by dragging them in the editor.
To move a code fragment, select it and drag the selection to the target location.
To copy a code selection, keeping Ctrl pressed, drag it to the target location.
The copy action might not be available in macOS since it can conflict with global OS shortcuts.
The drag functionality is enabled by default. To disable it, in the Settings dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), go to Editor | General and clear the Enable Drag’n’Drop functionality in editor checkbox in the Mouse section.
To toggle between the upper and lower case for the selected code fragment, press Ctrl+Shift+U .
Note that when you apply the toggle case action to the CamelCase name format, PyCharm converts the name to the lower case.
Block comments do not apply to Python scripts!
To comment or uncomment a code fragment, select it and press Ctrl+Shift+/ .
To configure settings for commenting behavior, use options in the Comment Code section, on the Code Generation tab located in the language-specific pages under File | Settings | Editor | Code Style .
Parameter hints
Parameter hints show the names of parameters in methods and functions to make your code easier to read. By default, parameter hints are enabled and shown only for values that are literals or function expressions but not for named objects.
Configure parameter hints
Open the Settings dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ) and go to Editor | Inlay Hints .
Expand <required language> under Parameter names .
Specify the context in which you want parameter hints shown by selecting the corresponding checkboxes.
The preview shows how the changes you make in the settings affect the code appearance.
For some methods and functions, PyCharm does not show parameter hints in any context. Click Exclude list. to view these methods and functions, possibly enable parameter hints for them, or add new items to the list.
Code folding
Folded code fragments are shown as shaded ellipses (). If a folded code fragment contains errors, PyCharm highlights the fragment in red.
To configure the default code folding behavior, in the Settings dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), go to Editor | General | Code Folding .
If PyCharm changes code in the folded fragment during the code reformatting, the code fragment will be automatically expanded.
Expand or collapse code elements
To fold or unfold a code fragment, press Ctrl+NumPad — / Ctrl+NumPad + . PyCharm folds or unfolds the current code fragment, for example, a single method.
To collapse or expand all code fragments, press Ctrl+Shift+NumPad — / Ctrl+Shift+NumPad + .
PyCharm collapses or expands all fragments within the selection, or, if nothing is selected, all fragments in the current file, for example, all methods in a file.
To collapse or expand code recursively, press Ctrl+Alt+NumPad — / Ctrl+Alt+NumPad + . PyCharm collapses or expands the current fragment and all its subordinate regions within that fragment.
To fold blocks of code, select a code fragment and press Ctrl+Alt+T , from the popup menu select region. endregion Comments . Use Ctrl+Alt+. to navigate to the custom folding block.
To collapse or expand doc comments in the current file, in the main menu select Code | Folding | Expand doc comments/Collapse doc comments .
To collapse or expand a custom code fragment, select it and press Ctrl+. .
You can fold or unfold any manually selected regions in code.
Fold or unfold nested fragments
To expand the current fragment and all the nested fragments, press Ctrl+NumPad *, 1 . You can expand the current fragment up to the specified nesting level (from 1 to 5).
To expand all the collapsed fragments in the file, press Ctrl+Shift+NumPad *, 1 . You can expand the collapsed fragments up to the specified nesting level (from 1 to 5).
Use the Surround With action
You can collapse or expand code using the Surround With action.
In the editor, select a code fragment and press Ctrl+Alt+T .
From the popup menu, select <editor-fold. > Comments or region. endregion Comments .
Optionally, specify a description under which the collapsed fragment will be hidden.
To collapse or expand the created region, press Ctrl+. .
To navigate to the created custom region, press Ctrl+Alt+. .
Disable code folding outline
You can disable the code folding outline that appears on the gutter.
In the Settings dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), go to Editor | General | Code Folding .
What is the shortcut key to comment multiple lines using PyCharm IDE?
In Corey Schafer’s Programming Terms: Mutable vs Immutable, at 3:06, he selected multiple lines and commented them out in PyCharm all in one action.
What is this action? Is it a built-in shortcut in PyCharm that I can use or configure myself?
5 Answers 5
This is a setting you can change and define in "Settings".
The default is with Ctrl + / for Windows, or Cmd + / for Mac.
Years later: on AZERTY keyboard, ‘/’ from syntax area (;.:/!§,?), AKA "slash" does not work! You have to use the ‘/’ symbol from numbers area (division symbol).
Is depends on you’re text editor , but probably all text editor use (ctrl + /) just highlight all the code you need to comments and use the shortcut , to know what shortcut using in you’re favorite text editor search in google : YourTextEditor shortcuts
If you use macbook build-in keyboard, this shortcut does not work. So you can assign new shortcut for this purpose by following steps;
1.Go keymap menu
2.Find "comment with line comment" then click pencil sign "add keyboard shortcut" then assign your custom shortcut (press your favorite keyboard combination)
This heavily depends on where you’re writing your python code. If you’re writing it in Notepad, there won’t be a shortcut for commenting a line.
However, if you use an IDE, you will probably have such capability alongside the ability to change the shortcut. Just search Google for keyboard shortcuts for your preferred IDE.
10 полезных сочетаний клавиш в PyCharm
Сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами своими лайфхаками касательно работы в PyCharm, ведь мы все хотим сократить время разрабатывая проект, а в этом нам помогут быстрые команды при помощи сочетаний клавиш. Так как я предпочитаю пользоваться операционной системой семейства Windows, сочетания клавиш будут заточены под нее. Перед тем как применять данные комбинации, проследите за тем чтобы у вас стояла английская раскладка, иначе, команды будут совсем другие.
Быстрое изменение регистра
Иногда полезно быстро изменить регистр слов с верхнего на нижний, или наоборот, в этом нам поможет сочетание клавиш Ctrl + Shift + U.
Верхний регистр. Нижний регистр.
Быстрое форматирование кода по стандарту PEP 8
Скопированный код с сайта чаще всего требует форматирования, особенно это касается отступов, вручную это делать долго и нудно, поэтому существует команда Ctrl + Alt + L, она в миг исправит все ошибки форматирования в коде и расставит все по своим местам.
До форматирования. После форматирования.
Закомментировать код
Очень полезное и всеми любимое сочетание клавиш быстрого закомментирования текста, выручает, когда закомментировать часть кода чтобы избежать его выполнения Ctrl + /.
Серым цветом обозначен закомментированный текст.
Некоторые конструкции, например такие как if, elif, else требуют обозначения вложенности (отступов), т.е. после условия нужно отступить от левого края нажав кнопку пробел на четыре раза. Такой ввод можно заменить, нажав один раз кнопку Tab. Обратная команда Shit + Tab, убирает отступ.
Пример табуляции на третьей строчке кода.
Дублирование строки
Быстро продублировать строку поможет сочетание клавиш Ctrl + D.
Пример дублирования строк.
Перемещение блоков
Для быстрого перемещения строк или блоков используйте сочетание клавиш Ctrl + Shift + Стрелка вверх – двигает выделенный блок или строку вверх, Ctrl + Shift + Стрелка вниз – двигает выделенный блок или строку вниз.
До перемещения. После перемещения.
Выделить текущий блок
При помощи сочетания клавиш Ctrl + W, можно выделить текущий блок, если нажимать это сочетание дальше, то будут выделяться родительские блоки.
До выделения. После выделения.
Посмотреть определение методов, функций, переменных и т.п.
Если зажать Ctrl и кликнуть например на переменную, то мы попадем в блок кода где эта переменная определена.
На данном примере кликнув с зажатой клавишей Ctrl на переменную value, мы попадаем в место где она определена.
Показ последних блоков кода с которыми работали
Весьма пригодная команда, для вызова ее используйте комбинацию клавиш Ctrl + Shift + E.
Недавние блоки кода с которыми работали.
Установка и управление закладками
Для того чтобы установить закладку на строке кода, используйте сочетание клавиш Ctrl + F11, откроется меню в котором можно будет выбрать в качестве имени закладки как цифру, так и букву. Быстро установить безымянную закладку поможет клавиша F11, открыть меню с закладками можно при помощи сочетания клавиш Alt + 2.
Установка закладок с открытым меню.
А какие горячие клавиши в PyCharm знаете вы? Поделитесь ими в комментариях.
Горячие клавиши в IDE PyCharm
Редактировать код – горячие клавиши в Pycharm
CTRL + ALT + L – отформатировать код в соответствии с Code-Style (выровнять отступы, добавить/убрать пробелы и т.п.)
CTRL + Z – вернуть назад
CTRL – D – вставить ниже текущую строку
CTRL + SHIFT + V – вставить с буфера обмена
CTRL + SHIFT + C – копировать в буфер обмена
CTRL + влево/вправо – перемещение между словами
CTRL + SHIFT + . – сделать текущий скоуп сворачиваемым и свернуть его
CTRL + R – заменить что-то в тексте
CTRL + SHIFT + R – заменить что-то во всех файлах
Окна и вкдаки
Как создать проект в PyCharm и Python файл мы писали в статье Обзор IDE Pycharm, а теперь давайте посмотрим на несколько горячих клавиш для работы с окнами и вкладками:
Alt + влево/вправо – перемещаемся между открытыми вкладками
Ctrl + Tab – Переключение между вкладками и окнами
Мы выписали основные горячие клавиши, которыми пользуемся сами и рекомендуем другим. Если вам нужно больше, или хотите изучить эту тему подробнее, можете посмотреть здесь, в официальной документации.