How to Make Android look like iOS 15 (Step By Step Guide)
In this article, I will show you How to Make Android look like iOS 15 with Step By Step Guide. If you are bored of having an android phone and want to change the layout and theme of your android phone to iPhone IOS 15. It is time to make iOS 15 styles for your android. Here we show the easy ways to change your android skin to iPhone IOS 15. Follow the instruction to apply these changes to your android phone.
Required Files to change Android Phone looks to iOS 15:
Steps to Make Android look like iOS 15
Step 1: Download Launcher iOS 15
Changing the theme of the android phone is the first step of customizing the android phone to iPhone IOS 15. This theme has many features and facilities to apply in the android phone like a lock screen, notification center, swipe down search bar, and many more. Just download and install the theme luncher IOS 15.
Result of iOS 15 Launcher on Android
Step 2: Lock Screen & Notification iOS 15
after installation of the theme launcher, now you should install the lock screen & notification to change the layout of your android phone to iOS 15. you can easily view your recent notifications from the lock screen. you can swipe right or left to the notifications to manage view, or clear the notification. this app has many other features to apply to your android phone.
Lock Screen and Notification of iOS 15
Step 3: Control Center iOS 15
The control center app is an important and essential notification for iOS. 50M people have downloaded and use this beneficial app. the control center has many benefits for you, it makes you do your work better and faster. by one swiping you can change the settings, for instance, turn on wifi, airplane mode, network, night mode, do not disturb, light, and many more options you can use them. you can download the app from the play store for your android phone, it changes your android phone screen style and you can use the iOS feature easily on your simple android phone. with the control center, you can lightly access multiple settings and apps. with the control center. you can manage more style, like size, color position, vibration, and more.
Install iOS 15 Control Center on Android Phone
Step 4: keyboard for iPhone-iOS 15 theme
changing the keyboard style of the android phone is another set to make your android phone looks like iOS 15. this app changes your android keyboard style to iOS. download this app from the play store. 100k times it is downloaded and the size is 14 MB. this keyboard is designed for those who love the iOS 15 keyboards. this app has many features to use like smart suggestive gesture typing, speak to write, fonts keyboard, and many more.
Install iOS 15 Keyboard on Android Phone
Step 5: Assistive Touch iOS 15
This app is also an important app for android user to use it. This app has a light and small option you can easily move from one place to another place. It has a light shadow icon, you can manage your setting as fast as you can, you can change the place one option to another option if you want to use with a full feature so, you need to give administrator permission to this apps. it also has an accessibility service to have and use more features. it has a menu bar you can go back, home, opening recent and more.
Install iOS 15 Assistive Touch on Android Phone
Step 6: iCamera iOS 15
another important part of the smartphone is the camera. here you can change the android camera to an iOS camera using this app. this app changes your android style camera to an iPhone iOS camera. if you admire having an iPhone camera and use its facilities and features, just download the app from the play store and use it as an iPhone camera. 100k times it is downloaded and the size is 25MB.
Get iOS 15 Camera Settings on Android Phone
Step 7: Gallery Style iOS 13 – HD Gallery
this is the last step to apply on your android phone and having iPhone iOS 15 styles on your android phone. this app changes the shape of your picture and it looks like the iOS style. this gallery-style helps you to make a better arrange your gallery. with this gallery style, you can automatically organize all of your photos and video according to your events, date, time, and location.
Turn Android Gallery like iOS 15
Applying these steps helps you to Make Android look like iOS 15. Using these 7 apps changes the style. internal design. layout, lock screen, keyboard, gallery, theme, notification, and others to iPhone iOS 15. it is the easiest way to make your android phone looks like an iPhone iOS 15.
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Waiting For Heartache — BLVKSHP
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Как настроить ios 15 на андроид
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Meta Launcher PRO — iOS 15
Версия: 49
Последнее обновление программы в шапке: 26.04.2023
Краткое описание:
Лаунчер для смартфона в стиле iOS 15
⭐ Поддержка адаптивных значков.
⭐ Скрыть панель навигации
⭐ Библиотека приложений
⭐ Поддержка пакета значков
⭐ Виджеты
⭐ Погоды
⭐ Предложения Siri
⭐ Специальные Анимации
⭐ Скрыть приложения
⭐ 3D Touch
⭐ Календарь
⭐ Панель поиска
Launcher iOS 15
Launcher iOS 15 — это уникальный лаунчер, который способен полностью изменить интерфейс вашего смартфона. Хотите сделать из своего Android-устройства новенький iphone или просто поэксперементировать со стилями и придать телефону внешний вид последней версии IOS? При помощи этого приложения вы сможете быстро настроить свой смартфон придав ему внешний вид айфона!
Так как приложение лишь эмулирует другую операционную систему, вам не потребуется совершать никаких сложных операций по перепрошивке вашего устройства. Сразу же после установки вы сможете начать настраивать ваш рабочий стол и установить полностью измененные иконки ваших старых приложений. В вашем распоряжении будут несколько уникальных виджетов, которые были доступны лишь владельцам IOS. К тому же, появится немного другой функционал, например, нажав и удержав касание на иконке программы у вас всплывёт небольшое меню настроек.
Центр управления тоже изменится, теперь вы сможете менять параметры настроек немного другим способом. Появятся ещё несколько уникальных обоев для экрана блокировки и основного дисплея. А завершающим штрихом будет изменение мелодии звонка. Само приложение не занимает много места и не создаёт лишние операции в системе, от чего ваш смартфон не будет работать медленнее, а скорее даже ускорится!