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R download ios как установить

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R Download Shortcut By Siri – [UPDATED VERSION 2023]

R Download Siri Shortcut For iPhone

R Download is a SIRI shortcut that allows iPhone users to download social media content from various platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter into their camera roll. This shortcut can be downloaded as well as installed for free and is compatible with iOS devices running on iOS 13 or later.

The tool uses a simple, user-friendly interface and can be customized to fit individual preferences. An important point to ponder is that this shortcut is legal to use and does not violate any platform terms of service. Overall, It’s a useful tool for individuals who want to save social media content for later use without the need for third-party apps or services.

Let’s get dig down into the details:

Compatibility With Different Social Media Platforms

This Siri Shortcut is a versatile tool that can be used to download content such as photos, videos, reels, and stories from various social media platforms. It is compatible with the following:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

It is important to note that R Download is not compatible with all social media platforms. For example, it cannot be used to download content from platforms such as Snapchat or TikTok. However, the tool is continually being updated to support new platforms and features.

How To Use & Install R Download For iPhone/iPad

To use and install R⤓Download, you will need to have an iPhone or iPad or any IOS Device with the latest version of iOS installed. You will also need to have the Shortcuts app, which is a built-in app on iOS devices. If you do not have the Shortcuts app, you can download it from the App Store.

Once you have the Shortcuts app installed, you can start using R⤓Download. But for that, first, you have to install that as well, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the above “Install Shortcut” Button to install the R Download Shortcut on your device.
  2. Open the Shortcuts app and tap on the “My Shortcuts” tab at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap on the R⤓Download shortcut to open it.
  4. Enter the URL of the file you want to download in the “URL” field.
  5. Enter the name you want to give the file in the “Filename” field.
  6. Tap on the “Download” button to start the download process.

Alternatively, you can use the following method as well to download files:

  1. Open the Photo, Video, or Reel on Instagram or the platform from where you want to download it.
  2. Tap on the “Share” or “More” Button of the post and Tap on R Download in the given listicle.
  3. The download process will begin automatically.

The download process will take some time, depending on the size of the file and the speed of your internet connection. Once the download is complete, you can find the file in your photos app on your device.

How To Use R Download Shortcut? – (Visuals Of Step By Step Guide)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is R Download Siri Shortcut free?

Yes, it’s a free ios shortcut that can be installed and used by iPhone users. It does not require any subscription fees, in-app purchases, or other forms of payment.

2. Is R Download Siri Shortcut Legal?

Yes, it is a legal tool to use. The tool does not violate any platform terms of service, nor does it infringe upon any copyrights or intellectual property rights.
However, it is important for users to understand that the content they download using this shortcut may be subject to copyright laws.

3. Does R Download Siri Shortcut work on all versions of iOS?

No, it does not work on all versions of iOS. It is only compatible with iOS devices running on iOS 13 or later. Users with devices running on earlier versions of iOS may not be able to use it.

5. How do I add R Download Siri Shortcut to my iPhone?

Please refer to the previously provided “How To” guide on how to install R Download Siri Shortcut on your iPhone.

6. Are there any limitations to using this shortcut?

It has some limitations that users should be aware of. The tool is only compatible with iOS devices running on iOS 13 or later, and may not work with all social media platforms.

Additionally, some social media platforms may restrict or prohibit the use of downloading tools such as R Download Siri Shortcut. The media content that users download using the tool may be subject to copyright laws, and users should use the downloaded content responsibly.

Lastly, due to limitations in the Siri shortcut feature, the shortcut may not always work as intended, and users may encounter errors or other issues when attempting to download media content.

7. Can I use this shortcut on an iPad or iPod Touch?

Yes, you can use the shortcut on an iPad or iPod Touch as long as the device is running on iOS 13 or later. It’s compatible with all iOS devices that meet this requirement, including iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches.

R⤓Download for iPhone on iOS 16.3.1: How to Install the R⤓Download shortcut on the iPhone

Using Shortcuts to carry out various tasks on the iPhone has become very simple. For instance, downloading videos from the internet on your iOS device was very complicated before. Now, with Shortcuts like R Download, you can do that in a few steps.

“R⤓Download” or “R Shortcut” is one such iPhone shortcut that allows users to download videos from various apps and websites within no time. Not only can it be downloaded on iOS 16, but you can also get it on iOS 13, iOS 14, and iOS 15.

However, not many iOS users are aware of this amazing tool. Here, I will tell you how to download R Shortcut on the iPhone on iOS 16.

Since R Download Shortcut is not available in the iOS Shortcut library, many users are looking for a way to download this shortcut on their iPhones. Here, I have created a detailed guide on how to get R⤓Download on iPhone.

Disclaimer: Downloading videos and photos from any platform or website without permission is against the terms and policies of those particular platforms, Apple and iOSNerds.com do not promote such practices.

How to Install R Shortcut on iPhone on iOS 16, 15, 14, and 13

Apple’s Shortcuts provide functionality similar to what browser extensions provide. Let’s find out how to download R Shortcut on the iPhone.

As stated, RDownload is not available in the “Shortcuts” store, so I have described the method to download it from its official website for iPhone.

1. Open the RoutineHub website in the Safari browser on your iPhone.

2. Tap the “Get Shortcut” button on the webpage.

3. In a pop-up menu, select “Open,” and the “Shortcuts” app will open.

R Download iOS 16 Step 3

4. Select “Set Up Shortcut” on the next page, and then “Add Shortcut.”

5. Now, simply go to “All Shortcuts,” and you will see R⤓ Download installed there.

Note: When I was trying to download “R Download” on my iOS device, I was getting an error after “Step 3.” It showed “Error Loading Gallery” multiple times. Eventually, I got to the “Add Shortcut” menu after four minutes. Hence, if you face the same error, wait for a while and try again.

Now that you know how to get “R Download” on iOS, let’s check out how to download videos on iPhone using this shortcut.

How to Download Videos and Photos from the Internet with “R Download”

Now you don’t have to copy the link of any website or app and paste it on some other website to download it. It’s all easier with “R Download.” Here’s how:

I have tried this method on a popular platform. You can do it the same way on other platforms.

1. Tap the “Share” icon on any video or photo you wish to download.

2. Tap the “Share to…” option located in the left-bottom corner.

3. Scroll down and select “R Download.”

4. It will ask to connect to a website; tap “Allow.”

5. In the next pop-up, select “Allow Once” or “Always Allow.” For privacy reasons, I select “Allow Once.”

Now the selected video or photo will start downloading. Even if you close the app, it will continue to download.

You can use the same process on other popular social media platforms and apps. While trying the same method on other video streaming platforms, R⤓Download for iOS 16 also provides video quality options.

However, sometimes it also shows a “No URL Specified” error.

How Do I Remove the R Download shortcut on my iPhone?

Go to the “Shortcuts” app and long press on “R Download” until you see a popup menu. Tap “Delete” in the menu. This will delete the R Shortcut from your iPhone.

Can I Download R Download Shortcut on iOS 16.3.1?

R⤓Download is available for all iPhones running on iOS 13 and later. So, it is obvious that you can install this shortcut on your iPhone on iOS 16.3.1.

I tried installing R Shortcut on iOS 16.3.1, and it got installed hassle-free.


Hence, this is how you can easily download and install the R⤓Download shortcut on your iPhone. This will make downloading videos from the internet very short and simple.

All the information in this guide has been researched and fact-checked to make sure it is as accurate and valuable as possible. We’ve also added links to relevant sources to give you more information and back up what we say.

We hope that this guide helped you get the “R Download Shortcut” app on your iPhone. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Как скачать ЛЮБОЕ видео из интернета на свой айфон бесплатно. Пользуюсь сам, рекомендую

Favorite В закладки

Вот уже несколько месяцев я всё чаще скачиваю ролики с YouTube. Чаще всего для того, чтобы не забыть о новых релизах любимых музыкантов, чьё творчество недоступно на территории РФ.

Вот, к примеру: совершенно случайно увидел новый видеоклип Nickelback на песню с нового альбома, который должен выйти совсем скоро. Песня – огонь, клип тоже, надо сохранить!

Нажимаю на рабочем столе своего айфона одну кнопку и ролик с ютуба улетает в мою медиатеку. Максимально просто и удобно.

Также с помощью одного тапа по экрану можно скачать любое видео из Twitter, Instagram*, Facebook*, Vimeo, Snapchat, Dailymotion, Flickr, Twitch, Tumblr, VK, SoundCloud, TikTok , и других соцсетей и ресурсов, в которых есть видеоролики.

*запрещены в России, принадлежат Meta, которая признана в РФ экстремистской

Вот, как установить себе этот волшебный загрузчик:

Нужно скачать одну быструю команду

Для начала убедитесь, что у вас на iPhone установлено приложение «Команды». Если её по каким-то причинам у вас ещё нет, немедленно качайте бесплатно из App Store. Она здорово облегчает использование смартфона, сами убедитесь.

Затем нажмите на эту ссылку, чтобы скачать команду «R⤓Download». После нажатия кнопки «Добавить», она установится автоматически в приложении Команды.

Теперь вам нужно просто скопировать ссылку на видеоролик из любой соцсети. Копируете ссылку и активируете команду R⤓Download.

Важно: R⤓Download скачивает ролики с YouTube только с включённым VPN на смартфоне на территории РФ.

Команда первое время будет спрашивать у вас разрешения на использование буфера обмена и доступ к промежуточным ресурсам, смело разрешайте. Это никак не угрожает вашим данным.

Можете разрешить один раз, или навсегда. В первом случае команда будет спрашивать у вас разрешения при каждой загрузке.

После выдачи всех разрешений вам будет предложено выбрать предпочитаемое разрешение видеоролика, а после этого начнётся сама загрузка. Подождите некоторое время, в зависимости от «веса» файла, и ищите его в своей медиатеке.

А чтобы каждый раз не открывать приложение, чтобы активировать эту команду, вы можете добавить её на рабочий стол в виде виджета. Вот, как это сделать:

1. Нажмите на любое свободное место домашнего экрана своего айфона и задержите палец, чтобы войти в режим редактирования иконок.

2. Затем нажмите на плюсик в верхнем левом углу экрана и выберите из списка виджетов «Команды».

3. Далее выберите команду «Быстрая заметка».

Теперь универсальный загрузчик видеороликов из интернета у вас всегда под рукой. Главное, не забывайте сперва скопировать ссылку, прежде чем нажимать на кнопку R⤓Download.

Больше не нужно искать сайты, которые помогают сохранять видео, устанавливать расширения или скачивать из App Store отдельные приложения. Функционала команды-загрузчика вам хватит с избытком.

А вот другие полезные быстрые команды:

Favorite В закладки

R Download Shortcut Free Latest version 2023 V.7.70 IOS (13, 14, 15, 16)

R Download Shortcut

R Download Shortcut for Fb, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube

Note: (Facebook, Youtube and Instagram downloader has been fixed and working now in R shortcut 7. 70)

Are you searching for the most reliable iPhone downloader? If you’re an iPhone user, you’ve probably heard about the R download shortcut that is trending and capable of handling many tasks. This article will guide you about what is the R shortcut, including how to use it and the method of downloading it.

iPhone devices do not come with a built-in downloader, so users need to find and install one from the web or the App store. This allows them to download files from websites without a direct download link or download button. Additionally, it can enhance download speed, and download files in various qualities and formats.

R shortcut

R Download Shortcut is a popular iPhone shortcut that can be used to download various types of files, including music, videos, documents, and images. Quickly and easily download any file from any website or mobile application thanks to the app’s easy-to-use interface.

The R shortcut allows you to get any reel, Video, image or document from any platform such as Instagram, TikTok and Youtube and Facebook. You can select the download quality of your desired download file.

What is the R Download Shortcut

A trending shortcut known as an “R shortcut downloader” can be utilized to accelerate and facilitate files download from the internet to an iPhone. The shortcut executes the task through the creation of an automated script, resulting in a fast and easy downloading experience. Downloads can be facilitated through different methods, including web scraping, APIs, and built-in browser utilities.

Instead of manually downloading the video, you’ve got a tool that does it for you in just a few clicks. With R Shortcut downloader for IOS, you can download videos from various websites, including Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok without Watermark and Youtube.

Download Shortcut

How to convert from R Shortcut 7.58 version to Latest updated version of R Shortcut?

You’ve to visited RanksAPK regularly for new version if your R shortcut 7.58 or 7.59 giving you an option for update.

What’s New in the Latest version of R Download Shortcut

  • Fix Instagram Downloading Photo, Video, Reels, files
  • Add more server of YouTube 1080p Supported
  • Fix Twitter and FB videos downloading
  • Fix Tik Tok videos downloading
  • Remove watermark from videos

Features of the R Download Shortcut

Social Platforms Compatibility

R Download is a flexible and adaptable Siri Shortcut that enables users to download various types of content such as photos, videos, reels, and stories from different social media platforms. The tool works with TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter, all of which are popular social media platforms.

It’s essential to remember that this shortcut isn’t compatible with all social media platforms. For instance, it can’t download content from Snapchat. Nevertheless, the tool is regularly updated to incorporate enhanced features and support additional platforms.

Download Videos Without Watermark

If you’re searching for a way to download videos without watermarks especially from TikTok and Youtube on your iPhone, R Downloader can be the ideal solution. With R Downloader, you can download videos from various websites such as Youtube, TikTok without worrying about the annoying watermarks that many video downloaders leave behind.

Free Downloading

If you’re searching for an application that can download images and videos free of charge from the above mentioned social platforms, R Shortcut is the answer. With its simple UI interface and powerful download potential, R Shortcut is up to the mark for iPhone or iPad users looking to download media files such as images and videos from the internet without spending a penny.

Download R Shortcut

Download Multiple Files

Multiple files can be downloaded simultaneously with the R Shortcut. By using this tool, you’ll be able to download entire albums of images, or videos playlists with just a few taps.

Download Speed Optimization

R Shortcut optimizes download speeds to download images and videos quickly. The shortcut uses multiple connections to the server to maximize your download speed.

Simple User- Interface

As a newbie with no technical background, discovering yourself in an unfamiliar application can be intimidating. However, this is not an enormous challenge with R Shortcut. Not only is this software notably unadorned, but it is also remarkably simple to navigate.

You can instantly download and launch the application without instructional materials or difficulty. Additionally, the application’s exceptional responsiveness is an excellent advantage.

No Ads

R Shortcut Download iPhone

If you want to download files without being interrupted by pop-up ads then you should try the R shortcut that gives you an uninterrupted interface to download files faster.

How To Install and Use R Download Shortcuts For Your iPhone OR iPad

To install and set up R⤓Download, you will require an iOS device, such as an iPhone or iPad, with the latest iOS version installed. To embark on the journey of downloading, it is necessary to equip yourself with the all-important Shortcuts application, which is pre-installed on iOS devices. If you don’t have this vital shortcut app in your iPhones or iPad, it can be obtained from the App Store.

How to download R Shortcuts on iOS

Tap on the “Download Shortcut” button above to download and install the R⤓Download shortcut on your device.

  1. Open the Shortcuts app and click on the “My Shortcuts” tab that can be found at the screen bottom part.
  2. R⤓Download shortcut will open after tapping its icon.

How to Use and download files from R download Shortcuts on iOS

First Method

You need to put the URL in the designated “URL” field of the desired file you’re looking to download. Please ensure to enter a file name in the given Filename field. The downloading of the R Shortcuts Downloader starts when you’ve tapped the download button.

Second Method

We’re providing you with an alternative method by which you can download social media files easily.

To download content, whether it be a photo, video, or reel, from Instagram or any other compatible platform, simply open the content you want to download and tap on the “Share” or “More” button. Start the automatic download process by selecting Shortcuts R Download from the options that appear.

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