Как установить cydia на ios
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Как установить cydia на ios

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How to Download & Install Cydia? [With / Without Jailbreak]

How to Download & Install Cydia? [With / Without Jailbreak]

Cydia is the most popular iOS application manager for jailbroken iOS devices. Currently, Cydia app is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touches. Cydia enables you to install apps and tweaks that are not originally available for jailed iDevices.

Listed below are the tested and verified methods to install fully-functional Cydia on your jailbroken device along with Cydia alternatives for your non-jailbroken device.

Cydia alternative solutions below in general enables you to install third party apps and tweaks on your iPhone/ iPad without jailbreak.

1. Cydia Compatibility Checker

Are you still confused about wheree exactly to download Cydia for your device model, or the iOS version? The wait is now over!

You can use the Cydia Compatibility Checker app to determine if your device and the existing iOS are compatible to download fully-functional Cydia. This app suggests all the verified sources from where you can install Cydia and you can pick one!

2. Cydia Repo Extractor Method

Reposi Repo Extractor is a one-stop destination to find an array of verified and trusted sources to install Cydia on your device.

  • Reposi supported devices: iPhone 14 Pro Max and below
  • Reposi supported iOS: iOS 16.5 and below

Reposi caters to both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices to serve the purpose. For example, you can find sources to install fully-functional Cydia if you’re into jailbreaking.

On the other hand, if you are not into jailbreaking or if your device is not jailbreakable yet, Reposi offers you an array of sources to install virtual Cydia on your device.

How to install Cydia from Reposi?

Step 1: Install the Reposi app using the button above.

Step 2:

  • For fully-functional Cydia, add the Repo URL — https://apps.cydia.cn/apps/ — and follow the onscreen instructions to install Cydia directly into your device.
  • For Virtual Cydia, add the Repo URL — http://pop.virtualjailbreak.com/ — to get Virtual Cydia from Unc0ver Virtual or Unc0ver Black Edition.

You can also get Cydia from verified third-party apps through the Reposi repo extractor. If that’s your choice, add the Repo URL — https://repo.3rdparty.org/bestie/apps — and follow the onscreen instructions.

So that you can install Cydia from a wide array of trusted third-party apps including Zeon, Sileem, Appvalley , Tweakbox, Tutubox Lite, and Pangu8 store.

Cydia for iOS 16 — iOS 16.5

Cydia for iOS 16

The one and only way to install fully functional Cydia on iOS 16 is by jailbreaking the device. However, iOS 16.5 jailbreak — iOS 16 jailbreak is only possible with the Palera1n Developer version, and you’ll have to jailbreak your device first for fully-functional Cydia.

Still, you can look into alternative ways to have virtual Cydia (with limited functionality) on iOS 16 — iOS 16.5. You can use the Cydia Repo Extractor method discussed above to serve the purpose.

Misaka Tweak Manager — Best Cydia Alternative for iOS 16

Misaka is a jailbreak-free tweak manager that works on the MacDirtyCow exploits, hence supports iOS 15 — iOS 16.1.2 on iOS 14 Pro Max and below.

You can install all DirtyCow tweaks from Misaka Tweak Manager without jailbreak.

You can now install Misaka Tweak Manager FOR FREE from the Taig9 IPA Store below.

Cydia for iOS 15 — iOS 15.7.5

Cydia for iOS 15

iOS 15 jailbreak is now possible either with Palera1n developer version, XinaA15 or with Fugu15. However, out of these tools, only Palera1n offers Cydia as an option.

Yet, Virtual Cydia can be downloaded from Unc0ver (Virtual) and Checkra1n (Virtual) for iOS 15 — iOS 15.6.1. For now, you can download Cydia alternatives for iOS 15 versions. Otherwise, you can download the Cydia Demo app.

Whether you want fully-functional Cydia or virtual Cydia, you can get both done using the Cydia Repo Method via Reposi Repo Extractor above.

Best Cydia Alternative for iOS 15 — iOS 15.7.5

The best Cydia alternative for iOS 15 — iOS 15.7.5 are the MacDirtyCow tweaks. These tweaks work on the DirtyCow exploit. The specialty of MacDirtyCow tweaks are you can alter even serious settings such as default system sounds on your iPhone/ iPad and there’s plenty more.

You can now download all the available MacDirtyCow tweaks completely FOR FREE from the Taig9 IPA Store below.

After installing the T9 IPA Store, scroll down to the DirtyCow Tweaks section and lay your hands on any desired tweak/s of your choice now.

Cydia for iOS 14 — iOS 14.8.1

Cydia for iOS 14

Downloading Cydia for iOS 14 — iOS 14.8.1 is possible with Checkra1n Jailbreak. But if you have a newer iPhone than iPhone X, you will only be able to install Cydia till iOS 14.8 using unc0ver jailbreak. You may install Sileo for iOS 14 — iOS 14.3 using Taurine jailbreak.

Cydia for iOS 13 — iOS 13.7

Cydia for iOS 13

Cydia download for iOS 13 — iOS 13.7 is available with Checkra1n Jailbreak for older devices below iPhone X and Unc0ver Jailbreak for newer devices up to iPhone 13. If you don’t want to jailbreak, you can install Cydia Alternatives for iOS 13 — iOS 13.7.

Cydia for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7

Cydia for iOS 12

Checkra1n Jailbreak is released for iOS 12.5.7, and full functional Cydia is now available for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.5 You can also install Cydia for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.7 using Unc0ver Jailbreak.

Cydia Alternatives are available for iOS 12 — iOS 12.5.5 for non jailbroken devices.

Install Cydia without Jailbreak

The only way to download Cydia is “Jailbreaking”. But there is a way to experience Cydia without jailbreak. Let’s see how.

Cydia Demo

Cydia Demo is a lightweight version of Cydia. You can download the Cydia demo without jailbreaking your device.

You can download the Cydia demo using Reposi App

Add following URL to Install Cydia Demo

Features of Cydia Demo

Here are the top features of the Cydia Demo app.

  1. No jailbreak is required to install and use the Cydia Demo.
  2. Supports all iOS versions up to iOS 15.2
  3. Compatible with any device even for the latest iPhone 13 devices.
  4. Easy installation method.
  5. No need a computer to install Cydia Demo app
  6. 100% free

Top 2 Cydia Alternatives

We know that Cydia is only available with a jailbreak. But there are some alternatives for Cydia available to download without jailbreak. Let’s see the top Cydia alternatives.

1. Saynmo

Saynmo is specially designed for iOS 15 and iOS 16 users. But it also supports a lower version. Saynmo contains lots of no jailbreak apps and tweaks in a variety of categories. You can install Saynmo from the button below.

Here are the popular apps and tweaks that Saynmo offers.

  • Jailbreak Tweaks

Saynmo contains many tweaks. You can install all of them without jailbreaking. Here are the popular tweaks that Saynmo offers.

  • Spotify ++
  • Watusi
  • Facebook++
  • Tinder++
  • iTransmission
  • Insta Rocket etc.
  • Hacked Games

You can install hacked and cracked games with Saynmo app. No jailbreak needed.

  • Jailbreak Tools

Saynmo provides jailbreak tools for iOS 9 — iOS 15. You can download any jailbreak tool according to your iOS version and jailbreak your device to have fully functional Cydia.

  • Third-Party App Stores

There are popular third-party apps available in Saynmo. You can install tweaks, install themes and wallpapers, install Carplay apps and more.

2. Ataler

Ataler is no jailbreak iOS customization app store. Ataler contains themes, wallpapers, and more. You can install Ataler from the below button.

Here are the top few apps that Ataler offers.

  • Colorup — iOS themes and wallpaper collection
  • Jian — iOS keyboard customization app
  • Tweaqi — Tweaks collection
  • Launchify — iPhone / iPad launch screen customization app
  • Movian — Unlimited movie collection

Cydia Apps

Cydia apps are third party applications which are not available in the App Store. Unlike tweaks, some Cydia apps can be installed on an iDevice regardless of the jailbreak status of your device. That means even though some devices/ iOS versions cannot be jailbroken, you can experience many themes and extensions outside the App Store. Almost all the apps in Cydia are free to install. Therefore, you have the complete privilege of trying out those so-called apps at no cost.

Cydia apps give/enable you

  • New themes to give a new appearance to your iDevice
  • Emulators for games
  • Redesign the iOS default interface and modify flows
  • Create your own ringtone
  • Download files directly to your iDevice
  • Modified versions of apps

Most popular Cydia apps / Cydia Tweaks

  • Activator
  • Auxo 3
  • Alkaline
  • Apex 2
  • AppLocker

If you are still new to jailbreak or reluctant for a jailbreak, you still can experience this Cydia app with Cydia demo version.

Best Cydia Tweaks

Here are the best Cydia Tweaks.

  1. Cylinder
  2. RealCC
  3. Alkaline
  4. No3DCursor
  5. Activator
  6. SafariAutoCorrect
  7. Auxo 3
  8. Tap Tap Lock
  9. AppLocker
  10. RingPercentLabel
  11. Apex 2
  12. Velox Reloaded 2
  13. Cercube 3
  14. BioLockdown
  15. MediaWidget
  16. Bytafont 3
  17. PowerWidget
  18. Browser Changer
  19. InvisibleWidget
  20. GuestMode

Cydia Sources / Repos

  • APP Cake / iPhone Cake
    • Repo: http://cydia.iphonecake.com/
    • Repo: intelliborn.com/cydia
    • Repo: http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/
    • Repo: zodttd.saurik.com/repo/cydia/
    • Repo: apt.modmyi.com
    • Repo: http://repo.appvv.com
    • Repo: http://sinfuliphonerepo.com
    • Repo: http://repo.biteyourapple.net
    • Repo: http://rpetri.ch/repo/
    • Repo: http://filippobiga.me/repo

    How to use Cydia?

    If you have a doubt of using Cydia here is the full guide.

    Step 1: First you have to jailbreak your device using a proper jailbreak tool and download Cydia.

    Step 2: Then you can open the Cydia app on your Home Screen. Then you can find several tabs for different purposes.

    Here are the tabs containing Cydia and the purposes of each tab.

    Cydia — Home screen of Cydia app

    Sources — Add and edit repositories

    Changes — find updates of the installed apps

    Installed — shows all downloaded apps and tweaks

    Search — Find apps and tweaks you want

    How to add a Repository to Cydia?

    Step 1: Open Cydia and tap on the sources tab

    Step 2: Tap on edit on the upper right corner and type the repository url on the given text field

    Step 3: Then tab Add Source and the repository will be installed.

    How to Download Tweaks on Cydia

    Step 1: Open the Cydia app and tap on the search tab.

    Step 2: Type the tweak you want to install

    Step 3: Then tap on Modify -> Install -> Confirm

    Step 4: Then the tweak will be installed. After installing tap on the restart springboard.

    How to Delete Tweaks from Cydia

    Step 1: Open Cydia and tap on the Installed tab.

    Step 2: Tap the tweak you want to be deleted.

    Step 3 : Then Tap Modify -> Remove -> Confirm

    Step 4: After deleting tap on the restart springboard.

    1. Is Cydia free?

    Yes. But some harmful tweaks may cause some virus issues. So be careful when you install tweaks using Cydia.

    2. Do I need to jailbreak my device to get Cydia?

    Yes. But you can download the Cydia Demo app without jailbreak.

    3. Are there any alternatives for Cydia?

    Yes. You can download some third-party apps like Reposi, Taig9 IPA Store, Saynmo, etc, as the Cydia alternative apps.

    4. Is Cydia Made by Apple?

    No, Cydia was made by a third-party developer named Jay Freeman.

    5. Does Cydia jailbreak my iPhone?

    Not really. Cydia is only available after jailbreaking your iPhone with a jailbreak tool that offers Cydia.

    6. What is the purpose of Cydia?

    Cydia is used to install apps and tweaks that are not originally available for your iPhone/ iPad.

    Скачать Cydia

    Узнайте, как сделать джейлбрейк iPhone и iPad. Пошаговое руководство и загрузка инструментов для джейлбрейка устройств iOS.

    Как скачать Cydia:

    Вы можете сделать джейлбрейк iPhone с помощью инструментов для джейлбрейка, перечисленных ниже.

    Cydia iOS 16:

    • Джейлбрейк Unc0ver
    • Джейлбрейк CheckRa1n

    Cydia iOS 15 до iOS 15.6.1:

    • Джейлбрейк Unc0ver
    • Джейлбрейк CheckRa1n

    Cydia iOS 14 до iOS 14.8:

    • Джейлбрейк Unc0ver
    • Джейлбрейк CheckRa1n

    Cydia iOS 13 до iOS 13.7:

    • Джейлбрейк Unc0ver
    • Джейлбрейк Checkra1n

    Cydia iOS 12 до iOS 12.5.3:

    • Джейлбрейк Chimera
    • Джейлбрейк Unc0ver

    Cydia iOS 11 до iOS 11.4.1:

    • Джейлбрейк Electra
    • Джейлбрейк Unc0ver

    Cydia iOS 10 до iOS 10.3.4:

    • Джейлбрейк H3lix

    Cydia iOS 9 до iOS 9.3.6:

    • Джейлбрейк Ph0enix

    Cydia iOS 8 до iOS 8.4.1:

    • EtasonJB

    Cydia iOS 7 до iOS 7.1.2:

    • Джейлбрейк Pangu

    Cydia iOS 6 до iOS 6.1.6:

    • Джейлбрейк P0sixspwn

    Cydia iOS 5 до iOS 5.1.1:

    • Джейлбрейк RedSn0w

    Cydia iOS 4 до iOS 4.3.5:

    • Джейлбрейк Greenp0ison

    Как использовать Cydia:

    После установки Cydia путем джейлбрейка iPhone выполните следующие действия, чтобы использовать его для установки настроек джейлбрейка на устройство.

    cydia app

    1. Когда вы запустите Cydia, то увидите ее домашний экран, как показано на рисунке ниже.
    2. В нижней части экрана вы увидите такие параметры, как Источники, Изменения, Установленные и Поиск.
    3. В Источниках, вы можете добавлять репозитории и редактировать существующие. Можно найти список дополнительных источников на странице по ссылке приведенной ниже.
    4. В Поиске, вы найдете настройки и приложения из Источников, которые были добавлены на шаге 3.
    5. Опция Установлено показывает установленные твики и приложения из Cydia.
    6. На странице Изменения отображаются все обновления приложений, которые были загружены из Cydia.

    Как добавить Источник в Cydia:


    1. Запустите Cydia
    2. Нажмите Источники и увидите список источников, уже включенных в Cydia
    3. В правом верхнем углу экрана нажмите Изменить
    4. В левом верхнем углу нажмите Добавить
    5. Введите URL-адрес источника, который хотите добавить в качестве репозитория в Cydia.
    6. Нажмите Добавить источник (Add Source) как показано выше.

    Лучшие источники Cydia Repo:

    Нажмите на ссылки, расположенные ниже, чтобы добавить репозиторий в Cydia.

    Как скачать настройку на Cydia:

    1. После того, как вы добавили источник (репозиторий) в Cydia, перейдите в Поиск
    2. Введите название настройки и убедитесь, что она работает в вашей версии iOS.
    3. Затем нажмите Изменить в правом верхнем углу экрана, затем Установить> Подтвердить
    4. Начнется установка настройки. Выберите опцию Перезапустить (Restart Springboard), когда появится эта опция.

    Как удалить Настройку из Cydia:

    1. Запустите Cydia и перейдите в Установленные > Недавние и нажмите на название настройки
    2. Нажмите Изменить > Удалить > Подтвердить
    3. Когда будет выведен запрос, нажмите Перезапустить (Restart Springboard)

    Часто задаваемые вопросы:

    • Что такое джейлбрейк?

    Джейлбрейк – это процесс, позволяющий раскрыть истинный потенциал iPhone и убрать ограничения, установленные в операционной системе iOS. Это делается с помощью установки “Менеджера пакетов”, такого как Cydia или Sileo. Также джейлбрейк дает возможность устанавливать сторонние приложения и твики для настройки и улучшения вашего устройства.

    • Легален ли джейлбрейк?

    Да, легален. В 2012 году, Библиотека Конгресса признала его юридическим исключением из DMCA (Закон о защите авторских прав в цифровую эпоху), что делает его законным.

    • Что такое Менеджер пакетов?

    Менеджер пакетов такой как Sileo и Cydia устанавливается при джейлбрейке на iPhone. Он позволяет устанавливать сторонние приложения и настройки на устройство iOS. Он похож на неофициальный магазин приложений.

    • Что такое Cydia?

    Cydia – это Менеджер пакетов (неофициальный магазин приложений) для устройств iOS, который позволяет загружать настройки и приложения на iPhone и iPad. Чтобы загрузить Cydia на телефон, необходимо выполнить джейлбрейк вашего устройства с помощью перечисленных выше инструментов.

    • Зачем нужен джейлбрейк для установки Cydia?

    Apple сильно ограничивает тот контент, который они позволяют вам скачивать. Если приложение не из официального магазина приложений, то Apple не хочет, чтобы оно у вас появилось. Cydia – один из способов скачивать неофициальные приложения и другой контент на ваше устройство. Этот магазин приложений включен в каждый джейлбрейк; и вы не сможете установить его отдельно.

    • Зачем скачивать Cydia?

    Cydia предлагает несколько функций, которые без джейлбрейка недоступны.

    • Загрузка тем и настроек, изменяющих внешний вид вашего устройства
    • Загрузка приложений и настроек, которые привносят дополнительные функции и улучшения в работу iOS
    • Загрузка приложений и настроек, которые обеспечивают дополнительные функции для стандартных приложений iOS
    • Загрузка множества рингтонов, обоев и других полезных улучшений, недоступных в стандартной iOS

    Все это делает загрузку Cydia стоящим делом.

    • Может ли Cydia быть установлена без Джейлбрейка?

    Нет, Cydia не может быть установлена если предварительно не сделать джейлбрейк.

    • Cydia бесплатна?

    Да, Cydia – это полностью бесплатный магазин приложений для iPhone, который доступен для загрузки с помощью любого из перечисленных выше инструментов для джейлбрейка.

    • Безопасно ли использовать Cydia на iPhone?

    Да, Cydia абсолютно безопасна. Тем не менее, вы должны использовать только авторитетные источники репозитариев для Cydia и загружать контент оттуда. Сторонние или не проверенные источники могут содержать вредоносное ПО.

    • Какие преимущества я получу от Джейлбрейка?

    Джейлбрейк дает вам доступ ко множеству дополнительных функций и улучшений, таких как:

    • Получение более глубокого доступа к iOS
    • Доступ к менеджерам пакетов, таким как Cydia или Sileo
    • Установка тем, которые изменят внешний вид вашего устройства
    • Установка настроек, которые изменят поведение вашего устройства
    • Установка стороннего контента, недоступного в других местах
    • Нужно ли мне платить за настройки в Cydia?

    Настройки и приложения в Cydia бесплатны, однако некоторые из них требуют небольшой оплаты.

    • Какие есть альтернативы Cydia?

    Альтернативы Cydia существуют и могут даже не требовать делать джейлбрейк для вашего устройства. Они просты в загрузке и удобны в использовании. Мы перечислили некоторые из них на этой странице.

    • Как удалить Cydia с iPhone?

    Чтобы удалить Cydia вы можете либо восстановить ваше устройство используя iTunes или воспользуйтесь приложением Cydia Eraser. Cydia Eraser – это полезный инструмент, который удаляет Cydia с iPhone без обновления текущей прошивки iOS. Это означает, что, если вы хотите, то можете повторно взломать свое устройство и установить Cydia позже.

    • Что такое репозиторий?

    Репозиторий или хранилище – это как база данных, полная настроек и приложений, которые вы можете добавить в менеджер пакетов ( например, в Cydia или в Sileo ) на своем взломанном устройстве. Менеджеры пакетов обычно поставляются с несколькими предварительно установленными источниками репозиториев, но вы можете добавить дополнительные источники, которые дадут вам доступ к большему количеству настроек и программ.

    • Что такое твик?

    Твик (или настройка) – это программа, которая изменяет внешний вид вашего устройства или определенных его частей. Настройки обычно не имеют значка приложения, на который вы можете нажать. Вместо этого они собраны в приложении «Настройки», где их можно отрегулировать.

    • Что означает “Перезагрузка” или “Перезапуск”?iphone respring screen

    Когда ваше устройство возобновляет работу, домашняя страница и пользовательский интерфейс iOS перезапускаются. Большинство настроек требуют, чтобы вы “перенастроили” свое устройство, чтобы изменения вступили в силу без перезагрузки самого телефона. Вам также не нужно переустанавливать джейлбрейк, если ваше устройство восстановится, и менеджеры пакетов (т.е. Cydia и Sileo) останутся активными.

    • Что такое режим восстановления?

    Режим восстановления – это своего рода защита вашего iPhone или iPad, которая позволяет выполнить новую установку операционной системы iOS. Режим восстановления – это полезная функция, применяемая при восстановлении операционной системы iPhone, если какая-то ее часть повреждена или запускается неверно. Такое может произойти во время неудачной попытки джейлбрейка.

    • Что такое режим DFU?

    Режим DFU позволяет взаимодействовать с операционной системой без загрузки iOS или самого загрузчика. DFU означает Обновление прошивки устройства, но его не следует путать с режимом восстановления, так как в функциональном плане он отличается. DFU обычно используется в качестве последнего средства, если что-то пойдет не так на вашем iPhone или iPad. Некоторые инструменты также используют его как часть процесса джейлбрейка вашего устройства.

    Install Cydia

    From this page, iPhone and iPadOS users can install Cydia using both jailbreak and non-jailbreak methods.

    All of these Cydia installation methods are compatible with iOS 17 to iOS 3. The non-jailbreak Cydia installation methods are compatible with the latest iPhone 14 and iPhone 13.

    For your reference, we listed the support jailbreak tool with its compatibility.

    Install Cydia for iOS 17

    The checkra1n mirror jailbreak tool now supports iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 versions. The Checkra1n mirror is a semi-jailbreak solution and supports every iOS 17 running iPhone and iPadOS running iPad Device.

    Cydia is the default package manager for the Checkra1n mirror jailbreak. You do not need to use Windows or macOS and the Checkra1n mirror jailbreak solution is an online jailbreak solution.

    The Checkra1n mirror jailbreak solution can install from the Pangu8 app installer or click the below link to download the tool.

    Install Cydia for iOS 16.6

    From the hacksNow online semi jailbreak and Unc0ver black edition supports iOS 16.6 jailbreak. The HacksNow is an online semi jailbreak tool and Unc0ver black edition is a virtual jailbreak tool.

    The Cydia Black edition is the default package manager for the Unc0ver black edition and the HacksNow online jailbreak supports Cydia, Sileo, Cydia 2, and Cydia black is the default package manager.

    Both jailbreak tools are online solutions and can install directly from the zJailbreak Pro application manager.

    Install Cydia for iOS 16.5 to 16

    From the Checkra1n and Unc0ver virtual jailbreak tools, all iOS 16.5 to iOS 16 users can install the Cydia package manager. This virtual jailbreak tool has no limitations and all iPhone and iPad users can use the Checkra1n or Unc0ver virtual jailbreak tools. Also, this method support to iPhone 14 jailbreak and iPhone 13 jailbreak.

    The Checkra1n and Unc0ver virtual jailbreak tools can install from the Zeon repo extractor method. Then follow the jailbreak guide to download the cydia.

    If you do not want to get Cydia for iPhone or iPad, You can use the CowaBunga lite tool to get Cydia features for iOS devices. Also, the Misaka Tweak Manager supports getting Cydia features from iOS 16.1.2 to iOS 15.

    If you want to check more about the latest iOS versions of jailbreak, refer following jailbreak pages.

    iOS 16.5 to 16 jailbreak

    How to use Virtual tools for Install Cydia

    • Download Zeon repo extractor from above button.
    • Then open the Zeon repo extractor.
    • Now tap all Repo.
    • Copy the Checkra1n or Unc0ver jailbreak repo URL.
    • Paste the URL to extract.
    • Now install the Checkra1n or Unc0ver jailbreak tools to your iPhone or iPad.
    • Now open the jailbreak app and complete the jailbreak process.

    Install Cydia for iOS 15.7.6 to iOS 15

    The Dopamine jailbreak has already been released for iOS 15.7.4 to iOS 15 versions. But the dopamine jailbreak does not support iOS 15.7.5 and iOS 15.7.6 versions. Also, dopamine jailbreak does not support Cydia. The Sileo and Zebra are the default package managers for the dopamine tool.

    If you want to check more about the latest iOS 15.7.6 — 15.7 versions of jailbreak, refer following jailbreak page

    But iOS 15.7.5 to iOS 15 users can install from the zJailbreak app store. The zJailbreak Cydia method is very easy to use and it is an online method.

    All iOS 15.7.5 to iOS 15 users can use this method without any limitations.

    15.7 - 15 jailbreak

    Install Cydia for iOS 14.8.1 to iOS 14

    The Unc0ver jailbreak and Checka1n jailbreak supports iOS 14.8.1 to iOS 14 The Checkra1n jailbreak is not an online method and is only available for the macOS computer. The Unc0ver jailbreak tool is an IPA tool and can install through Online / TrollStore / AltStore methods.

    14.8.1 - 14 jailbreak

    Install Cydia for iOS 13.7 to iOS 13

    The Checkra1n jailbreak and Unc0ver jailbreak tools fully support to iOS 13.7 to iOS 13 jailbreak. If you want to install sileo for these versions, you can use the Odyssey jailbreak tool.

    The Checka1n jailbreak always needs to macOS PC and Unc0ver has many methods to install. If your device support to both jailbreak methods, use the Unc0ver jailbreak method.

    The Checkra1n Jailbreak is only for the A8 to A11 devices.

    13.7 - 13 jailbreak

    Install Cydia for iOS 12.5.6 to iOS 12

    Like previous iOS versions, iOS 12.5.6 and iOS 12 users can install the cydia from the Checkra1n or Unc0ver jailbreak tools. The Checkra1n jailbreak is a semi-tethered tool and Unc0ver is a semi-untethered jailbreak tool.

    So if your device is compatible with these both jailbreak tools, we recommended using the Unc0ver jailbreak tool.

    12.5.6 - 12 jailbreak

    Install Cydia for iOS 11.4.1 to iOS 11

    Electra jailbreak tool supports iOS 11.4.1 to iOS 11 versions. The Electra jailbreak tool supports iOS 11.4.1 / 11.4 / 11.3.1 / 11.3 / 11.2.6/11.2.5 / 11.2.2 / 11.2.1 / 11.2 / 11.1.2 / 11.1.1 / 11.1 and 11.

    The Electra jailbreak is very easy to use and can use online. Tap the below link to download cydia from the Electra jailbreak tool.

    iOS 11 jailbreak

    Install Cydia for iOS 10.3.4

    From the p0insettia semi-tethered jailbreak tool, iOS 10.3.4 running 32-bit users can install cydia.

    From the latest p0insettia page update, developers removed 32-bit support and only support for the iPhone.

    iOS 10.3.4 jailbreak

    Install Cydia for iOS 10.3.3 to iOS 10

    Meridian Jailbreak / DoubleH3lix jailbreak and G0blin jailbreak tools support iOS 10.3.3 — iOS 16 cydia install process.

    These jailbreak tools are very easy to use for Cydia installation. Tap the following buttons to get jailbreak guides and Download links.

    iOS 10.3.3 jailbreak

    Install Cydia for iOS 9.3.6 to iOS 9.3.5

    Phonix jailbreak and p0laris Jailbreak tools support iOS 9.3.6 — 9.3.5 jailbreak. After completing these jailbreak guides, you can install cydia for 9.3.6 and 9.3.5.

    iOS 9.3.6 jailbreak

    Install Cydia for iOS 9.3.4 to iOS 9

    There are several jailbreak tools available for iOS 9.3.4 to iOS 9 cydia install. kok3shi Jailbreak /Home Depot jailbreak / Pangu9 jailbreak tool supports iOS 9,3,4 to iOS 9 jailbreak.

    These all jailbreak tools are very easy to use and have online methods.

    iOS 9.3.4 jailbreak

    Install Cydia for iOS 8.4.1 to iOS 8

    From the daibutsu and Taig jailbreak tools, iOS 8.4.1 to iOS 8 users can install cydia. The Taig jailbreak is a PC support jailbreak tool and you must have Windows or macOS computer to use the Taig jailbreak tool.

    The Pangu+PP jailbreak also supports iOS 8 to iOS 8.4 jailbreak. Check the below pages for iOS 8.4.1 to iOS 8 jailbreak guides.

    iOS 8 jailbreak

    Install Cydia For iOS 7.1.2 — 7.1

    Pangu7 jailbreak tool supports iOS 7.1.2 to iOS 7.1 jailbreak. The Pangu7 is a computer support jailbreak tool. You need a Windows computer or mac computer to use the Pangu7 jailbreak tool.

    iOS 7 jailbreak

    Install Cydia from Sileo

    This is another method to get Cydia to your iPhone. This method only vailed for some older jailbreak tools such as Chimera.

    The sileo is the default package manager for the Chimera jailbreak and after completing the below guide, you can install Ctdia also.

    • First, jailbreak your iPhone or iPad from the Chimera jailbreak tool.
    • Then open the Sileo package manager.
    • Then go to the Sileo search option and type cydia installer.
    • Install it.
    • Wait for the process complete and open the Homescreen.
    • Now you will have a Cydia package manager along with Sileo.

    Install Cydia from Siri Shortcut

    All iOS and iPad users can install cydia from the Siri shortcut method. This method is a jailbreak-free method and only needs to install Apple’s default shortcut app.

    Then tap the below link to download cydia without jailbreak.

    Install Cydia — Without Jailbreak methods

    iOS 16.3 to iOS 13 users can install cydia without jailbreaking their devices. The Cydia lite / Cydia 2 and Cydia black versions can install from these methods.

    This is not a full-function cydia but you can install popular jailbreak tweaks/themes and games from it.

    Method 1 — Zeon App Store

    The Zeon app store provides a direct Cydia installation link, so you don’t need to jailbreak your iOS 13 to iOS 16.3 devices in order to install Zeon Cydia.

    Method 2 — zJailbreak Cydia

    The zJailbreak third-party app store also provides a direct install link for Cydia Lite. Additionally, the zJailbreak Cydia method supports every iPhone and iPad device running iOS 13 to iOS 16.3.

    Method 3. Hacks Now Online semi Jailbreak tool

    Hacks Now is a newly released jailbreak-free method for iPhone and iPad Jailbreak. From this method, you can install Cydia lite/Cydia black, and Cydia 2 package managers.

    Method 4. Unc0ver Black Edition Tool

    Unc0ver black edition is a semi-jailbreak virtual tool and supports installing the cydia black version.

    All iOS 16.3 to iOS 13 users can use the Unc0ver black edition jailbreak tool to install cydia.

    Method 5 — Virtual Jailbreak tools

    From the Unc0ver and Checkra1n virtual jailbreak tools, iOS 16.3 to iOS 13 users can install the lite version of cydia.

    The Unc0ver and Checkra1n virtual jailbreak tools can install from the Zeon Repo Extractor method.

    —> Tap Source > Tap Edit > Tap Add > Add Source > Enter Repo URL.

    Cydia Alternatives

    Cydia install method is not available for the latest iPhone and iPad versions. But, you can install the below stores as a Cydia alternative. Some of the below methods do not require a full jailbreak.

    CowaBunga Lite

    The CowaBunga lite is the updated version of the dirtyc0w cowabunga. The CowaBunga lite is the macOS support method. From the CowaBunga lite package, you can install jailbreak themes and tweaks for iPhone and iPad.

    Misaka Tweak Manager

    The misaka is the tweak manager for the Dirtyc0w exploit. So you can manage all dirtyc0w exploit tweaks and apps directly from the misaka tweak manager. The misaka tweak manager supports all the latest iPhone and iPad devices running iOS 16.1.2 to iOS 15. The Misaka tweak manager is the perfect solution for iPhone 14 jailbreak and iPhone 13 jailbreak.


    DirtyC0w is a new exploit and support to install cydia support features without jailbreak. For example, you can change fonts / Home screen theme / remove the dock / Passcode button change / Lock animation change and many things.


    Trollstore is the new method to install cydia applications and tweaks for iOS 14 to iOS 15.6 Beta 5 versions.

    iOS 14 to 15.6 Beta 5 users can install jailbreak Tweaks / Apps from the trollstore method. Once you install IPA files from the trollstore, they will revoke and can use permanently.


    Sileo is the default third-party app manager for Taurine / Odyssey / Chimera and Electra Jailbreak. Sileo is the best alternative for Cydia.


    AppTapp Team is the Developer of Installer5 Cydia alternative. At this time, Installer5 is fully compatible with iOS 10 to iOS 13 versions. When compared with other package managers, Installer5 has more features. You can install Installer5 for your jailbroken Devices, add below repo URL.


    The modern and powerful Package manager for jailbroken iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Devices. Currently, Zebra is fully compatible with iOS 8 to iOS 13 jailbroken devices. You can add it to your Device as a Cydia replacement through their official repo. Just add the below Source to your Source list and add.

    Cydia Alternatives ( Tweaked App Stores )

    Many Tweaked app stores are available for the latest iOS versions, such as TuTuBox, TweakBox, AppValley, Appcake, and CokerNutx. These applications do not require a jailbreak to install. You can install the most popular app, Tweaked app,++ applications, and Modified Games app from these tweaked app stores.

    Tap Source > Tap Edit > Tap Add > Add Source > Enter Repo URL.

    Cydia FAQ

    • Q : What is Cydia?

    A : Cydia is an app store, that can install after jailbreaking the device.

    A : Yes, you can install the lite version of cydia from the direct download links.

    A : Yes Cydia is an App store and alternative to the Apple store.

    A : No. You can install cydia for iPhone / iPad and iPod Touch devices only.

    A : Yes, Cydia is compatible with all iPhone models ( if have a compatible jailbreak tool ).

    Cydia install for iOS 16

    This page covers how to install Cydia for iOS 16 and iPadOS 16.

    Virtual Jailbreak tool method

    This is the recommended method to install Cydia ( Lite version ) for iOS 16. Unc0ver virtual / Checkra1n virtual tools can be used to install Cydia.

    Checkra1n and Unc0ver virtual tools can be installed from the Zeon Repo Extractor tool. Tap the below button to install Zeon Repo Extractor and the go-to repos and extract repos.

    zJailbreak method

    iOS 16 users also can install Cydia from the zJailbreak app store. zJailbreak Cydia is a lite version of the official Cydia.

    Tap the below link to install the zJailbreak tool and the tap install Cydia button.

    Zylon Jailbreak method

    Zylon is another method to install Cydia for the iOS 16 version. Zylon Cydia installs method support for every iPhone and iPad device running iOS 16 and iPadOS 16.

    Hexxa Plus method

    Hexxa is another available method to install Cydia for the latest iOS 16 version. You can use Hexxa direct install method or repo extractor method to install Cydia for the iOS 16 version. Both the versions only support to installation Cydia lite version.

    Siri Shortcut method to install Cydia

    Siri Shortcut method is another method to install Cydia for the iOS 16 version. This is a very easy guide to installing Cydia, But only you have a demo version of full Cydia.

    Just tap the below shortcut link to install Cydia.

    Apphacks. co Cydia

    Most famous method to install Cydia. But this is a fake method. Only you will have the demo version of the full Cydia.

    Even Apphacks. co Cydia working on a desktop.

    Must have Cydia Repo for iOS 16

    In this section, you can install must-have Cydia repos for the iOS 16 version.

    • http://limneos.net/repo/
    • https://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia
    • http://rpetri.ch/repo/
    • https://julio.hackyouriphone.org/
    • http://c1d3r.com/repo/
    • http://julioverne.github.io/
    • https://repo.packix.com/
    • https://cydia.angelxwind.net/
    • https://ramenrepo.github.io/
    • http://cydiageek.yourepo.com/
    • https://chr0nict.github.io/Nepeta-Mirror/
    • https://repo.dynastic.co/
    • https://repo.chariz.io/
    • https://jakeashacks.ga/cydia/
    • http://apt.alfhaily.me/
    • https://sparkdev.me/
    • https://beta.unlimapps.com/
    • http://data.tigisoftware.com/cydia/
    • https://reddestdream.github.io/
    • https://repo.incendo.ws/

    How to add Cydia repos for iOS 16

    With the two different methods, ioS 16 users can get Cydia repos.

    Method 1. Open Cydia > Source > Edit > Add > Enter Cydia repo URL

    Method 2. Open Cydia from the jailbroken Device > Tap below links from the jailbroken Cydia Device.

    Jailbreak Tweaks for iOS 16

    After manual checking, we listed must have Jailbreak Tweaks for the iOS 16 version.

    • A-Bypass
    • A-Font
    • Ainsworth
    • AndroBar
    • AnsweringMachine XS
    • AppStore++
    • Atria
    • AutoUnlockX
    • BadgeMe
    • betterAlarm
    • BioProtect XS
    • Bird Poop
    • CallBar XS
    • CarBridge
    • CCModules Pro
    • ChargeAnimations
    • ChatUl
    • Choicy
    • ColorBadges
    • Complications
    • Confetti
    • CoolKeypad
    • CopyLog
    • Cthulhu
    • CyDown
    • DarkBoard XS
    • Deluminator
    • DLEasy
    • Eclipse Dark Mode
    • Facebook No Ads
    • Folded
    • FolderArtwork
    • Grupi
    • IconRenamer

    Respring Logos for iOS 16

    Changing respring logos is another reason for the iOS 16 jailbreak. Here are the colorful Cydia respring logos for iOS 16.

    Cheyote Jailbreak for iOS 16

    Cheyote is the upcoming jailbreak tool for iOS 15.1.1 to iOS 15 version. But Cheyote jailbreak does not support installing Cydia. The Sileo is the default package manager for the Cheyote jailbreak tool.

    Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 16

    Unc0ver is the most famous jailbreak tool for the latest versions. But after iOS 14.8 jailbreak, Unc0ver developers do not update the tool.

    Checkra1n Jailbreak for iOS 16

    Checkra1n Jailbreak currently supports up to iOS 14.8.1 version. But according to the developers they are working to release checkra1n for iOS 15.

    Online Jailbreak for iOS 16

    Online is the easiest method to jailbreak iPhone and iPad Devices. Currently, Unc0ver / Taurine / Odyssey jailbreak tools support an online method.

    Silzee website is the most famous online jailbreak website to use.

    Why Cydia for iOS 16

    Cydia is the must-have application for Device customization. Normally Apple does not allow to change iPhone and iPad Devices. So therefore, you must have a Cydia application. With the Cydia application, you can change Home Screen, Lock Screen themes and Home Screen icon change and Doc change, and many more.

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