iOSGods IPA downloader with hacked games & apps for iOS
qbap | iOS Apps
While there are many third-party app stores for iOS, the iOSGods App stands out by providing users with the ability to download and install popular game hacks, as well as access tweaked and ++ apps. Furthermore, all of these apps can be downloaded in the IPA file format, or installed via iOSGods App++ and Apple Developer program.
Install iOSGods App for iOS on your iPhone:
What is iOSGods App?
iOSGods App is a well-known third-party app store for iOS that allows you to download and install a variety of apps and games. In addition to providing alternative download links for official apps, it also offers access to tweaked versions of apps and hacked versions of popular iOS games. This store supports a wide range of iOS versions, from iOS 12 up to iOS 16.
Originally designed to offer non-jailbroken users a legitimate way to download and install apps and games, the App Store has since expanded to include free, hacked, tweaked, and cracked versions of these apps. The iOSGods IPA downloader provides several options for installing apps, including the ability to download IPA packages containg apps directly onto your iDevice.
iOSGods App for iOS provides users with access to a variety of game hacks and modifications. This means that when you install a tweaked version of a game from the iOSGods App Store on your iPhone, you can activate cheats and special features that may not be available in the original version. These features can include extra money and lives, unlocked weapons, infinite ammo, free upgrades, unlocked items, unlimited resources such as gold, and much more.
If you are searching for the best source for the hacked game database for iOS, definitely iOSGods is the place from where you can stop future research. iOSGods App is frequently updated, providing access to the latest game hacks. What’s more, iOSGods is probably the biggest game hack (tweaked app) library out there for all iOS devices.
You can download hacked games including Last Day on Earth Hack, Minecraft Hack, Grand Theft Auto Hack, Subway Surfers Hack, Among Us! Hack, Archero Hack, Plants vs Zombies 2 Hack, Asphalt 9 Hack, The Sims Mobile Hack, NBA 2k20 Hack, The Simpsons Hacks, and more.
For easier navigation, all hacked games are categorized into Games, Action, Strategy, Role-playing, Adventure, Simulation, Arcade, RacingSports, Puzzle, Cards, and Casino. There is also a built-in search engine that can find any iOS game hack you desire.
On top of that, you can also use the iOSGods App to install all kinds of apps. There are available tweaked versions of apps such as Instagram Rocket (disabling ads and adding new features to the stock app),unc0ver jailbreak, TikTok Modded, Cercube 5 for YouTube, Filza Escaped for iOS 15, and many others. The database is updated all the time, adding new ++ apps.
iOSGods IPA downloader can be used on both jailbroken and non-jailbroken iOS devices. Even if you haven’t jailbroken your device, you can still install the iOSGods Store using a web profile. Once the installation process is complete, you’ll be able to download and install cracked apps, tweaked apps and hacked games directly onto your iDevice.
The Store offers a few options to install hacked games and tweaked apps on your iPhone. Available installation options include: Install via iOSGods App+, Sideloadly IPA Download, AltStore IPA Download, Download IPA for Impactor, and install the Apple Developer Program.
On top of that, you can install multiple instances of an app or game. App Store allows you to install only one app per device. Using iOSGods App you can install two copies on one app and run on them different profiles. This can be useful when you won two profiles and the app can run only one. To run the “Custom Duplicate Install” it requires you to login into the iOSGods.
A great alternative for the iOSGods App is Panda Helper Lite. This free third-party App Store also offers access to game hacks and tweaked apps for iOS devices. What’s more, Panda Helper Store comes also with a revoke-free app designed for jailbroken devices.
iOSGods App+
iOSGods App+ is a paid edition of the App Store offering additional features. The pricing for the app is
$2/Month, and it is purchasable annually, which makes it $24.00/Year for one iDevice. You can still download IPA files of hacked games and apps and sign them manually for free.
The App Store is considered as a signing service, and it can get revoked by Apple. Also, the paid version is not revoke-proof. The iOSGods App+ is a native app, which makes the general app speed and feels much faster and fluent, just like a real app.
So what can you expect from the premium iOSGods App+ service?
- Fewer revoke, but in the end, it’s all up to daddy Apple.
- Free certificate revokes replacements.
- Custom IPA Signing. You can sign your own IPAs, and it’s much easier.
- Download the IPA using Safari.
- Custom App Install. Customize your app before installing.
- Custom App Signing. Sign IPAs found on the web.
- iOSGods App+ uses different certificates and installation methods.
- File Sharing allows you to place IPAs located on your PC into the iOSGods App+.
- Partial notifications support.
What’s more, the developer also released the amazing iGameGod (iGG) app. It’s a free game Cheat Engine for iOS offering a lot of features including a built-in Cheat Engine, Speed Hack Manager, Touch Recorder, Live Offset Patcher, and a couple of other useful tools.
How to install iOSGods App
iOSGods IPA downloader can be installed on your device using a web profile. It means that once installed, the Hacked Game App Store will work without revokes. Be aware that it doesn’t mean that apps and games installed through the store will not get revoked by Apple.
- Tap on “Install iOSGods App” link available at top of this page.
- Allow installing the configuration profile on your device.
- Open the Settings app and access Profile Downloaded.
- Tap on the Install button of the iOSGods App profile.
- Once installed, the iOSGods App will be available from the Home Screen.
Alternatively, you can run the app without installation directly in the Safari browser. The web version offers the same features available in the iOSGods App Store for Non-Jailbreak devices.
iOS Game hacks
As mentioned already, iOSGods IPA downloader offers a huge collection of iOS game hacks. Because the apps and games installed through a certificate are often revoked by Apple I would recommend installing hacked game IPAs manually. This is how you can sideload IPA files on iOS 9 and above.
To download hacked games for iOS using iOSGods App, follow those steps:
- Install iOSGods App for iOS with your preferred method.
- Open iOSGods App from the Home Screen.
- Search for desired Game Hack for iOS.
- Tap on the GET button to view available download options.
- Instead of using the Install button tap the three dots.
- Tap on the Sideloadly .IPA Download.
- Click on the “Download IPA File for Sideloadly”.
- Save the downloaded IPA file on your device.
- Send the downloaded game hack with AirDrop to your PC.
To download IPA files containing hacked games or tweakd apps from the iOSGods App it’s required to create a free accont on the platform. The app will allow you to log in.
Install hacked games for iOS
iOSGods Team is also the developer behind Sideloadly, the IPA installation tool for macOS and Windows. The application allows you to sign and install any IPA file on your iDevice with a free certificate that will last at least 7-days without revokes. The process is simple.
Step 1. Open the Sideloadly application from the installation folder.
Step 2. Connect your iPhone with Sideloadly through a USB cable or Wi-Fi.
Step 3. Click on the IPA icon and from the Open dialog box select the IPA file.
Step 4. Enter your Apple ID required to sign the IPA file.
Step 5. Click the Start button to install the IPA file on your iPhone.
Step 6. Provide the password for your Apple ID.
Step 7. Open the Settings app from the home screen.
Step 8. Navigate to General → VPN & Device Management.
Почему перестали работать Zestia, iOSGods и другие магазины приложений
Пока Apple обвиняют за отсутствие других магазинов приложений на iOS, кроме App Store, сторонние сервисы по загрузке игр, программ и разных утилит процветают не один год. Среди них Zestia, iOSGods, AppValley и многие другие. По сути это пиратские сервисы, где, как правило, размещают бесплатно платные приложения или их версии со взломанными встроенными покупками (так называемым «режимом бога»). Но как вообще Apple пропускает такие сервисы, и почему они иногда не работают?
Apple начала массово отзывать сертификаты нелегальных магазинов
Альтернативные магазины приложений на iOS
Apple сама разработала инструмент, который позволяет устанавливать приложения в обход App Store — это сертификат Apple Enterprise Program. Это было сделано для того, чтобы в компаниях могли распространять собственное ПО только среди своих сотрудников. Например, зачем выкладывать в App Store корпоративный мессенджер, который предназначен только для работников? Это как минимум небезопасно. Идея казалось правильной, пока ею не стали пользоваться в других целях.
Дело в том, что Apple предоставляет такой сертификат и независимым разработчикам. Все, что от них требуется, — это заполнить специальную онлайн-форму и оплатить взнос в размере 299 долларов. Форма предполагает внесение сведений о роде деятельности разработчика. Ну и, конечно, необходимо следовать правилам Apple, которые предполагают распространение приложений, подписанных Apple Enterprise Program, только среди сотрудников своего предприятия.
Этими сертификатами и пользуются Zestia, iOSGods, AppValley и остальные сервисы с пиратскими приложениями. Конечно, это грубейшее нарушение использования Apple Enterprise Program, но создателей таких сервисов это мало волнует.
Что интересно — процесс установки крайне простой:
- Пользователь переходит на сайт распространителя нелегального ПО;
- Выбирает нужное приложение и скачивает его — всё происходит автоматически, буквально в один клик;
- Осталось лишь подтвердить сертификат в настройках устройствах. После этого пользователь получает возможность пользоваться взломанными приложениями совершенно бесплатно.
Как установить iOSGods на iOS
- Чтобы скачать iOSGods, перейдите по этой ссылке;
- Нажмите Install для загрузки профиля;
- Перейдите в «Настройки» — «Основные» — «Профили»;
Устанавливаете профиль на свой страх и риск
Так выглядит приложение iOSGods
Аналогично производится установка других «магазинов приложений» вроде Zestia. На чем они зарабатывают? Некоторые за счет донатов от пользователей, у других есть «премиальные» версии — например, годовой доступ к iOSGods App+ (там больше приложений) стоит 20 долларов.
Почему Zestia не работает
Чем популярнее становятся такие сервисы, тем больше они рискуют попасться на глаза Apple. Так получилось сразу с несколькими сервисами, которые на днях временно прекратили свою работу — Zestia и iOSGods. Apple начала массово блокировать те корпоративные сертификаты, которые используются не по своему прямому назначению. На это обратили внимание на Reddit. Соответствующее предупреждение появляется и при попытке установить что-то в iOSGods, а приложение Zestia вовсе показывает белый экран.
iOSGods сейчас не дает ничего скачать, Zestia вовсе показывает белый экран
Разработчики, которые злоупотребляют нашими корпоративными сертификатами, нарушают правила участия в программе Apple Developer Enterprise. Их сертификаты будут аннулированы. Мы постоянно отслеживаем случаи ненадлежащего использования и в любой момент готовы принять незамедлительные меры, — заявил представитель Apple.
Судя по всему, поиск нового сертификата — вопрос не из простых, иначе работоспособность этих сервисов уже давно бы восстановилась. В качестве альтернативы iOSGods предлагает пользоваться другими сервисами или оформить iOSGods App+. Правда, я попробовал это сделать и снова столкнулся с тем, что сертификат разработчика оказался не рабочим.
iOSGods или Zestia с доверенными сертификатами не существует, их просто не может быть, поскольку эти сервисы нарушают правила Apple.
Почему лучше не пользоваться AppValley, iOSGods и Zestia
Недоверенные сертификаты на iOS (без подписи) могут быть опасны. Даже Facebook в 2019 году использовала подобный сертификат для сбора данных о пользователях iPhone и iPad, что было вовремя пресечено Apple. И ведь это крупная компания, что тогда говорить о мелких разработчиках? Зачастую под сертификатом Apple Enterprise Program может скрываться самое разное ПО: например, в крупных компаниях руководство может таким способом отслеживать звонки подчиненных и контролировать их передвижение. А тысячи пользователей iPhone и iPad осознанно устанавливают себе такие сертификаты ради бесплатных игр и приложений.
Поэтому это даже вопрос не пиратства (хотя и его тоже), сколько безопасности собственной информации. Раньше этот момент никак не контролировался Apple, что и привело к появлению нелегальных сервисов, но теперь, компания, похоже, всерьез за них взялась.
How to Install iOSGods on iPhone and iPad
The Apple app store has all kinds of games and apps. You can download any of these on your iOS devices directly. One problem you could come across is a missing app in the app store. If you ever encounter something like this, don’t worry anymore. Just use the free version of the Apple app store called iOSGods. This version of the app store is entirely versatile, user-friendly, and free to use even if you have an Android device and wants an app that is restricted to an iOS user.
iOSGods app store makes a perfect alternative to the official Apple app store as a third-party app because apps and games downloads are free of charge. Imagine finding all apps and games restricted to the Apple app store and Google play store in one place. Isn’t that awesome? As an iOS 14 and upcoming 15 users, you will find the iOSGods version very interesting and handy. Even if you own iOS 11, iOS 12, or iPad, you can download the stuff you want without an issue.
Table of Contents
iOSGods on iOS 14 and iOS 15 – Features to Expect:
The third-party store, iOSGods, consists of iOS apps that are not available on official Apple and Android stores. In addition to these, you get hacked versions of the most popular video games. It provides the following features.
- User-friendly user interface – The iOSGods version app store looks just like the Apple app store you are used to. Therefore, it is easy for iOS 14 and iOS 15 users to download and install any app they want from this store for free.
- There are no bugs to worry about – The developers behind this wonderful creation are serious about identifying and fixing bugs as they occur. It ensures that the available apps for downloading are always secure.
- iOSGods app store saves space on your iOS – All you require is a small section of your iOS storage to keep this platform
- An assortment of free apps and games – If you want, you can download new games and apps as they get updated on the AppValley app store.
- No jailbreak, no Cydia – This app store version does not need you to have jailbreak or Cydia to download its latest version. Thus, they will not cancel your warranty.
- Real-time notifications – You will know about anything new that the developers have created through instant notifications.
How to download iOSGods apps on iOS 14 and iOS 15?
When downloading and installing iOSGods on your iOS 14 and iOS 15, you will only need to follow easy steps. These include:
- Open your Safari browser. Click iOSGods to download official website on your iOS device then tap on the download from the page.
- A dialogue box informing you that the browser wants to install a form on your iOS device will appear. Touch the allow button to start the installation process.
- Click on the iOSGods portrayal and then the install button to begin the installation process. You will be asked for the pass lock code of your device.
- After successfully installing the app, you will see the iOSGods app on your iPhone or Ipad screen.
- Go to the iPhone settings and then the app management section, and then open the newly installed app.
- Next, choose the iOSGods app and enable the trust option by clicking on your device’s button. It is to ensure the safety of your iOS device.
- Check your home screen for your newly installed app icon. Click on it to open iOSGods and begin downloading.
Frequently Asked Question – iOSGods apps on iOS 14 and iOS 15
Is iOSGods safe for your iOS device?
Yes, it is safe for your iOS devices, including iOS 14 and 15. iOSGods is 100 percent safe as developers do their best to remove bugs. Also, you don’t need jailbreaking, which makes it even more secure.
How can I remove iOSGods Profile iOS?
If you start getting calls from an unknown number, then you may decide to uninstall this app. One method goes like this:
- Select the iOSGods app icon on your iOS 14 device’ home screen
- A cross mark will appear at the top of the app
- Touch it to delete iOSGods from your phone
- Check if the application is removed from your phone.
The next alternative method entails:
- Access your settings on the iOS 14 device
- Go to the general, profile, and device management section
- Access iOSGods portrayal
- Click on it and press the delete option
- Check if the application is removed from your phone.
The next alternative method is:
- Open your safari browser and access the URL that will take you to this configuration installation process
- Open the profile and install this dummy profile on your iOS 14.
- This dummy profile will overwrite the original iOSGods profile. Go on and delete the original profile from the appliance.
If all three methods fail, restore your iOS 14 device. As there is a chance that you could lose your data, back it up first. Launch and plug your iOS 14 device into the PC and access the restore option. Once this is over, the iOSGods app will be installed.
iOSGods third-party app store is the best alternative store for Apple and Android stores. With it, you can download games and apps that you would usually pay for when downloading from the official Apple app store. It has good features and is easy to add to your iOS 14. You can download hacked games and apps too, and none of them is paid for. Above all, you can add apps to your Android device with iOSGods.
Introducing the iOSGods Jailed App
The app you’ve been waiting for? It’s now here! To get started, simply tap on the install button below using Safari on your iOS Device or scan the QR Code using your camera app. Alternatively, you can also install by adding this page to your Home Screen.
Main App Features
We strive to do our best for you, the user, and with that mindset we’ve added a few features you will like.
Elegant Design
Our app design is based on the Apple App Store but with our own touches and twists.
Retina Ready
We have carefully crafted the icons and images so the iOSGods App will look good on any screen and device.
Quick Update
The first app to provide the fastest updates.
User Friendly
If you’ve ever used the App Store, you’ll know how to use this (hopefully).
App Library
Providing the biggest (tweaked) app library out there at your fingertips.