Как установить скрипт в индизайн
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Как установить скрипт в индизайн

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Как правильно устанавливать скрипты

Для CS3:
Mac OS: Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/[version]/Scripts
Windows XP: Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\[version]\Scripts
Windows Vista: Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\[Version]\Scripts

Для CS4, CS5, CS5.5:
Mac OS: Users/[имя пользователя]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/[версия]/[язык]/Scripts/Scripts Panel
Windows XP: Documents and Settings\[имя пользователя]\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\[версия]\[язык]\Scripts\Scripts Panel
Windows Vista: Users\[имя пользователя]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\[версия]\[язык]\Scripts\Scripts Panel

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Скрипт — инсталлятор скриптов

Процесс установки скриптов сводится к копированию файла скрипта в папочку Script Panel. Казалось бы всё просто. Но не тут то было. Часто невозможно добраться до этой папки средствами системы, так как папка скрыта от пользователя. Да и путь у нее такой, что чёрт ногу сломит. Например, в Windows она располагается по адресу:

c:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\Version №\en_US\Scripts\Scripts Panel\

где User — имя пользователя или имя учетной записи, Version № — порядковый номер версии Индизайна.

Существует и более простой способ открыть папку Scripts Panel. Для этого надо в Индизайне войти в меню панели Scripts, выбрать пункт Reveal in Explorer, и папка будет открыта средствами системы (Проводник или Finder). Остаётся вставить в неё ранее скопированный скрипт.


К сожалению, при помощи панели Scripts невозможно сразу открыть папку, куда копируются скрипты типа Startup, то есть стартующие вместе с запуском Индизайна. Невозможно в стандартной комплектации Индизайна. Но если использовать скрипт InstallScript.jsx, (автор Olav Martin Kvern ), то процесс установки скриптов значительно упрощается. В результате работы этого сценария в меню панели Scripts появляются дополнительные пункты, смотрите рисунок ниже.


Но алгоритм работы новых команд несколько иной. Если стандартная команда Reveal in Explorer просто открывала папку со скриптами, то при использовании новых команд Install Script и Install Startup Script открывается окно Проводника, предлагая указать, где находится скрипт, который нужно установить. А куда его скопировать — дело известное.


И последнее — скачанный вами скрипт относится к классу Startup, и его следует положить в папку Startup Scripts, которая находится на одном уровне с папкой Scripts Panel


Если у вас такой папки ещё нет — её надо создать самому. А дальше, после установки скрипта InstalScript, устанавливать другие скрипты будет значительно проще.

How to install scripts in InDesign

We all love the power of using scripts, but before you can use them, you have to install scripts in InDesign. Here’s how.

Download the script onto your computer and if necessary, unzip it. You should end up with a plain text file with a special filename extension:

  • Javascript files can be run on Mac or Windows and have a .js, .jsx, or .jsxbin extension – “script.jsx”
  • Applescript files are Mac-only and have an .applescript or .scpt extension – “script.applescript”
  • Visual Basic files are Windows-only and have a .vbs extension – “script.vbs”

Tweaking Scripts

If you need to change a setting inside of a script, you can edit it in a text editor. Be sure to save the file as a plain text file with the original extension.

Installing Scripts in the InDesign Scripts Panel

scripts panel reveal in finder option

There are two places you can install scripts in InDesign: The Application script folder and the User script folder. The easiest way to find these folders is to open the Scripts panel in InDesign (Window > Utilities > Scripts), then right-click on either Application or User, and from the context menu, choose Reveal in Finder (or Reveal in Windows Explorer).

We tend to use the User folder for scripts that we’ve downloaded. But if you share a computer with colleagues (or if you make use of multiple user accounts on your machine), you can make scripts available to everyone by putting them in the Application folder.

Inside the window that opens there is a folder called Scripts Panel. Put your scripts inside that.

Any script inside the Scripts Panel folder will show up immediately in InDesign. There’s no need to restart the program.

How to Run Scripts from the InDesign Scripts Panel

To run the script, open a document in InDesign, then open the Scripts panel (see above) and double-click the script name. Some scripts require you make a selection first before you run them, because they act on the selection. See if the script writer provided any sort of documentation if you can’t figure it out.

When the Script is Nothing But Text

If you’ve downloaded or clicked on a script and you just see a bunch of text, you’ll need to get it into a format for you to install. Click here to read how to do just that.

  • in InDesign , Plug-ins and Scripts , Scripting , Troubleshooting by Anne-Marie Concepcion
  • |
  • October 28, 2017
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Beautiful. It worked like a charm. Actually better, ‘cuz charms never work.
Now, if I only had a script to unlink all stories in a given document, I’d be set. How hard can that be, right?

Sorry, I meant to write this in another thread. Guess that’s the draw back of tabbed browsing. 😉

this is absolutely amazing!! thanks so much.

Can this be made (for a novice) to work in CS? i d not have the luxury of CS2 and with CS3 on the way soon it may not be worth moving to CS2.

Had a little trouble editing the script for zooming to actual size, but finally found a script editor on my mac that did it. Great help, thanks very much.

You need to make sure it’s a .as and not anything else. .scpt or .app won’t work. Save your script as ‘text’ from Script Editor, then rename it from .applescript to .as (took me half an hour to work this out…)

I’m curious why a person would need the Script Editor … I just open or copy/paste ID scripts in TextEdit (switching to Plain Text mode if necessary), then save them from there as .jsx or .as.

It cant add pages between pages. Only adds in end 🙁

How can i install PDF presets that seem to be missing in my CS2?

just trying to get in on the correct topic here. Thanks!

I tried the jsx file on Indesign CS with no luck. I also attempted to resave the file as a VBS with no success running it either.

Scott, I think CS1 Javascripts end with just “.js” … but sometimes the scripts call for CS2-only functions, so just changing .jsx to .js might not work. Look on your CS1 install CD for the folder containing the CS1 scripts. (They’re in the Extras/Resources CD, I think in the Technical folder.) Adobe doesn’t offer the CS1 scripts for downloading at the site I mentioned in the post, only the CS2 ones.

Renaming a .jsx file to .vbs doesn’t do a thing, the coding the file actually contains is still Javascript, not VBScript. Sorry …

Thank you for describing this process! I could not find it anywhere in the CS2 documentation. (It tells you to install but never tells you how.) Thanks also for including how to open the Scripts palette — the menus are not intuitive, and I don’t use InDesign often enough to remember everything from use to use. It would be a big help for Adobe to include that sort of stuff when they write their manuals.

Thank you, I almost have tears on my eyes, I’ve been looking for this procedure for hours. I wonder what the adobe guys was thinking when they wrote the online help.

Great stuff! However, I tried to use Clever Find/Change Dialog Box Closer and it isn’t working. I can set the shortcut, but there isn’t a way to get out of the find or change boxes. So, when I hit the key it simply places the stroke in the box and doesn’t close the box. I’m sure it’s something simple, but what am I doing wrong?

Caryn, this plug-in may only work in CS2. Are you trying it with CS3?

to:David Blatner
Yes. Its working in CS3 too.

Altough I have
place a script into the scripts folder
indesign cs2 doesnt read it..

could you please give me an advice ??

I don’t how i can eddit or save a txt to a script format

but i have also tried to fix it with a scipt editor and stil doesnt work

Awesome. Works great. Thank you. 😀

Is there a website on the web with free InDesign scripts available ?

WOW! Life saving script! (a little over the top, I know, but you don’t know how much this has helped me in a very time critical situation.)

Big Thanks! But… the script doesn’t work correctly with the changing of Hebrew vowel’s punctuation of MSS text… does any body could help me to adjust the script?

Thank You SO much David for this action script. It’s a
life saver for those of us who don’t want to plunk down another grand on the ME version.

In InDesign CS3 I used the Dave Saunders´ Change Case of Selected Style script and it worked fine. Now, in CS4 the script reports an error on line 41:
app.findPreferences = null;
Any suggestions? this is a very usefull script I use all the time. Thanks in advance.

I’m French, so sorry for my english.

I want change the price Euro on my doc.
How do that ?

Because the prefixe, for me, is at the end.
Ex : 1500,50 ? -> 1500.50 x 1.78

Thk you in advance.

In Cs3 it just doesn’t work, When a double klick it, I mean the script, in the script folder in indesign, it does nothing, I even made the Version 4.0 Scripts folder, installed java again…

I’m new at this, It just doesn’t work 🙂

That is quite a common problem, and the solution is discussed here:

Basically, your preferences are probably set so that scripts don’t interact with anyone.

What you should do is copy and paste the following technical-looking line into a text file, save it with the extension .jsx, then put that file into the scripts panel folder (where the other scripts are). Then run it by double-clicking on its name in InDesign’s Scripts Panel. After that, all the scripts should work.

That script saved me … and so much time
million thanx!

I’m on cs1 and I just can’t get this script to work. I’ve followed the above comments and tried saving the file in various formats both from TextEdit and ScriptEditor and nothing seems to work for me. Please help! I need this script desperately.

i am getting error in document system freezes & crashes

breath taking! Works perfect.
thank you again

Answer to ioanna

remove the word .txt from ReverseText.jsx.txt so it should read ReverseText.jsx instead of ReverseText.jsx.txt then place it in your javascript of indesign.

It worked like a charm

This is an AMAZING script. I love it!

Which script are you talking about?

I can’t thank you enough! It worked just fine in CS3.

awesome script, just saved me an hour on a 105 page layout import. thanks a ton

I am using InDesign CS4, I tried it for Arabic, but it’s not working.

If anyone knows how to deal it with CS4, it would be great help.

Man! This is great! Thank you so much!

This script is a lifesaver!!

Thank you so much , well done on the script ,it’s amazing how something so small can have such a huge impact on your productivity.

I’m using “InDesign CS4 Middle-Eastern” on win XP SP2 32-bit , But I got A problem

When I copy scripts to the User folder or the App folder, nothing shows up in InDesign Scripts Panel.

I tried a variety of script types, I even copied (duplicated) some of the default scripts (the default is working fine for me) .. but also nothing shows up

I also tried to install an mxp script with Adobe Extension Manager, then the Extension Manager put the file in the right folder, But also the script doesn’t show up in InDesign.

Any help will be great !

I’m also enabling the “Enable Attached Scripts” in Preferences > General

@Jim: Are you putting them inside the user folder or inside the Scripts Panel folder? They have to go inside Scripts panel. Also, make sure they are .jsx or .js or something like that, not .zip files.

I do exactly as you said, David, I even open those folders from InDesign “Reveal in Explorer” command, even more I copied one or 2 of the default scripts to the destination folders, but InDesign acts like there is nothing.

By the way, thanks for the great work 🙂

@Jim: Thanks! I don’t know what the problem could be. Perhaps rebuild preferences? Restart? Very mysterious.

oh, I reinstalled InDesign and it’s working fine now

Thanks David for your replies 🙂

Yes, thank you for your explanation. Bye

Thank you so much! It actually worked – wow.

I need, how to layout for head level and body matter in script method.

For example: Head level 1 is 46p and body matter is 32p how to split in script. (ID-xml workflow)

Any help will be great !

It looks like this script only allows for years 2004-2007. How do you change this or how can I get an updated scipt that includes current and future years?

@Kevin: Which script are you talking about? Sounds like a calendar script. Do you mean the calendarwizard script I talked about here?

thanks, super helpful to a new script user!

I am writing a script in JSX to modify the text in an anchored text frame and modify the size of a graphic frame, but when I run it the anchored object disappears (it seems that the anchor vanishes). I’m really stuck with the main problem being lack of detailed documentation.

If anyone has experience of the above that would be great, but just as importantly does anyone have any proper documentation for scripting InDesign CS5.5 via jsx?

Andrzej, you can ask specific questions in the Scripting forum (you have to register as forum member first but it’s free).

On documentation: there is a lot of basic how-to’s in the PDFs in Adobe’s own Scripting Resources section. For a detailed item-by-item description, you can consult the built-in Help in the Toolkit Editor, or see the list at the end of my article JavaScript for the Absolute Beginner.

Does anybody still need a script to unlink stories in document/book?

The scripts folder won’t open. “Application” and “user” won’t open. How do I get it to open. I have Indesign CS5. I am trying to import a multi-page PDF file into an Indesign CS5 document. Why should this simple task be so difficult and time-consuming? If somebody can help, I would appreciate it. Adobe Tech Support could not fine an answer for this. Thanks, Bill

Bill, are you trying Scott Zanelli’s Multipage importer script?

Not being able to open must be some sort of local issue with your computer — you don’t mention your OS, but if it is Windows 7 it might be something related to your user account.

For the time being: if you get stuck by this and can’t get on with the job at hand, try the Manual way. Use “Place” the usual way to select your PDF, but make sure “Show options” is selected. In the little Import Options dialog, choose “All” for page range. This ‘loads’ your Place Gun with all pages, and you can click once per page to place all of them.

very, very nice – thank you so much!

For anyone still needing to split threaded stories using a script, try Story Splitter, mentioned here:

has anyone gotten this “multi-page pdf placing” script to work with CS6? I’ve placed the script file in the correct place as described above…but when I click on the script to launch it, InDesign thinks about it forever and nothing actually happens.

Same thing happening here. Did you ever come up with a solution?

Yes I have S6 and its working very nicely, thank you for the programmer of this script. God blees you

Is it just me or does this script only place the pages of the PDF as images?


Thank you so much!

hi i may be ignorant on this…but i downloaded the Adobe Calendar Wizard and the scripts are in Dreamweaver…? is this what i place in InDesign…any help would be great….1st time with a calendar and anything to do with scripts

Never mind guys…i figured it out:)

Thank you! I have Adobe Cloud and it worked great, except it deleted the pages that were already there, after the placement, e.g., I placed the pages at p11 and I had content on page 30-35. Those were deleted.

Thank you so much!! This script was amazing and so fast whew I was dreading opening all those pages and you really saved me the headache. By the way this website is an invaluable resource for all of us.

How can I install indesign free of cost in window 8.1?

I downloaded the MergeTables script from a link on this site. I’m on a Mac/Mavericks/InDesign CC I opened the Scripts panel, right clicked on it to “reveal in finder” and it opened the folder “armcomdes” which is a folder inside the Users folder on my system. Copied or dragged the “MergeTables.jsx” to that folder and… nothing. It doesn’t show up in the Scripts panel. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Tried the Applications folder and it worked!
Then went back to the Users folder and it worked!

Thank you for such a nice tip. Implemented smoothly and working fine on my PC.

I came to this page from indesign-faq.de. The author from this site has provided instructions to edit the script. Pasting here with due credit :

I just got an email telling me that this very very old script of mine stopped working under CS5
The script automatically creates a backup copy of the current document while saving. Apply cmd-S as shortcut for the script and you won’t notice it is there.
The new version of “save_with_backup” is now a JavaScript (i.e. works on PC as well as on Mac) with a few minor improvements.

Before using the script you need to adjust three lines in the code to point to your preferred backup-location.
var desktop_path = Folder.desktop.toString();
// var backup_path = “/someFolder/someSubfolder/backupLocation”;
var backup_path = desktop_path+”/backup”
Currently the backupfolder is on the desktop. You could point to a deeper subfolder of the desktop by changing line 4
var backup_path = desktop_path+”/diversesZeuchs/InDesign-Backups”
In case you want your backupfolder somewhere else, change the code like this
var desktop_path = Folder.desktop.toString();
var backup_path = “/someFolder/someSubfolder/backupLocation”;
//var backup_path = desktop_path+”/backup”
The Result

The script creates a subfolder structure. One subfolder for each day you do a save in the form yyyy mm dd and each document gets a time-prefix in the form hhmmss_

The plugin works great but i have one question.
How can i make it to round up after to 2 numbers behind the comma.


Learn about how to automate common tasks using the Scripts panel and the Script Label panel in InDesign.

Scripting in InDesign

Scripting is a great tool for performing a variety of tasks. A script can be as simple as an automated common task or as complex as an entire new feature. You can create your own scripts, and you can run scripts that other people have created. For more information on scripting, see Scripting Guide, scripting requirements, and other developer resources.

The Scripting Guide contains an introduction to scripting and tutorials. You can also find a number of useful scripts that you can run, such as a script that draws guides around the selected object. Some of these scripts appear by default in the Scripts panel.

UXP Scripting

Scripting in InDesign is now powered with the Unified Extensibility Platform (UXP) so that you can use modern JavaScript (ES5 and most of the ES6 features) to automate tasks. Find out more information about UXP Scripting.

Scripts panel and Script Label panel overview

InDesign includes two panels for scripting: the Scripts panel and the Script Label panel .

The Scripts panel is where you run scripts without leaving InDesign. The Scripts panel displays the scripts that are located in the Scripts folders in the InDesign application folder and in your Preferences folders.

Select Windows > Utilities > Scripts to open the Scripts Panel . If you create or receive a script, you can place it in the Scripts Panel folder, so it shows up in the Scripts panel .

Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/[version]/[language]/Scripts/Scripts Panel

Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\[version]\[language]\Scripts\Scripts Panel

Windows Vista and Windows 7

Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\[version]\[language]\Scripts\Scripts Panel

A quick way to locate the Scripts Panel folder is to right-click (Windows) or Control-click (macOS) a script in the Scripts panel and choose Reveal In Explorer (Windows) or Reveal In Finder (macOS).

The Script Label panel lets you specify a label for a page item, such as text frame or shape. Specifying labels for page items is especially useful for writing scripts in which you need to identify an object. Select Windows > Utilities > Script label to open the Script Label Panel .

For detailed information on adding, running, and editing scripts, see the Scripting Guide.

Sample scripts

You can double-click a script in the Scripts panel or run scripts using Quick Apply .

Adds guides around the selected object or objects.

Adds points to the paths of the selected object or objects.

QR code can either be placed on the placegun or directly as a page item.

Moves the content of even/odd pages by specified amounts; attempts to get objects back into the correct position after a master page margin change and/or page insertion.

Aligns objects to specified positions on a page.

Automatically creates buttons with different animation properties.

Removes a selected text frame and its contents from a story.

Redraws the path of the selected item or items using a variety of corner effects. Corner effects can be applied to selected points on the path.

Defines a complete character style based on the selected text.

Adds crop and/or registration marks around the selected object or objects.

Exports all stories in a document to a series of text files.

Performs a series of common text find/change operations by reading a tab-delimited text file.

Places all graphics in a specified folder in a “contact sheet” layout.

Creates a grid by subdividing or duplicating the selected object or objects.

Applies a “blend” effect to the selected object or objects.

Changes the position of path points on the selected object or objects to add a creative effect.

Places all pages of a PDF.

Selects objects on the active spread by their object type.

Sorts the paragraphs in the selection alphabetically.

Splits the text frames in the selected story into separate, unlinked text frames.

Applies tab stops and indents to the selected text.

See Automation for more information on installing and using these sample scripts.

Community-contributed scripts

InDesign also provides more scripts that are created by the InDesign community.

    by Kris Coppieters — Use keyboard shortcuts to easily insert one or more Unicode characters into InDesign text. For more information, see Instructions. by Stefan Rakete — Use keyboard shortcuts to add defined typographic quotes before and after the selected text. For more information, see Instructions. by Paolo Agostinetto — This script allows you to copy one layer and its elements from one document to another. For more information, see Instructions. by Roland Dreger — Determine the x-height of a text passage. For more information, see Instructions. by Ariel Walden — A script to modify the document’s margins throughout to match the selected text frame. For more information, see Instructions. by Ariel Walden — An InDesign script that makes breaking the thread between text frames easy. For more information, see Instructions. by Kris Coppieters — A startup script for Adobe® InDesign® and Adobe InCopy® which alerts to the presence of notes. For more information, see Instructions. by Kris Coppieters — Script to copy-paste coordinates onto page items. For more information, see Instructions. by Gregor Fellenz — Chain InDesign GREP Queries to new Scripts. For more information, see Instructions. by Gregor Fellenz — Clear style overrides from InDesign Text, Tables or Objects. For more information, see Instructions. by Luis Felipe Corullón — Script to invert the selection in InDesign document. For more information, see Instructions. by Paolo Agostinetto — This script allows you to copy a layer and its elements from one document to another. For more information, see Instructions.
    by Peter Kahrel — Convert end-of-document endnotes to end-of-book endnotes. For more information, see Instructions.
    by Peter Kahrel — Script creates endnotes whose references do not update automatically when you add or remove endnotes. For more information, see Instructions.
    by Olav Kvern — Resizes the current selection such as an image to the size of the page. For more information, see Instructions. by Olav Kvern — Resizes the page to the size of the current selection such as an image. For more information, see Instructions.

Adobe maintains a repository of open source community scripts on GitHub. For more information about the InDesign Community Script repository, see the ReadMe file. This ReadMe file includes details about contributing a script and links to the scripters.

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